Until I Met You- Chapter Fifteen

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Chris stopped in front of the flowers, carefully looking over them. They were all beautiful, and they reminded him of Eddie's beautiful face. His sparkling blue eyes, his smile, his cute little laugh, his brown long, locks of hair. Eddie was perfect.

Colors of purple, pink, red, white, orange, and blue were in front of him. But he still couldn't decided on which one to get Eddie. Of course, Eddie would be happy with anything. But Chris wanted the best for him.

Chris decided to get the red roses for Eddie. And as he turned around, he ran into someone he hadn't seen in years. Stone, his ex boyfriend.

It didn't bother Chris to see him. It was just like looking at another person. All his feelings toward Stone were gone for good. And now, his heart belonged to Eddie, and no one but him.

"Chris? Hey, how are you?" Stone asked, smiling at him. Chris nodded.

"I'm fine."

His reply was short and quick. But he didn't want to speak with Stone. He just wanted to get home and see his love, hear his beautiful voice, and see his bright smile.

"That's good. I, uh, heard you were with someone else."

Chris nodded once again. "I am, and he's perfect. I've never been more happy in my life, and I'm going to marry him."

Stone smiled. "Alright, well, that's great. I'm happy for you, I really am."

Chris smiled and happily sighed. "Thank you. How have you been?"

Stone shrugged. "I've had bad times, and good times."

Chris nodded, and it fell into silence between them. Stone looked up at Chris, just studying him.

"What?" Chris asked.

"Nothing, but you haven't, you know, hurt him have you?"

"Of course not. I would never hurt him." Chris said. Stone could tell in his voice he sounded a bit irritated at the question.

"Well, it's just... Sometimes your anger gets the best of you..." Stone trailed off.

"Yeah, I know, I hit you, and I'm sorry about it." Chris sighed. He couldn't believe Stone was standing here having a conversation like this with him right now.

"Hey, it's alright. Don't worry about it. Just don't do it to him, okay? I don't want you to make the same mistakes."

"I won't fucking hurt him. He isn't a slut like you were and fucks every man he sees." Chris spat. Stone just bit his lip, he had nothing to say, because it was true, he cheated on Chris, and that's what ended their relationship.

"Well, I'll see you around." Stone said before he continued to walk down the street. Chris sighed and mentally scolded himself.

* * *

"Hey, beautiful." Chris whispered as he woke Eddie up from his sleep. Eddie yawned and stretched his body, and it was one of the cutest things Chris had seen.

"Hello," Eddie said quietly, rubbing his eyes. "What time is it?"

"Like two in the afternoon. Come on, get up."

Eddie groaned and shook his head. "I don't want to."

"Why don't you?"

"Because I'm sleepy." Eddie said, pouting his lips. Chris kissed him.

"You're so cute, Eddie. I missed you."

Eddie wrapped his arms around Chris' neck. "You were in my dreams."

Chris smirked. "And what kind of dream was that?"

Eddie blushed and chuckled. "Not the kind your dirty mind is thinking of."

Chris laughed. "I got you something."

He picked up the roses that he laid down on the floor beside the bed. Eddie blushed with a smile on his face.

"Awww, thank you. They're beautiful." Eddie said, taking them. Chris pecked Eddie's lips.

"But not as beautiful as you." Chris said. Eddie loved him so much. Chris was always telling him things like this, and it made Eddie feel all happy inside.

"I think you're more beautifuler than me." Eddie said, picking up a rose. He slid it in Chris' hair and smiled.

"My prince." Eddie whispered. Chris laughed and also picked up a rose, putting it in Eddie's tangled hair.

"My prince." Chris declared. And then the two shared a gentle kiss.

"I thought roses would be dead by now," Eddie said. "I mean, it is winter now."

"You got lucky, huh?"

"Yes, I got very lucky for meeting you." Eddie said, his fingers playing in Chris' hair.

"Let's go play in the snow." Chris said.

"I'd rather stay inside," Eddie whined. "It's so cold out there. Just lay here with me and let's sleep."

"Does winter just make you really lazy? Because all you want to do is sleep." Chris stated, laughing a little. Eddie giggled sleepily.

"It does, actually. So lay with me and let me sleep." Eddie pleaded, pouting and giving Chris his innocent puppy dog eyes.

Chris sighed. "Alright, alright. How could I turn you down when you're giving me those cute little puppy dog eyes?"

Eddie smiled and took Chris' arm, wrapping it around himself. Without a word he closed his eyes, sighed, and fell back to sleep.

Chris looked at Eddie's face. He could never see himself hitting Eddie. He was too sweet and fragile. His relationship with Eddie was nothing like it was with Stone.

Their relationship was full of hatred and anger. They just didn't belong together. Stone was cheating, and Chris was beating him. Neither of the things they did was right.

But now, Chris had moved on to better things. His relationship with Eddie is full of love, tenderness, warmth, endearment, romance. So many good things. They were both happy together. They were both in love.

Chris stroked Eddie's cheek softly with his thumb. His skin was soft and warm. Chris sighed and pulled Eddie into his chest. If he ever hurt Eddie, he would never forgive himself for it. 

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