Until I Met You- Chapter Eight

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Eddie was still laying in bed sleeping peacefully while Chris was awake, pacing around the room. He couldn't hold it back any longer, he needed to tell his mother right now.

He quietly went down the hallway into his mother's room. She was getting her stuff ready for the big day.

"Oh, Chris. We have to be down at the church in two hours. Is Eddie up yet? You need to hurry and shower."

"I'll wake him up in a minute. But I need to talk to you for a second."

"What is it?" She asked, turning her full attention on Chris.

"Mom, I've been hiding it for a while now. I just- I don't know. I didn't want you pissed at me," He sighed. "But mom, I'm... I'm gay. And Eddie, he's my boyfriend."

She smiled and took Chris in a hug. "Oh, Chris, I couldn't get mad at you. I'm so proud of you."

"You're not upset?"

"Of course not. As long as you're happy, that's all that matters."

Chris sighed in relief. "Thanks, mom."

She pulled away from the hug. "And Chris?"


"Please keep him. I like him, he's sweet."

Chris smiled. "Trust me, I will."

"Ask him to marry you."

Chris laughed. "I've been thinking about that. But, maybe I'll wait until his birthday."

"Good. Now hurry your ass up and get ready. Time is running short."

"Alright, alright." Chris chuckled. He went back into his old room and laid beside Eddie. He wrapped his arm around Eddie and kissed his neck.

"Come on, baby. It's time to get up."

Eddie groaned and rolled over, looking at Chris. "Time to get up already?"

"Yep." Chris said before kissing Eddie's lips. As Eddie kissed back, Chris snuck his tongue into Eddie's mouth. Eddie let out a quiet moan.

After a little more kissing, Chris pulled away. "Let's shower together. Just to, you know, save on time."

Eddie yawned. "Alright."

The two took a quick shower together. A few kisses was shared, but it was just an innocent shower. After blow drying their hair, they got dressed in their tuxedos.

"You look really nice." Chris complimented. Eddie smiled.

"Thanks. So do you, baby." Eddie said. He looked around to make sure no one was watching before he placed a big kiss on Chris' lips.

"Ready to go? Mom is about to flip shit."

Eddie laughed. "Yeah, I'm ready."

* * *

"You're not in the wedding?" Eddie asked when Chris sat beside him.

"Nah. I'd rather be sitting next to my lovely boyfriend."

Eddie blushed. The wedding began.

"So guess what? I have a step brother now." Chris whispered to Eddie.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know. He couldn't make it. But we're suppose to meet him tomorrow."

Eddie smiled. "Are you excited?"

Chris shrugged his shoulders. "Not really."

Eddie smiled and shook his head. Chris' mother was in the middle of saying her vows.

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