Until I Met You- Chapter Forty Five

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"Layne, what's going on? Please, be honest with me. Is it me? Am I doing something wrong? Do I not make you happy anymore?"

Jerry was almost in tears. Him and Layne sat on the couch, while Alice was in her crib. Jerry looked down at his sleeves as he picked at a loose string.

Layne swallowed hard. "Jerry, I need to tell you something. But I need you to really listen to me, okay? Please, don't freak out. Let me explain the whole story to you."

Jerry nodded, smiling softly at Layne. Layne took his husband's hand and held it tightly.

"It's not you, kitten. Honestly, it's me. I'm the worst fucking person on the planet. I love you, Jerry. I love you more than anything. I tried to hide this because... I didn't want you to leave me. I can't live without you, baby. I can't."

A tear slid down Layne's cheek, but Jerry wiped it away.

"Layne, it's okay. Please, don't cry. Just... tell me what it is."

"You fucking trusted me, Jerry. I don't even remember anything. I just remember picking up a red cup, and-and waking up next to Mike. I don't know. Maybe he fucking drugged me or something!"

"What do you mean you woke up next to Mike?"

Layne bit his lip. "I... I think maybe we slept together."

Jerry's heart immediately broke. He didn't know what to say. Layne and his friend sleeping together? He couldn't believe it.

"Layne... no."

"Yeah. I fucking hate it, but... but it's the truth. As bad as I fucking hate it, it's true. If I could, I would take it back, Jerry. I didn't even know what I was doing. I don't even remember anything. Please, you have to believe me!"

Jerry stood up from his seat. "This can't be happening. Oh my god... oh my god!"

"It was a mistake, Jerry. Please, please, please listen to me."

Jerry bit his lip. "How do I know that you're telling the truth, Layne? How do I know that you didn't want to have sex with Mike? How do I know that you don't have feelings for him? I don't know. Maybe he's just fucking better than me. Is that what it is? You can't stand living with your pathetic husband anymore?"

"Please, god, you have to believe me. When have I ever lied to you, Jerry? Never. I've never told you one fucking lie. And I'm not lying this time. I'm being honest. Jerry, I'm being so fucking honest right now. Mike doesn't mean anything to me. You're fucking perfect, Jerry. God... I hate myself for doing this. God, I'm so fucking awful!"

Layne was starting to shout. He really hated himself. He didn't know if Jerry would ever believe him. But if Jerry didn't, there's no way Layne could move on with his life.

"Layne... don't say that. Just... just explained to me what happened, okay?"

Layne sighed. "Okay. Well, I had just like got to the party. I... I was talking to Chad when Flea walked up to me, and he gave me something to drink. Everything from then on... its just blank. All I remember, was waking up next to Mike, and... I don't even know-"

"Layne... I don't know what to say right now." Jerry sighed.

"Just tell me you believe me, Jerry. This is honestly killing me. I know, I made a big mistake, but please, please dear god, listen to me." Layne pleaded. He dropped to his knees, and he began to sob.

"Please, don't leave me, Jerry. I can't live without you. I know I hurt you. I know I'm fucking stupid. But... please. Please..."

Jerry sighed. "I need time to think about this, Layne."

Layne's head rested against Jerry's stomach as he began to sob. Jerry sighed, and ran his fingers through Layne's hair. Honestly, he didn't know what was coming next.

* * *

"You play beautifully, Kurt." Krist said as Kurt's fingers ran up and down the neck of his guitar.

It felt like such a long time since he had last played guitar. It was as if his fingers had a mind of their own. He remembered every single note.

"I missed this," Kurt sighed. "Why can't things be different? Why does everything have to be so fucking miserable?"

"You can make things different, Kurt. You can't keep looking back at the past. Yes, I know, you loved Dave, and you're going to miss him, but now it's time to move on, Kurt. Move on and make yourself happy."

Kurt shook his head. "It's not that easy, Krist."

"Nothing's ever easy, Kurt. That's just life. You need someone who makes you happy."

Kurt picked at the guitar strings. He didn't really know what to say. Maybe Krist was right. Maybe it was time for him to move on. He didn't know. He didn't fucking know anything anymore.

Krist sighed and sat his bass down. "What did you think about Anthony?"

Kurt shrugged. "He's nice. But I don't like him in that sort of way. It's better if me and him stay friends."

"What about Chad?"

Kurt shook his head. "Friends. Only friends."

"What about... me?"

Kurt's eyes widened. "You?"

"Well... yeah."

Kurt blushed. "Well, uh... I-I don't know, Krist. Maybe. Can, uh... Can I think about it?"

"Well, of course, Kurt. You can take all the time you need."

Kurt smiled. "Thanks, Krist."

"You're welcome. Just don't leave me waiting too long."

"I won't." Kurt assured him. Krist as his boyfriend? He wasn't sure what to say. 

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