Until I Met You- Chapter Twenty Six

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I have a new story out, if you want to check it out. It's also a Eddie/Chris fanfiction. The title is Garden of Lies.


"Never again, will I get drunk." Chris said, holding to his head. Eddie chuckled as he put another dish into the cabinet.

"Well- ow." Eddie groaned, holding to his stomach.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I just got a cramp." Eddie sighed. Chris stood behind him and rubbed Eddie's stomach.

"You sure you're okay, baby?"

Eddie nodded and leaned into Chris' chest. Chris wrapped both arms around Eddie. He could feel nausea creeping up on him. He hated it.

"Fuck," Eddie groaned, storming off into the bathroom. Chris stood there, biting his lip as he heard the sound of Eddie throwing up. He was starting to get worried over Eddie.

"I think you need to see a doctor. Go get ready." Chris said as he stepped into the room. Eddie shook his head.

"I don't need to see a doctor."

"Yes, you do. I'm getting worried about you. You say you're okay, but I don't think you are."

"I'm fine, Chris, I swear. I got it under control."

"So you know what the problem is? So, tell me, what's wrong then."

Eddie bit his lip. "It's just stress."

"Stress, huh? Well, maybe I should call and get you an appointment with a therapist."

"I don't need therapy." Eddie said, rubbing his eyes. Chris sighed and kneeled down beside Eddie.

"Is it really stress? Or is it more than that? If it's something serious, I really need to know. Don't hide this from me."

Eddie sighed. "Things sometime just happen, you know?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Chris, I'm pregnant." Eddie blurted out. Chris looked at him a moment and blinked.

"Are you kidding with me right now?"

Eddie shook his head. Chris smiled and wrapped his arms around Eddie, giving him a nice, strong, comforting hug. Eddie sighed in relief and laid his head in Chris' chest.

"You're not mad?"

Chris chuckled. "Fuck no, how could I get mad about that? It's fucking amazing, Eddie! We're going to have a baby!"

Eddie giggled and laced his fingers with Chris'. He was so happy that Chris was okay with it. And he knew Chris would be the perfect father.

* * *

Kurt sat in the middle of his room, strumming his guitar. He hummed softly and happily as his head filled of thoughts of Eddie.

Dave sat on the bed, watching and listening to Kurt play guitar, trying to think of some lyrics to write in their notebook.


"Uh huh?"

"I need help."

Kurt sighed. "You always need my help, Dave. Can't you come up with some words and write them down and make a song out of them?"

Dave was a little taken back by how audacious Kurt was being lately. Any other time, Kurt would be happy to help Dave write a song. But lately, Kurt had been acting as if Dave was his enemy or something.

"Did I do something?" Dave asked. Kurt sat his guitar down.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know, lately you've just been... different. What's going on?"

Kurt ran his fingers through his blonde hair. Eddie was driving him insane. It was just like one of those things you wanted so bad, but you knew you could never get it.

"Nothing I'm just... ugh."

"Just what?"

"I'm just tired, Dave. I haven't been sleeping so well. It's been on my mind a lot lately."

"Heroin?" Dave asked. Kurt nodded.

"Baby, you don't need that. I know it's hard, but you're doing so good, please don't give back into it. You can do it, I know it."

Kurt sighed. "I'm trying, Dave. That's all I can do."

And that's why Kurt couldn't let Dave find out about his obsession with Eddie. Because if Dave left, Kurt knew he would give back into his old addiction. But Kurt did, he loved Dave, and he knew he always would. And soon, he knew his little crush for Eddie would go away. He just had to be patient.

"I love you, Kurt. I love you so much. I promise I'll be here with you, always. Just breathe, okay? Do you want a cigarette?"

Kurt nodded. "Yeah, yeah I need one."

Dave gave him a cigarette and lit it up for him. Kurt took a long drag, inhaled it, and blew it out. He sighed and tucked his hair behind his ear.

"Do you love me?" Dave asked. Kurt smiled and tucked Dave's dark hair behind his ear.

"Of course I do, Dave. Don't ask me something as stupid as that."

Dave chuckled and took the cigarette from Kurt's hand, taking a drag of it. Kurt pecked Dave on the lips, and Dave pecked him back.

"Well, come on, let's finish our song." Dave said. Kurt nodded and picked his guitar back up. 

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