Until I Met You- Chapter Nineteen

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"You know what really sucks? Not being able to have sex on your wedding night." Jerry groaned, stuffing his mouth with another chip as his eyes searched the groceries in the grocery store.

Eddie stood behind him, pushing the cart. Jerry already had the cart mostly full. It seemed as if everything Jerry laid his eyes on, he wanted it. Eddie really hoped he wasn't like that when he was pregnant.

"Why didn't you have sex on your wedding night?" Eddie asked. Jerry threw his bag of chips behind some other chips.

"Because Layne doesn't want to have sex anymore because of my baby bump. He thinks it's weird." Jerry sighed.

"Aren't you going to pay for those chips?" Eddie asked, chuckling. Jerry laughed, shook his head, and sped down the aisle.

"Oh, pickles, I need these." Jerry said, putting two jars of them into the cart. Eddie laughed and moved his hair away from his face.

"Dude, I'm going to get so fucking fat." Jerry sighed.

"Pffft, no you're not. Look at you, you're still the same, other than your baby bump."

Jerry rubbed his stomach and smiled. "I love when Layne rubs my stomach and talks to the baby. It's so adorable."

"Aww, sounds like it."

"Alright, let's get the fuck out of here. I miss my Layne." Jerry said, going toward one of the checkout lines. Eddie followed behind him with the cart.

* * *

"Eddie, I need to have a quick talk with you, okay?" Chris said as they drove toward their house.

"What is it?" Eddie asked.

"Listen, I had this friend in high school... and I saw him on the street and, well, I couldn't just leave him there so... he's going to be staying with us. But just for a few weeks."

"He's staying with us? For weeks?" Eddie asked, turning his attention from the window to Chris.

"Just for a few weeks, baby."

"I-I don't know about this." Eddie said. He just didn't feel safe being around strangers. With everything that happened with Mike, he had to be cautious.

"Don't worry, Eddie. He's not like that. I promise. And I promise I won't let him hurt you, touch you, or even look at you the wrong way, okay? If you feel uncomfortable around him, you just tell me and I'll take care of it, alright?"

Eddie sighed. He knew how it felt to be alone, nowhere to go, and praying God for a miracle or something to happen. He knew it would be wrong to just throw him back on the streets. So he agreed.

"Alright, I suppose so."

Chris smiled. "Good, I think you'll make very good friends with him. His name is Jeff."

"But you know what this means, don't you?" Eddie asked. Chris took a glance over at him and then back at the road.

"What does it mean?"

Eddie playfully sighed. "No more sex in the living room or kitchen."

Chris groaned. "Shit."

Eddie laughed and ran his fingers through the ends of Chris' long hair. They finally pulled into the driveway, and Chris parked the car.

"It's going to be fine. Just a few weeks." Chris reminded.

And before Eddie knew it, the stranger was standing in front of him, shaking his hand. There was something about him, but Eddie couldn't lay his finger on it. For some reason, Eddie just didn't like him. Maybe it was because of the way he looked at Eddie. Eddie just couldn't explain it, but he didn't like it.

"I'm Jeff," The man said, letting go of Eddie's hand. He noticed the man's eyes were searching all around his face, especially his mouth. But Eddie tried to ignore it.

"Yeah, I'm Eddie." Eddie said quietly.

He looked up at Chris.

"Can we go lay down? I'm really tired." Eddie asked, just wanting to get away from Jeff. He was making Eddie feel so uncomfortable in such little time he had been with him.

Chris kissed Eddie's nose. "Of course. Jeff, you can just watch tv or whatever."

They went upstairs, finally alone together. Eddie laid on the bed and ran his fingers through his hair. He wanted to tell Chris how Jeff made him feel, but he figured maybe it was best to wait a while and see if it continued. He would hate to have to put him back on the streets like that.

"You okay?" Chris asked. Eddie nodded.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just kinda sleepy."

"What do you think about Jeff?"

Eddie shrugged his shoulders. "He's okay."

Just a few weeks, Eddie reminded himself. Just a few weeks and he's gone. If Chris was there, nothing could happen. Chris wouldn't let anything happen. Nothing will happen. 

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