Until I Met You- Chapter Thirty Three

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Jeremy laid in the floor on a blanket. He laid on his stomach, slightly pushing himself up with his arms. He lifted his head up, looking up at Chris and Eddie who sat on the couch.

Eddie sat snuggled into Chris' side, sound asleep, while Chris had his arm wrapped around Eddie. Eddie's little snores filled the silence.

Chris watched as Jeremy tried to reach for a toy that was in front of him. He was so adorable. Chris was so thankful for Eddie. He had given him everything. Happiness, love, a child. Eddie was amazing.

"Chris," Eddie said quietly as he woke up from his sleep. He yawned and stretched his body.

"Hello sleeping beauty."

Eddie whined and laid his head on Chris' shoulder. He blinked and wiped the sleep from his eyes.

"I thought you'd be gone by now."

"Well, uh, we kinda cancelled band practice for today. I need to talk to you about something important."

Eddie sat up. "What it is?"

"Our band... We uh, we're going on tour tomorrow."

"Oh. Well, that's great, Chris. But for how long?"

Chris bit his lip. "Six months."

"S-six months? Chris, that's too long. I-I can't go six months without seeing you."

Eddie's heart felt as if Chris had just broke a piece of it. Six months was way too long. He couldn't survive it.

"I know it's a long time, baby, but-"

"Chris, no. You can't. I need you here. Jeremy needs you here. You can't just leave us."

"You and Jeremy could go with me." Chris suggested.

"Chris, Jeremy doesn't want to spend his life on a tour bus. He couldn't go. He has doctor visits, more shots he needs, I just-"

"I know it's going to be hard, but you can come to all the shows. You can come backstage and-"

"I can't, Chris. I couldn't."

"But you could."

Eddie looked down at the floor and bit his lip. He didn't know what to say. He knew he couldn't change Chris' mind. It was his dreams; to play live. So, just for Chris to be happy, Eddie gave in.

"Okay. It's okay, Chris, you can go. I'll stay here with Jeremy and take care of him."

"Eddie, I want you to come with me." Chris said as he took Eddie's hand.

"I can't do that, Chris. You know I can't. I don't think your band mates would enjoy getting woken up in the night because of Jeremy crying. He needs to stay here. But, promise me you'll be careful, and you'll call me when you can. I don't think I could go that long without at least hearing your voice."

Chris cupped Eddie's cheek. "You know I'll be thinking of you and Jeremy every minute of the day."

Eddie smiled sadly and placed a kiss on Chris' lips. "I'll miss you so much. I just wish you would've told me sooner."

"I'm sorry. I honestly didn't find out until yesterday, and I didn't want you to worry or get upset."

"Well, we'll be okay, Chris. I'll take good of Jeremy."

"I know you will, baby. I hate to leave you alone for so long."

Eddie bit his lip. "But we'll miss everything together. Christmas, our anniversary, Jeremy's birthday, everything."

"I know." Chris sighed. "But I promise I'll call you."

"Good, good."

And for a moment, everything turned to silence, other than Jeremy cooing. Eddie wanted to cry. He didn't want Chris to leave, but he was going to, and Eddie just had to except it.

"I guess you should get to packing, shouldn't you?" Eddie asked, breaking the silence between them.

Chris nodded. "Yeah, I guess. But Eddie, right now, I just want to hold you close to me."

Eddie smiled and sat on Chris' lap. And Chris held him tight, telling Eddie how much he would miss him and Jeremy.

* * *

"Well, I'll be back in six months." Chris said, speaking to his mother on the phone.

"You're going to leave Jeremy and Eddie there all alone for six months?!" She asked in disbelief.

"I know, it's really shitty of me to do, but-"

"You're damn right, Chris. You can't leave Eddie all alone to take care of a baby himself. Are you out of your mind?"


"I have to go now, Chris. But, you better really think this through before you decide to leave him for six months. I mean, you wouldn't want Jeremy to forget you, would you?"

Chris rolled his eyes. "He wouldn't forget me."

"I don't know. I mean, one tour leads to another one. Next time you could be gone for a year, maybe just two months, or maybe two years. Who knows?"

"Well, goodbye, mom. I'll see you soon."

"Well... alright. Be careful. I love you, and tell Eddie I love him, and give Jeremy a kiss for me."

"Okay, I love you, too." Chris said before he hung up the phone. He ran his fingers through his hair and sighed.

* * *

"Who was that?" Mike asked.

"It was Chris. He's going away for six months." His new step-mom answered.

"Well, what about Eddie?"

"He's staying home with Jeremy."

"Who's Jeremy?"

"Their baby."

Mike grinned. "Oh. Well, maybe I could pay Eddie a visit while Chris is gone?"

She smiled and nodded her head. "Yeah, you should."

Mike crossed his arms and smiled. Oh how good it would be to see Eddie again. And with Chris gone, Eddie was defenseless. 

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