Until I Met You- Chapter Twenty Five

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"Do you want something to drink?" Chris asked as him and Eddie sat down at a table in the bar Nirvana was playing at.

"Huh? Oh, no, I'm fine." Eddie said. He could hardly hear Chris over the music and laughter.

"I guess we should wait until the party, huh?" Chris asked, a devilish grin on his face. Eddie giggled and nodded his head even though he knew he wouldn't be drinking tonight.

"When do they go on?" Eddie asked. Chris shrugged his shoulders and ran his fingers through his long hair.

The band that was playing ended their song. Everyone in the crowd clapped and cheered. The band left the stage, and a man took the microphone.

"Next up, we have a band by the name of," He looked down at the clipboard he held in his hand. "Nirvana!"

The crowd clapped and cheered, including Eddie and Chris. Kurt, Dave, and their friend, Krist all ran up on stage. Kurt's eyes scanned the crowd, instantly spotting Eddie, and a smile grew on his face.

"We're Nirvana, and this song is called Drain You." Kurt said into the microphone. He began to strum his guitar and sing.

During the song, Kurt's eyes stayed closed. But from time to time, he would open them, and they would be glued on Eddie as if Kurt was pretending he was the only one in the crowd. Eddie tried to ignore it, but it made him feel uneasy.

Eddie shook his head. No way would Kurt do something to hurt Dave. Maybe Kurt just wanted to be a closer friend with Eddie. Maybe.

* * *

"How did I do?" Kurt asked, poking Eddie on the shoulder as everyone walked to their car. Eddie held Chris' hand.

"Good, really good. I've never heard anything like that before."

Kurt smiled. "Well, I try."

Chris held open the car door for Eddie. Eddie gave Chris a kiss on the lips and Kurt cleared his throat.

"Well, I'll see you soon." Kurt said. He patted Eddie on the back and went to his car.

"What's got into him?" Eddie asked. Chris shrugged his shoulders and closed the car door after Eddie climbed inside.

* * *

"I want to be alone with you right now." Chris whispered in Eddie's ear as he teasingly ground into him. Eddie held his breath. His body felt hot all over.

"Why do you get so horny when you're drunk?" Eddie asked. Chris placed sloppy kisses on Eddie's neck.

"You make me horny, baby. You're so fucking hot. How is it possible for you to be so hot, hm?"

Eddie giggled and shrugged his shoulders. He turned around and wrapped his arms around Chris' neck. He pecked him on the lips.

"You call that a kiss?" Chris asked, laughing.

"Well, what do you call a kiss?" Eddie asked, biting his bottom lip. Chris grabbed both sides of Eddie's head and held him still as he gave him a deep, rough, sloppy kiss. Eddie's knees went weak as Chris battled with his tongue. Chris was so hot, and he had Eddie turned on.

"I gotta piss." Chris said as he pulled away from the kiss. Eddie chuckled.

"Go to the bathroom. I'll wait here for you, okay?"

Chris nodded. "You better not move from this spot, Vedder."

"Vedder will stay right here." Eddie promised. Chris stumbled off to the bathroom. And not even a second later, Kurt was standing right by Eddie.

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