Until I Met You- Chapter Thirty Nine

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"Well, I guess you'll be staying in here." Eddie said as he took Kurt into the guest bedroom. Kurt sat his bags down.

"Thanks, Eddie. I mean, you really don't have to let me stay with you guys." Kurt sighed. He ran his fingers through his hair. He was so tired.

"We want you to stay with us, Kurt." Eddie told him again. He patted Kurt on the back, giving him comfort.

"Is it okay if I nap for a while?" Kurt asked.

"Yeah, but if you need anything, I'm always here." Eddie said, and left the room to let Kurt get some sleep.

* * *

Eddie quietly crawled on the bed, laying on top of Chris. His eyes opened, and with a smile on his face, he wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist and pecked his lips.

"Hey, beautiful." Chris whispered. Eddie tangled Chris's hair around his fingers.

"I love you."

Chris moved Eddie's hair away from his face. "I love you, too, baby."

"So, Kurt is asleep... Jeremy is asleep... How about we take a shower together?" Eddie asked, placing kisses over Chris's neck and shoulder. Chris chuckled.

"Is that so?"

"Uh huh," Eddie hummed.

"You're so hard to resist, you know that?"

Eddie giggled and pulled himself off of Chris's body. He took his hand, tugging at him to get up. And when Chris did, Eddie led him into the bathroom. He flicked the lock, and Chris pinned Eddie against the door.

As Chris's warm mouth sucked on Eddie's neck, his hips rocked into Eddie's. With a moan, Eddie locked his fingers in Chris's hair. Chris took Eddie's legs and wrapped them around his waist.

Eddie tossed his head to the side, giving Chris better access. His eyes shut, just focusing on the amazing feel of Chris sucking and kissing on his neck.

"Get undressed." Eddie said quietly. Chris ran his tongue over the fresh love bite he had just created on Eddie's neck before he pulled away.

As Chris undressed himself, Eddie did the same, and the two watched each other. They got into the shower and turned on the water; letting it run over their naked bodies.

"You're so beautiful." Chris said as he wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist. He pulled him closer; pulling him into a deep kiss.

Eddie made a trail of kisses down Chris's body as he slowly got down on his knees. His blue eyes stared up at Chris as his tongue ran along the head of his cock.

Chris tossed his head back and whimpered. Even though it was just a few days ago since Eddie had sucked him off, Chris longed for the feeling of Eddie's warm, wet mouth.

Once Eddie was finally sucking Chris into his mouth, Chris began to move his hips back and forth. Eddie held his head still as Chris fucked his mouth.

His eyes opened, and he watched as he dick disappeared and reappeared from Eddie's mouth. Eddie looked so so hot, looking up at Chris with his big, innocent blue eyes with his cock shoved in his mouth.

"Fuck, baby..." Chris moaned.

His hips were thrusting hard at Eddie, his cock nearly sliding down his throat. Eddie gagged a few times, and Chris began to slack down.

"Come on, get back up." Chris demanded. Eddie slowly pulled away and got back to his feet. Chris wanted to show Eddie how good it felt, so he dropped to his knees.

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