Until I Met You- Chapter Fifty Nine

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You guys are so stubborn. But I love ya 😋

"How was school?" Eddie asked as he buckled Jeremy's seatbelt.

"It rocked!" Jeremy said with excitement. Eddie laughed.

"I'm glad you liked it. I missed you."

"I missed you too, Daddy. Look, I learned how to spell my name." Jeremy said as he reached into his backpack. His little hand dug through some papers until he pulled out a certain sheet. He proudly held it up to Eddie. He had his name written on the paper ten times.

"That's good, Jeremy. I'm so proud of you." Eddie said. He placed a kiss on Jeremy's cheek.

"Look, Dad!" Jeremy said, holding his paper up to Chris who was still sitting in the drivers seat.

"Good job!" Chris said, a big grin on his face.

The rest of the way home was full of conversations about school. Jeremy had announced he made three friends today. He also told that Alice cried "like a baby" all morning. He told the activities they had done, and kept going on about playtime.

"So, what would you like to eat?" Eddie asked. Jeremy scooted his little self up into a kitchen chair.

"I'm not hungry."

"Did you eat at school?"

Jeremy shook his head. "No, but I drank some milk."

Eddie sighed. They were still having trouble with Jeremy's weight being too low, and still having trouble with getting him to eat.

"Baby, you have to eat. How about... spaghetti? It's your favorite."

Jeremy laid his head on the table. "I want to sleep."

"After you eat and have a bath you can sleep." Chris told him. He placed a kiss on Jeremy's head.

"Can I go watch cartoons?" Jeremy asked innocently. He didn't even wait for the answer, he just hoped out of the kitchen chair and ran into the living room.

He picked up the remote, only to drop it against the floor and knock the batteries out of it. He covered his mouth, not wanting his dad's to find out what he had done.

"You okay?" Chris asked, stepping into the living room.

"I... I made an accident." Jeremy sighed. Chris couldn't help but to chuckle.

"What accident did you make?"

Jeremy held the remote up to Chris, showing him that the batteries were missing. Chris looked around the floor. After finding the batteries, he put them back into the remote.


Jeremy nodded. "Much better."

* * *

"Bath time." Eddie whispered in Jeremy's ear. He was sitting on the couch, falling asleep whilst he watched his cartoons. Sitting in his lap was his plate of spaghetti. He had almost eaten all of it, except for a few bites.

"Sleepy time." Jeremy mumbled, rubbing his tired eyes.

"Come on." Eddie said. Both him and Jeremy got off the couch and headed to the bathroom.

After running the water, Eddie helped Jeremy out of his clothes and sat him in the bathtub. Jeremy began to pour water over his head, just wanting to hurry and get his bath over with.

Eddie sat and watched as Jeremy poured shampoo in his hand, getting more than what he needed, and pouring some in the tub by accident. He began to lather it into his hair.

"Daddy," Jeremy said, looking up at Eddie with his blue eyes, "Where's Dad?"

"He's already asleep." Eddie told him. He reached into the tub and grabbed Jeremy's washcloth. After getting the soap, he began to soap up his washcloth.

"Stand up." Eddie told him. Jeremy stood up, after getting the shampoo out of his head.

"I can do it." Jeremy whined. Eddie laughed and began to soap him up.

"Next time." Eddie said.

After the bath, Eddie helped Jeremy dry off and get into his pajamas. He carried Jeremy to bed, laying him down softly.

"Get to sleep. You have school tomorrow." Eddie said. He placed a kiss on Jeremy's head.

"Goodnight Daddy." Jeremy said. "I love you."

Eddie smiled as his heart began to swell. There was nothing sweeter than your child telling you he loves you.

"I love you, too. Goodnight." Eddie whispered. He turned out the light, and headed to his bedroom, where Chris laid asleep.

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