Until I Met You- Chapter Fifty Eight

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- Few Years Later -

"Oh, Jeremy. I can't believe it's your first day of school." Eddie sighed. Chris and Eddie stood on either side of Jeremy, both holding each of his hands as they made their way to the front doors.

Eddie could feel his heart breaking. It was a big milestone to him for Jeremy to start school. This would change everything. It seemed just like yesterday he was sitting on the floor, playing with his toys and crying for his bottle.

"I'm going to miss you." Eddie said, getting down on his knees. The three of them now stood by the front door of Jeremy's classroom.

Eddie couldn't help the tears that began to roll down his cheeks. Jeremy wrapped his little arms around Eddie's neck and embraced him in a hug.

"I'll be okay, daddy." Jeremy assured him. He was excited to start school and make new friends.

"You be a good boy. We'll be right here to pick you up after school." Chris said as he got down on his knees beside Eddie.

Jeremy moved over to Chris, wrapping his arms around his neck and hugging him just as tight as he did Eddie.

"You promise?" Jeremy asked.

"Promise." Chris and Eddie both said. Jeremy smiled.

"We'll see you later." Eddie said, wiping his eyes.

"Don't cry, daddy. I'll be good." Jeremy said. Eddie nodded his head and smiled.

"I know you will. Can I have a kiss before you go?"

Jeremy nodded his little head. He placed a big kiss on both Eddie and Chris' cheek. After that, he turned, nearly hitting Eddie in the face with his Spider-Man backpack.

Eddie and Chris watched as Jeremy stepped into the classroom, taking a seat wherever he pleased. Jeremy waved goodbye to them, and Eddie and Chris did the same before they left. 

"I can't believe it's his first day of kindergarten." Eddie sighed. Chris wrapped his arm around him.

"I know, but it's only for a few hours."

"It'll be so lonely without him." Eddie sniffled. Chris chuckled.

"It's just school, Eddie. Every parent has to send their child to school. Don't cry, babe."

* * *

"Fuck, we're going to be so late." Layne mumbled as he pulled into the school. They were already fifteen minutes late getting Alice to school.

"I told you not to cuss around her, and I told you to get out of bed thirty minutes ago, so it's all your fault." Jerry complained.

"Stop blaming everything on me." Layne whined.

Jerry looked back at Alice to only find out she was asleep in the backseat. Jerry sighed, already knowing that Layne let her sit up almost all night with him again.

"Hey, wake up sleepy head." Jerry said, lightly shaking her. It took a few seconds, but she finally woke up, sleepily looking out the window.

"I don't wanna go." She said, acknowledging they were at the school parking lot.

"Baby, you have to." Jerry said. Him and Layne stepped out of the car. They opened the back door to unbuckle Alice and help her get out of the car.

"Don't make me go." Alice whined, pouting.

Layne knelt down next to her. "We're not making you go, Alice. You have to go. And you'll be fine. Jeremy will be in class with you."

Alice's blue eyes began to tear up. She crossed her arms over her chest. "I don't wanna go."

"Don't cry." Jerry pleaded. Her knew if he seen her cry it would make him cry.

Layne picked Alice up, holding her on his hip. "Come on, we're already late. You got out of twenty minutes of school."

When the three arrived at the front doors, Jerry worst fear came true. The feeling that Alice was actually starting school, and already growing up so fast. He knew when he got back to the car he was going to cry like a baby.

* * *

Things for Kurt had changed. He and Anthony had decided to stay friends, and it worked for a while, until Anthony's contact began to become less and less until the two were hardly speaking at all.

Although, Kurt had promised he'd never move on, he eventually did. After Axl had become sober and clean, the two began to date. They dated for a while, until Axl had finally proposed.

Kurt's feeling of never moving on had finally left. He still missed and thought of Dave everyday, but he knew Dave would want him to be happy, so he moved on in this world, until he crosses to the other side to be with Dave.

Kurt and Axl were still living together, but they had bought a new house, since Axl's old one brought back too many bad memories.

"I didn't think it was possible." Kurt whispered; amazed and shocked. The doctor smiled.

"Well, guess it's a miracle from Heaven, you're having a baby! Just like you've always wanted." The doctor said with a smile.

Axl stood by Kurt's side with a big grin on his face. He laid his hand on Kurt's stomach, gently rubbing over it.

"You hear that, Kurt? We're actually having a baby together." Axl said. Kurt began to laugh of so much joy as tears began to stream down his cheeks.

Axl placed a kiss on Kurt's lips before wiping his tears away. Kurt couldn't believe it. All this time, all he wanted was a child, and it was finally coming true.

I may end the story here, I'm not too sure ):

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