Until I Met You- Chapter Fifty Seven

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"Slash, I seen and heard everything he said. He's taking Dave's death so hard. He cried until his body gave out on him. It was... hard to see him like that I guess." Axl explained.

"So, what're you gonna do? You know when he wakes up he'll throw a fit. Plus, you promised me you're getting clean. How're you going to do that with a drug head living with you?"

"He's not on drugs anymore. Dave helped him get clean years ago." Axl swore. Slash only shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

"I don't know, man. You really are different without those pills you know."

Axl laughed, and ignored his comment. "I didn't say I was going to let him live here. I just want to make sure he's okay when he wakes. What should I have done? Left him laying there?"

Slash chuckled. "Good point. Anyway, I'm gonna head out. You have fun with this whole Cobain situation."

"Wish me luck." Axl mumbled.

* * *

Kurt's eyes flustered open, immediately greeting the ceiling above him. He blinked, wondering just where in the hell he was. He slowly sat up in bed, his head swimming a bit, but only for a couple seconds.

"Wakey wakey." Axl said from the doorway. Kurt snapped his head toward him, his eyes filled with shock.

"What're you doing here? What happened?" Kurt asked.

"Are you okay?" Axl asked, ignoring his questions.

"What happened?" Kurt asked again.

"What happened, is you had a mental break down and fainted. I seen you laying there, and it looked like it was going to rain soon, so I carried you here."

"Why would you do that?" Kurt asked.

Axl chuckled. "You sound surprised."

"Did you rape me while I was out?" Kurt asked.

"Hell no. I didn't even touch you in that way." Axl promised, cursing afterwords.

"How long was I out?" Kurt asked. Axl shrugged his shoulders and sat on the bed next to Kurt. He held out a bottle of water to him, which Kurt thankfully took.

"Look, Kurt, I, uh... I'm sorry about Dave. I truly am." Axl told him. Kurt didn't speak. He only sipped on his water.

"You okay?" Axl asked again.

Kurt bit his lip. "I'm fine."

"More water? Food? Cigarette? What do you want?" Axl asked.

"I'll take a cigarette." Kurt told him. Axl nodded his head, already pretty much knowing the answer. He lit the cigarette before passing it to Kurt.

"Thanks... I guess." Kurt mumbled. Axl thought he was referring to the cigarette, but he was actually referring to the cemetery incident.

"No problem," Axl said, giving him a smile. "You know, Krist came by looking for you the other day."

"Yeah, I spoke to him." Kurt said.

"You guys okay?"

"Why're you asking me so much about being okay? You don't care, Axl. You could never possibly care for anyone. You have a cold heart; a mean heart."

The words took Axl back a little. He could feel anger rushing through his veins. However, he took in a deep breath, and reminded himself to stay calm. After all, Kurt was only with him before he had changed.

"Things are different now." Axl told him.

"What do you mean, different?"

"I'm getting clean. No more drugs to make me a stuck up asshole."

Kurt chuckled. A fake, annoying chuckle. "You're getting clean? And you think that's going to make everything okay? It still doesn't change the fact that you have a cold, cold heart."

Axl greeted his teeth. "You're a tough one, you know. I could've left you at the cemetery, and it would be untelling on what could've happened to you. You don't appreciate anything, do you?"

Kurt sighed. "Yeah... I guess I do appreciate that, so thank you. But still... you're... just Axl."

Axl nibbled on his bottom lip. "Sorry, I didn't mean to snap. You should just lay around and rest for a bit, and I'll leave you alone for a while."

Kurt slowly nodded his head. He wanted to leave, but his body felt sluggish, and he felt weak. He felt as if getting out of bed would be such an accomplishment. He laid his head against the pillows, and closed his eyes.

"Sweet dreams." Axl mumbled to him as left.

* * *

"Where's Kurt?" Chad asked, taking a seat on Anthony's couch and opening up a can of beer.

"You know, I don't know. He said he was going on a walk, but I haven't seen him since. Maybe he went to visit Krist or his mother or something." Anthony said. He didn't really feel the need to worry, at least, not yet. He knew how Kurt could be.

"What's this?" John asked, picking up a notebook. His wondering eyes began to look through the pages.

"My heart is broke, but I have some glue, help me inhale, and mend it with you, we'll float around, and hang out on clouds." John read the poem out loud to everyone.

"That's Kurt's stuff, put it away." Anthony told him.

"But it's interesting. I think this guy has some major problems." John said. Flea, who was becoming curious, began to look at the notebook. That was, until Anthony snatched it out of John's hands.

"Hey!" John whined.

"That's his privacy. He doesn't want other people looking at it." Anthony stated. John gave him a death glare, and went back to grabbing the notebook.

"Ahhh, guys, just leave it alone. Anthony doesn't like sharing his crush's thoughts." Chad joked.

"Fuck off." Anthony whined, pulling hard at the notebook that John was also pulling it.

Eventually, the notebook had fell out of both their hands and landed on the floor. It laid open on a page of a drawing. Anthony recognized the man in the drawing. It was Kurt's husband. He was standing on a cloud, looking off as if he were happy to see something that wasn't in the picture. On Dave's back, were a pair of beautiful angel wings that Kurt had drawn.

"Dave." Flea stated.

"Wow... that picture is so fucking... real." John whispered.

Everyone looked at it; stunned. Anthony eventually reached down, grabbed the notebook, and closed it. He put it back on the self, daring his band mates to touch it again.

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