Until I Met You- Chapter Thirty Eight

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Eddie sat down in the pew by Chris and Layne. Chris' mother was babysitting Jeremy for the day, and Jerry's mother was babysitting Alice.

Eddie looked around, seeing that Kurt was sitting in the main first pew, crying and constantly wiping his eyes with a tissue. His friend, Krist, sat by his side, patting his back.

"Are you okay?" Eddie asked, looking over at Chris. He sadly smiled, and nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just going to miss him, you know. He was one of my good friends." Chris sighed. Eddie caressed his thumb over Chris'.

"I'm sorry." Eddie said quietly. He didn't really know what to say. This was his first funeral he had been to. When he was young, his parents would never let him attend one.

"It's fine, baby." Chris said before he pressed his lips against Eddie's. It was only a small peck.

Everyone stood to their feet, and Kurt was the first one to approach Dave's casket. Krist stood next to him.

"My Dave," Kurt sobbed, reaching down and taking Dave's hand in his. It was so cold. So cold that Kurt flinched back.

Eddie wiped the tears from his eyes. It was just so sad to see Kurt so dejected. He couldn't even begin to imagine how Kurt was feeling. Dave was his everything.

Kurt began to sob harder, and he almost collapsed on the floor, but Krist captured Kurt in his arms. He held Kurt, letting him cry in his chest. Slowly, he took Kurt away, taking him outside.

Jerry burst into tears and sobs from beside Layne. Layne pulled Jerry into his arms and held him tight.

"Shhh, baby, it's going to be okay. It's going to be okay." Layne whispered to Jerry. Eddie tried his best not to cry, but tears were already streaming down his face.

Chris squeezed Eddie's hand, silently letting him know everything was okay. With his free hand, Chris wiped away Eddie's tears, and Eddie wiped away Chris'.

* * *

"I'll be back in a minute. I'm gonna talk to Layne." Sean said before he pecked Mike on the lips. Mike nodded his head and watched as Sean walked away.

"So, how are you doing?" Mike asked. Eddie shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm alright. I just feel so bad for Kurt, you know. I'm kinda worried about him."

"Yeah, so am I," Mike sighed. "I don't think he should be alone. I really wish I could let him crash with me and Sean. But Sean's parents are kinda... bitchy."

"Maybe he could stay with me and Chris for a while. I'm sure Chris wouldn't mind." Eddie suggested.

"Yeah, Chris is a really great guy."

"Yeah. Well, how are you holding up?"

Mike ran his fingers through his long, curly hair. "I'm alright. I'm just really going to miss him. We had a lot of good times with Dave. I just can't believe it, you know, I mean, Dave was here one day, perfectly fine. And then, he's just... gone."

Eddie bit his lip. "I'm really sorry."

Mike shrugged. "It's not your fault. We just really need to keep an eye on Kurt. I just don't want him going back to his old habits."

"Me either. But, I'm going to have a talk with Chris. I'll see you later?"

Mike nodded his head, smiled, and patted Eddie on the back. "Yeah, I'm see you around, man. Take care."

* * *

"Chris? There's something I want to talk to you about." Eddie said as the two drove home.

"What is it?"

"I think maybe, just for a little while, Kurt should stay with us. I don't think he should be by himself. Especially with the house he shared with Dave."

Chris looked over at Eddie and smiled. "You're really sweet, you know that? And I think that's a good idea. We'll stop by and talk to him."

Jeremy cooed in the backseat as he shook his rattler around in his hand. Eddie reached over and took Chris' hand in his. Eddie loved him so much.

"Jeremy, what are you doing back there, baby?" Eddie asked, looking back at Jeremy and smiling. Jeremy grinned and kicked his little feet. He loved having attention.

Before Eddie knew it, they were pulling into Kurt's driveway. Something just felt different. Everything was just so gloomy.

"Come on, baby boy." Eddie said as he worked to get Jeremy out of his car seat. Chris stood on the other side, helping Eddie unbuckle Jeremy. Chris pulled Jeremy out and closed the car door.

Eddie softly knocked on the door. Only seconds of waiting, and Kurt opened the door. His eyes were bloodshot from all the crying, and he looked exhausted.

"Hey, guys." Kurt said, stepping aside to let them in. His voice croaked, and Eddie knew he had been crying again.

The house felt different. There was despondency in the air. Eddie knew it wasn't healthy for Kurt.

"There's something we want to talk to you about, Kurt." Eddie said, taking a seat. Chris sat next to him, sitting Jeremy on his knee.

"What is it?"

"Me and Chris were talking, and... we think maybe you should come and stay with us for a while." Eddie suggested. Kurt shook his head.

"Krist asked me the same thing. But, I can't. Just because Dave is gone, doesn't mean I can't be independent."

Eddie sighed. "But-"

"Kurt," Chris interrupted. "You need to stay with us. Just for a while. I know you don't want to say it, but you're very upset, and it isn't healthy for you to be here all alone."

"And Jeremy would really like to have you around." Eddie pointed out. Kurt bit his lip.

"I don't want to be a burden to anyone. I just... I don't know." Kurt sighed.

"Come on, just for a little while. At least until you start feeling a little better." Eddie pleaded. Kurt looked down, and he gave in.

"Alright. But just for a little while. I'm going to go pack a few things. Just wait here for me." Kurt told them. And he went to pack his bags. 

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