Until I Met You- Chapter Fifty Three

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"Look, Krist, I just... I just don't think things are working out between us..." Kurt said, his voice trailing off. Krist knotted his eyebrows together.

"What do you mean? I thought we were getting along just fine."

For the past few days Kurt had been thinking long and hard about his relationship with Krist. Indeed, he did love Krist, but Krist had always been his best friend, and he just couldn't see the two of them being any closer than that.

Kurt explained the way he felt to Krist. Yet, Krist couldn't believe what he was hearing. He thought everything between him and Kurt had been just fine. Of course they were great friends before they joined together to form a relationship, but it didn't really bother Krist.

"Kurt... I... I care about you so much," Krist began, his voice shaking. "Don't leave me. Please?"

"Krist, I cant. I can't give you the love and attention you deserve. It's just not going to work out. You deserve better than me." Kurt said, standing up from his seat. He was beginning to feel overwhelmed. He had to get out of there.

"Kurt, you can't just leave. You have no one else to take care of you. You have nowhere to go. You have to stay with me." Krist tried to persuade him, following behind him as Kurt made it closer and closer to the door.

Kurt reached for the doorknob, cracking open the door, but Krist was quick to slam it shut.

"You're not leaving me, Kurt. Y-you can't!" Krist cried. Kurt could feel his heart pound in his chest. He hated the feeling of being trapped.

"Krist, let me go." Kurt pleaded. He didn't know how but he somehow managed to get the door open, just far enough to where his small body could creep out, and he began to run, with Krist screaming from behind him.

Kurt took a quick look back, seeing that Krist was running behind him. He tried to run faster; now going as fast as his legs would allow him to run.

After running and running, Kurt looked back again, seeing that Krist was no longer behind him. He looked hard, trying to spot him over the busy streets, but he still didn't see him, and when he ran into someone in front of him, his small body hit the ground hard.

"Krist, I-" Kurt started, knowing good and well it was Krist before him. Yet, it wasn't.

"Anthony? I-I'm so sorry." Kurt stuttered, trying hard to catch his breath. Anthony reached out, taking Kurt's hand and helping him up to his feet.

"Are you okay? That was a pretty hard fall. Why're you running? You in trouble or something?" Anthony asked. Kurt looked behind him once again before turning his attention back to Anthony.

"Something like that." Kurt sighed.

"Come on, let's go back to my place. It's freezing out here and you don't even have a jacket." Anthony said. He took his jacket off, and wrapped it around Kurt. Lucky for him he was wearing a sweater.

And Kurt didn't say anything. He just followed Anthony.

* * *

"Where did he run off to?" Eddie asked, frowning.

"I don't know. I'm so worried, Eddie. He could be anywhere. We have to find him." Krist pleased.

"Krist, I can't go looking for him. Jeremy is sick, I have to stay here and take care of him. It isn't healthy for him to be out in the cold." Eddie told him.

"Sorry, man. You're just gonna have to wait for him to come back. If he doesn't in a few days, maybe you should report it to the police." Chris said.

"A few days?! Anything could happen in a few days, Chris! What is he's in danger now?"

"You need to calm down," Eddie said, "You're going to wake Jeremy."

"I'm sorry," Krist sighed. "I'm just... a wreck. I shouldn't have been so hard on him. I should've tried to listen and understand where he was coming from. But it was just kinda an in the moment thing, you know?"

"Maybe he's at Axl's." Jerry suggested. All eyes turned to him.

"Probably. Have you checked?" Layne asked.

"Fuck. I should've checked there," Krist sighed. "I'm gonna go check it out."

"Keep us informed, please." Eddie said. Krist nodded, and headed out the door, trying to find Kurt.

* * *

"I'm sorry that happened, Kurt. I'm sorry you were in that kind of situation." Anthony said after Kurt finished telling him the story of what happened.

The two sat on Anthony's couch, both sharing a blanket. They sat close to each other, and it felt so comforting to Kurt. So comforting just be to close to someone.

"Are you okay though?" Anthony asked. Kurt slowly nodded his head.

"Yeah, I just... I didn't mean to hurt him. I never intended on hurting him. And I feel like a real shitty person for it, but what am I suppose to do? If there's no love there, how can you make it work?"

"You can't, Kurt. It's just how things are. And you know, there's someone for everyone. Maybe Krist just wasn't the one."

Kurt bit his lip. "Maybe not. Maybe I just shouldn't have rushed into things so quick. Maybe I just wasn't ready."

"Maybe not, but you just take all the time you need, Kurt. You don't have to rush into things so quickly. Just make sure it feels right, and trust me, you will know when it's right." Anthony said, giving him a comforting smile. Kurt softly smiled back.

"Thanks, Anthony. I'm sorry to be a bother to you. I-"

"You're not a bother at all to me, Kurt. I enjoy your company." Anthony assured him. "I actually wouldn't mind if you stayed the night. That is, if you want."

"Are you sure?" Kurt asked slowly. Anthony nodded his head.

"I'm sure. You actually look like you could use some rest. You can take my bed, I'll take the couch."

Kurt shook his head. "Nah, I'll take the couch. It is pretty comfortable here."

Anthony chuckled. "You sure? I really don't mind to give you my bed."

Kurt nodded. "I'm sure, but thanks."

"Well," Anthony said, pulling himself up off the couch, as bad as he hated to. "I guess I'll leave you to rest. Goodnight, Kurt."

Kurt curled himself up into a ball, and pulled the blanket up to his chin. "Goodnight, Anthony."

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