Until I Met You- Chapter Twenty Eight

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Eddie stood in front of the kitchen table, holding the telephone between his shoulder and ear as he worked to change Jeremy's diaper. He was talking to Chris' mother on the phone.

Chris wrapped his arms around Eddie from behind and placed kisses along his neck. Eddie fixed Jeremy's clothes and picked him up.

"Well, I would love to talk, but I really need to give Jeremy his bottle." Eddie said. Chris sat on the edge of the kitchen table, waiting for Eddie to get off the phone.

"Okay, I'll see you soon. We love you too. Bye." Eddie said, then he hung up the phone.

"This is so cute." Chris said, grinning.

"What is?"

"You being a mommy. It's just so adorable. I love it."

Eddie blushed. "Will you make Jeremy a bottle?"

"Of course."

Chris got one of Jeremy's bottles that was already filled with water. He poured some of the formula into it, put the top on, and shook it up.

"Can I feed him? You fed him last time." Chris pleaded, pouting his lips. Eddie kissed him.

"Of course you can."

Today made their third day home with Jeremy. The first night wasn't so fun. Jeremy cried, a lot. The second night wasn't as bad, but Jeremy still woke them from their sleep with his crying, just wanting to be held. And the third night, Jeremy only cried once.

"How's your stitches?" Chris asked as he sat down on the couch with Jeremy in his arm, feeding him from his bottle.

Eddie lifted up his shirt. "How do they look? It's still kind of sore, but I think it's slowly healing."

"They look fine." Chris said, looking over the stitches. He was surprised Eddie didn't have any stretch marks at all.

Eddie pulled his shirt back down. He took a seat and watched as Chris fed Jeremy. His little eyes were wide open, quickly and happily sucking on his bottle. His eyes searched around the room.

"You're such a good dad, Chris." Eddie whispered. Chris smiled.

"And so are you, doll. I'm so proud of you, baby."

Eddie smiled brightly and pulled his hair behind his ear. He softly sang a lullaby as Jeremy's eyes began to droop. Chris listened to him. His voice was so calming, smooth, and just perfect.

Chris began to join in, singing softly along with Eddie. Chris didn't know what it was, but their voices just fit perfectly together. It sounded perfect. It was perfect.

* * *

"Jeremy is crying again." Eddie whispered, half asleep. Chris tried to rub the sleep from his eyes and looked at the clock. 3:30 AM.

"I'll get him." Chris said, crawling out of bed. He walked down the hall and into Jeremy's room where Jeremy laid in his crib, crying his little eyes out.

"Shhhh, baby boy, don't cry. Daddy is here." Chris whispered as he picked Jeremy up. And then, Jeremy completely stopped crying. Chris took Jeremy back into him and Eddie's bedroom.

"I don't think Jeremy likes being alone in his room. Maybe we should let him sleep with us." Chris said.

"Okay, we can see if that's the reason he cries so much in the night." Eddie said sleepily with his eyes closed. Chris chuckled at him and laid Jeremy between him and Eddie.

Jeremy chewed on his fingers as his eyes searched around the ceiling. Chris looked over at his sleeping husband.

"I love you." Chris said. But Eddie was already asleep.

"And I love you." Chris whispered, rubbing Jeremy's little stomach. He looked up at Chris and smiled.

Chris closed his eyes, and within minutes, he was fast asleep.

* * *

Eddie laid Jeremy in the sink of warm water. Chris stood by his side, squeezing water from a washcloth over Jeremy's head.

"I think he loves to bath, you know that?" Eddie asked, chuckling. Chris smiled.

"Really? That's adorable. God, he's so cute I can't believe it."

Eddie poured some baby shampoo into his hand before soaping up Jeremy's dark hair. He was being so gentle, careful not to hurt his baby boy. Chris smiled as he watched him.

"Why didn't we have a baby sooner?" Chris asked. Eddie laughed.

"I don't know, but, it's great, isn't it? He's perfect."

Chris nodded his head and squeezed the washcloth over Jeremy's head again, getting the shampoo out. Together, they soaped up Jeremy's small body, dried him, and diapered him.

Eddie now sat on the bed with Jeremy laying between his legs, putting baby lotion on his skin as Chris searched for Jeremy some clothes.

"Jeremy's been here almost a week, and he has more clothes than me." Chris said, and Eddie chuckled.

"He's going to be so spoiled though, isn't he?" Eddie asked, placing little pecks on Jeremy's head.


"My sweet baby boy. Daddy loves you so much." Eddie said, nuzzling his nose against Jeremy's head.

"When he starts saying dad, it's going to be so confusing to who he's talking to." Chris said, sitting down on the bed. He began to dress Jeremy.

Eddie smiled. "I wonder what his first word will be."

Chris pecked Eddie's lips. "Me too. Anyway, we should probably go out and get him more diapers and formula."

Eddie nodded. "Yeah, he's almost out. I'll get his car seat ready."

"Alright." Chris said just as he finished putting the clothes on Jeremy. He picked him up and kissed his head.

"I love you, Jeremy. So so very much." Chris whispered to him. Jeremy only chewed on his fingers, slobbering on his hand. 

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