Until I Met You- Chapter Forty Four

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The dim hospital lights greeted Kurt when he finally opened his blue eyes. He went to sit up, but he was captured in a hug.

"Kurt, you had me so scared!" Krist sighed. Kurt slowly returned the hug.

For a minute, he was confused. He didn't know what he was even doing in the hospital. But then he remember Axl trying to kill him.

"Krist... wh-what happened?" Kurt asked. Krist slowly pulled away from the hug.

"You don't remember?"

"I remember getting choked, and someone rescued me, but that's it." Kurt felt as if he could barely talk. His lips and throat were dry. His voice was hoarse.

"Well, you said you were going to pay Axl back today, and I called Eddie, but he said you had been gone for a while. I got a little worried. So, I went over to Axl's house to make sure everything was okay. But I heard some struggling in the bathroom, and when I got up there I-I saw Axl hurting you and-"

"You killed him." Kurt finished off. Krist lifted his eyebrows and chuckled.

"No, Kurt. I didn't kill him. I knocked him off you and beat the shit out of him. You blacked out, so I called an ambulance."

Kurt nodded his head. "Okay. Uh, can I have some water, please?"

"Yeah, I'll go get you some. Don't move, okay? I'll be straight back."

Kurt's throat throbbed with pain. It was even a little sore to touch the skin. He couldn't believe it. He was so close to dying. What if Krist wouldn't have come? Would Axl have really killed him?

Kurt ran his fingers through his blonde hair. His whole body felt weak, he felt sore, and he was scared.

He was relieved when Krist walked back into the room. He held a cup of water in his hand. Kurt took a long drink, and his throat felt a little better.

"Krist, where is Axl?"

"Well, he's in jail, Kurt. For attempting murder, and some other things to do with drugs. You don't have to worry. He isn't going to hurt you anymore."

"Krist... do you care about me?" Kurt asked. The things Axl was saying was beginning to bother him.

"Of course I do, Kurt. I care about you more than anymore ever could. I love you. More than you can imagine."

Kurt smiled softly. "Are you sure? Am I just... am I in the way? Do you think that-"

"Kurt, stop it. Don't say things like that. Don't let those thoughts get back into your head. Everyone around you loves you. We all care about you."

Kurt sighed, and smiled. "Okay. Good."

"Kurt, I think you should come and stay with me. I mean, Eddie and Chris have Jeremy, and I think you need some more attention. Just for a while."

Kurt shook his head. "I want to move back home."

"Kurt, we both know that isn't the best decision. You don't need to be by yourself. I don't want to argue with you. Just agree with me, alright?"

With a sigh, Kurt nodded his head. "Alright. I'll come and stay with you."

Krist smiled. "Good. Do you want to get some sleep? You get to leave this place first thing in the morning."

Kurt shook his head. "No, I'm alright. But, my throat is killing me."

"I say so. You're lucky, you know. You could've lost your voice. What would Nirvana do then, huh?"

Kurt shrugged. "Nirvana is over, Krist."

"What do you mean?"

"We don't have a drummer anymore. Dave... he's-"

"What about Chad? He's pretty good at playing." Krist interrupted him before he got on the subject of Dave passing away.

Kurt shook his head. "I can't replace him, Krist. No matter how good of a drummer Chad is, he can't replace Dave."

Krist sighed. "Alright, alright."

"I think I'm going to try to sleep now. Will you be here when I wake up?"

"Of course I will."

Kurt closed his eyes. All over again, he could see Axl standing overtop him, squeezing at his throat. No breath. Kurt couldn't breathe.



"Will you lay with me?" Kurt asked quietly. Krist shrugged his shoulders and crawled into the hospital bed next to Kurt.

Kurt's head laid in Krist's chest. His body felt cold, so Krist wrapped his arm around Kurt. Together, the two fell asleep.

* * *

Eddie watched as Jeremy crawled over to where Chris was sitting. Jeremy was so tiny, it made it even cuter. Eddie couldn't believe Jeremy was crawling just at five months.

"What are you doing, huh?" Chris asked as he picked Jeremy up from the floor. Jeremy grinned, and slung his rattler at Chris's face.

"Ow, Jeremy, that hurt." Chris whimpered. He pouted his bottom lip. Jeremy grinned.

"Jeremy is being a mean baby to daddy." Eddie said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I know. And its bath time for you, little man." Chris said, standing up from his chair. He held Jeremy in his hands.

All three of them ended up taking a bath together. Jeremy sat on Eddie's leg as Chris bathed him. The two were so happy together. They were so happy to have Jeremy.

Chris placed a gentle kiss on Eddie's lips. Then, Chris threw some bubbles on top of Jeremy's head. 

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