Until I Met You- Chapter Thirty

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"Everything looks great, other than he still hasn't gained any weight. But, for now, it's normal. However, in about... another two months, I may have to begin further evaluation to determine the cause of his slow weight gain."

Eddie held Jeremy in his arms, listening closely to everything the doctor had to say. Chris stood by Eddie's side, studying why Jeremy still hasn't gained any weight.

"Well, is there anything we can do?" Chris asked.

"For now, no. We can only keep an eye on him and see if he begins to gain weight. But, he is only a month old, so a lot could happen in a two month period. Does he eat fine?"

Eddie nodded. "Yeah, he eats perfectly fine."

"Well, I'm sure everything is alright." The doctor assured. He gave them a smile, they told their goodbyes, and the two left.

"Chris, I'm scared." Eddie said as they walked back to their car.

"There's no need to be scared, baby. I'm sure he's fine. He has two months to gain weight. He'll be okay, I promise."

Eddie smiled softly. Chris placed a kiss on his lips and put Jeremy in his car seat.

* * *

Eddie carefully took the bandaid off of Jeremy's thigh where he received a shot. Jeremy was laying on the bed in front of Eddie, sound asleep.

"I hope everything is okay, Jeremy. I don't want anything to happen to you. I would die without you, baby boy. Daddy loves you so much, Jeremy. So so much." Eddie whispered to him before he placed a soft kiss on Jeremy's head.

"He's tired, huh?" Chris said as he stepped into the room. He was only in boxers and his hair was damp.

"Yeah, he is. He hates going to the doctor, don't he?"

Chris chuckled. "Yeah, I don't think he's too fond of it."

Chris easily sat down on the bed beside them two. He placed a kiss on Eddie's cheek before laying his head in Eddie's chest.

"I love you."

Eddie smiled and ran his fingers through Chris' wet hair. "I love you, too."

"You're so warm." Chris said, wrapping both his arms around Eddie. Eddie could tell by the sound of his voice, he was sleepy.

"You're sleepy, aren't you?"

"Mm, no," Chris sighed. "Just tired. I'm not used to this dad thing yet."

Eddie chuckled, and Chris yawned. He moved his head from Eddie's chest to his lap. He nuzzled his nose against Eddie's stomach as he slowly fell asleep.

"Woah, both of my babies are asleep." Eddie whispered as his fingers ran through Chris' hair.

* * *

"Come on, Jeremy. Say daddy. Come on, say it." Chris said to Jeremy as he sat on Eddie's knee, Eddie gently bounced Jeremy up and down.

Jeremy looked at Chris and smiled. As Chris continued to speak to him, Jeremy began to coo. His little fist began to open and close.

Eddie smiled and kissed Jeremy's head. "Aw, that's so adorable. He sounds so sweet."

Chris smiled and kissed Eddie on the cheek. Jeremy still held that sweet little smile on his face as he looked back and forth between his parents.

Chris picked up the rattler from the coffee table and held it close to Jeremy. Chris shook it and moved it around, and Jeremy's eyes closely followed it. His hands opened and closed again, and then he began to chew on his fingers.

"He's so cute." Chris said before he picked Jeremy up off of Eddie's lap. He laid Jeremy on his chest and gently patted his back. Then, the phone rang.

"I'll get it." Eddie said as he stood up from the couch. A minute later, he came back into the room, holding the telephone in front of Chris.

"It's someone for you." Eddie said.


"Chris, get your ass over here right now. We might have a record deal!" It was one of Chris' band mates, Kim.

"Wait, what?!"

"Well, you remember that guy at that record company who told turned us down? He called back, and he changed his mind. He loves us!"

"Kim, I don't know, man. That was-"

"Just get your ass over here, Cornell. I'll get the other guys. C'ya."

And then he hung up. Chris also hung up the phone and took Jeremy over to his crib.

"Who was that?" Eddie asked.

"It was Kim. He needs to see me. I'm sorry, I have to go, but I'll explain everything later, okay?"

Chris pecked Eddie on the lips.

"Wait, whose Kim?"

"He's one of my band mates. I'll be home soon. I love you." Chris said quickly before he rushed out of the door.

"I love you, too." Eddie sighed. 

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