Until I Met You- Chapter Forty Six

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"Dude, did you hear about the prank I pulled on Mike and Layne?" Flea asked with a huge, sneaky grin on his face.

Chris raised his eyebrows. "No. What did you do this time?"

Eddie was holding Jeremy in his arms, feeding him a bottle. He began to listen closely. They all sat in the warm living room. Flea held a beer in his hand.

"At the party, I stripped them both naked and put them in bed together, so when they woke up, they would think they slept together!" Flea explained. He burst into a fit of laughter.

"What?! Why would you do something like that?! You know, Layne ended up telling Jerry, and now Jerry is all tore up. He's even talking about divorcing."

Eddie was outraged. Especially by the fact that his best friend was hurting for no reason at all. He remember Jerry calling him last night. He was crying, cursing, and wicked thoughts were spinning around his head.

Flea's laughter immediately stopped. "What? Oh shit, I didn't mean for it to go that far. Fucking shit. Uh, how am I going to explain that to Layne? He'll kill me."

Chris ran his fingers through Jeremy's hair. "Flea, you need to explain to them what happened."

Flea bit his lip. "Don't worry, I'll tell them."

* * *

"Let's just say... Maybe I done something I shouldn't have done..." Flea trailed off.

Jerry crossed his arms. "What is it? Come on, just tell me already."

Flea sighed. "Look, I didn't mean for things to effect your relationship. I didn't even think Layne would tell you. Hell, I was drunk. I wasn't even thinking straight, but... I put Layne and Mike in bed together..."

Jerry's eyes went wide. "What?! So they didn't really sleep together?!"

"That's right. I uh... took their clothes off and put them in bed together. They were both completely out. They didn't even know anything about it."

Jerry sighed in relief. "You asshole! Why didn't you tell me that sooner?!"

"I'm sorry." Flea apologized.

Jerry was so relieved. Even if he should be upset at Flea, he wasn't, because he was happy that Layne told him the truth all along.

"Okay. I forgive you." Jerry said with a smile on his face.

Layne was so amazing. He was so faithful, and maybe Jerry should've listened to him in the first place.

* * *

"Krist asked me to be his boyfriend... but.. I-I don't know what to say." Kurt said quietly. Eddie smiled.

"You should give him a shot, Kurt."

"I don't know. I mean... what about Dave? It just... It doesn't feel right." Kurt sighed.

"Kurt, Dave would just want you to be happy. Does Krist make you happy?"

"Well of course. He's always there for me. And I know he always will be."

"Well, that's a good thing. Come on, Kurt, give him a try. You two would make a good couple."

Kurt smiled softly. "You think so?"

Eddie nodded his head. "I do. And, Kurt, really, Dave would just want you to be happy."

"Yeah, I know. He was so wonderful. I know I'll never meet anyone as great as him, but... I think I'm willing to give Krist a chance."

Eddie wrapped his arms around Kurt, giving him a comforting hug. "Good."

Chris cleared his throat. "Eddie, Jeremy may have mashed potatoes everywhere..."

Eddie looked at him to see mashed potatoes in his hair. He looked past Chris, and looked at Jeremy, who sat in his high chair. He had mashed potatoes all over his clothes, his hands, and in his hair as well. 

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