Until I Met You- Chapter Thirty Two

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Eddie stood in front of the sink, washing Jeremy's bottles along with a few cups. The front door opened and closed. Chris was finally home, but Eddie was upset with him.

For the past two weeks, it was the only place Chris wanted to be. At his friends house, playing music. Eddie was left alone, taking care of Jeremy, and actually, it was a lot of work to take care of a baby yourself.

He tried to stay calm, and not show any signs he was upset. But, he couldn't control it anymore. He was so fed up with it.

"Hello, gorgeous." Chris said as he stepped into the kitchen. Eddie only stayed quiet.


"What?" Eddie said in a snapping tone.

"What's wrong with you?"

Eddie bit his lip. He didn't want to yell, especially with Jeremy in the next room. But when he felt Chris' hands on his hips, he just exploded.

"Don't touch me." Eddie hissed at him. Chris flinched a little.

"You leave me here alone all day, worrying about you, missing you, and I have to take care of Jeremy all by myself. And when you finally decide to come home, it's in the fucking middle of the night. What's your excuse for coming home so early this time, huh? Did one of your fuck buddies have to be somewhere?"

"One of my fuck buddies? How could you even accuse me of cheating on you?"

"How can I help it? You're always gone. Your friends are much more important than me. They're so much better than me." Eddie said as he slammed a glass cup into the sink. He didn't mean to do it so hard, but the glass broke into pieces, cutting Eddie's hand.

"Fuck," He sighed, holding to his bleeding hand.

"Shit, Eddie, let me see." Chris said, reaching out for his hand. Eddie jerked it away.

"It's nothing. I'm fine."

"Let me fucking see it." Chris said, jerking Eddie's hand. He looked over it and sighed.

"There's a piece of glass in the wound. Hold still." Chris said. He carefully grabbed the small piece of class and slowly pulled it away. Eddie groaned in pain.

"Shit, that hurts." Eddie whined.

"Let me get a bandage." Chris said before he disappeared out of the room. When he came back, he held a bandage and a washcloth in his hand.

With the warm, damp washcloth, Chris cleaned up some of the blood. After that was done, he covered it over with a bandage.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Eddie said as he looked down at the floor.

"Hey, look at me." Chris said softly. Eddie looked up at him.

"I love you, okay? I would never do anything to hurt you. And no, they're not more important than you. They're not better than you. But I love music, too, Eddie, and I love to sing. I'm sorry for leaving you here all day alone. I won't do it anymore, okay? You mean the world to me. I hate it when you're upset with me."

Eddie bit his lip. "I'm sorry, Chris. I really just miss you a lot. I miss having you here with me all day. I don't like being without you. It just... worries me that maybe... you found someone better than me."

"Eddie, no. Fuck no. There's no one better than you. I love being with you. You're so perfect, Eddie. I don't want anyone else but you. Don't ever think like that, baby. Please, don't think like that."

Eddie smiled. "Okay. I love you so much. I'm sorry for getting upset with you."

Chris pecked his lips. "It's fine, beautiful, don't be sorry. I'm the one who should be sorry."

Eddie sighed. "I want you to cuddle me right now."

Chris chuckled. "Alright, I will. But I need to shower first."

"Yeah, you smell like sweat." Eddie said with a chuckle. Chris kissed his lips one more time and went to take his shower. 

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