Until I Met You- Chapter Tweleve

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"Jerry? Are you hiding something from me?" Layne asked, trying to peek under the blanket. Jerry sat on the bed, his legs tucked underneath him.

Jerry giggled and hummed, debating on if he should tease Layne for a bit, or just show him the surprise. Layne tugged at the blanket and whined.

"Come on, kitten, just show me." Layne whined, pouting. Jerry playfully rolled his eyes before removing the blanket. But his long shirt covered his lap.

"No underwear?" Layne asked, laughing a little.

"Look for yourself." Jerry said with a smirk on his face. Layne slowly pulled up Jerry's shirt. He blushed when he saw that Jerry was wearing a pair of light purple laced panties.

"That's... That's nice." Layne said, unsure of what to say. His cheeks were red as blood.

"Do you really like them?" Jerry asked, feeling a little ashamed.

"Yes, I do, it's just... I've never seen you wear them before and it's... It's really hot." Layne admitted, biting his lip.

Jerry giggled before he placed a deep kiss on Layne's lips. Layne instantly kissed back, pressing his body a little closer to Jerry's.

"Stand up, I want to get a better look at them." Layne said. Jerry pulled himself off the bed. He stood in front of Layne a moment before pulling the long shirt off. Layne's eyes went wide.

"Whoa." Layne whispered, his eyes searching up and down Jerry's body. Layne swallowed hard. Jerry bit his lip, trying to stop his grin.

Layne reached up, his hands landing on Jerry's hips. He slowly ran his hands up and down Jerry's sides.

"Those look really good on you, doll. Really really good." Layne complimented. His hands went back down to Jerry's hips. Then, he pulled Jerry on him, Jerry straddling his lap.

Their lips immediately connected, kissing each other passionately. Jerry worked to get Layne's shirt unbuttoned, slowly grinding his hips into Layne's.

Layne ran his hand over the bulge in the panties Jerry was wearing. Jerry moaned, enjoying the way the fabric felt rubbing against his member.

Layne sank his teeth into Jerry's bottom lip, pulling at the tender skin. Jerry moaned as he pulled the button up shirt off of Layne, throwing it on the floor.

Jerry pushed Layne on his back with a grin. He unbuttoned Layne's jeans using both hands. Jerry looked at Layne's torso, biting his lip.

"Like what you see?" Layne asked, laughing. Jerry softly giggled before pulling down Layne's jeans.

"Definitely, and I'm going to show you how much I like it."

* * *

Chris ran his fingers through Eddie's soapy hair. The water from the shower head ran down their bodies. Eddie stared deep into Chris' eyes, flicking down to his lips, wanting to kiss him.

"My mom wants to see you again soon." Chris said. Eddie chuckled.

"Does she now?"

"I think she likes you better than me." Chris said, chuckling. Eddie smiled and placed a kiss on Chris' pink lips.

"Mm, so sweet, like always." Eddie whispered before kissing Chris deeper.

"You know," Chris said between kisses. "It's getting close to December."

"Mhm," Eddie hummed.

"I have a big surprise for you." Chris said. Eddie pulled away from the kiss.

"Chris, you don't have to get me anything. All I want is to spend the day with you."

Chris pecked Eddie's lips. "I have to get you something."

"No, no, you don't." Eddie said, returning the kiss.

Chris smiled. "You're going to love it."

"What is it?" Eddie asked.

"You'll have to wait."

Eddie pouted. "Just a hint?"

Chris kissed his pouty lips. "Nope, no hints. You're too smart, you'll figure it out."

Eddie sighed. Chris chuckled and began to get the shampoo out of Eddie's hair.

"Don't be mad, baby. You'll find out soon enough."

"Well, I also have a surprise for you." Eddie said, opening one eye and grinning.

"You got the panties?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, and I want to show them to you."

Chris smiled. "Can't wait."

After their shower, Chris sat on the couch while Eddie stood in front of him, holding his bag with the laced panties inside.

"Are you going to show me now?" Chris asked. Eddie blushed.

"I-I don't know. Maybe it was a dumb idea." Eddie said, looking down.

"Come on, I bet it'll be real fucking hot on you. Just show me."

Eddie reached into the bag, first pulling out the black laced panties. Chris ran his tongue over his bottom lip.

"Mm, nice, try them on."

Eddie blushed. "Maybe later."

Then, he reached into the bag and pulled out the blue ones. Chris grinned.

"Beautiful. But, I want to see you in them."

"I don't know..." Eddie trailed off. His whole face was red. He now wished he hadn't of bought the panties.

"Come on, I'll cover my eyes while you change." Chris promised. Eddie sighed and gave in.

Chris closed his eyes and covered them with his hands. Eddie undressed out of his pajamas and put on the black laced panties first. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"You can look now." Eddie said quietly. Chris opened his eyes.

"Mmm, sexy, Eddie."

Eddie blushed and chuckled. "You think so?"

Chris nodded. "Yeah, turn around for me."

Eddie blushed and twirled around. Chris watched him carefully. Eddie was beautiful in every single way. His body was perfect. He was so precious and fragile.

"You're fucking beautiful." Chris said, standing up from his seat. With one hand, he grabbed Eddie's hip. With the other, he tucked Eddie's hair behind his ear.

"I really want to make love to you right now." Chris whispered.

"Then make love to me." Eddie said softly.

"I want to bend you over that kitchen counter right now." Chris said before kissing Eddie's neck. Eddie shut his eyes.

"Do it, Chris, I want you to." Eddie whispered.

Chris picked Eddie up, his legs wrapping around Chris' waist, and he did just that. 

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