Until I Met You- Chapter Eighteen

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"Ahhh! I can't do this!" Jerry said, freaking out in front of the mirror. "Oh my god I'm so scared. I'm going to trip and fall. I'm going to stutter during my vows. I'm going to faint."

It was now the month of February, the month Jerry and Layne had decided to get married. Layne felt that February was the month of love.

Eddie chuckled. "No, you're not. You're just nervous. Just take deep breaths, in and out. You'll do fine."

Jerry ran his hands down his cheeks. "I've waited for this day for so long, guys, so damn long, and it's finally here. And here I am, freaking out. Do you think Layne is this nervous?"

Kurt shrugged. "Probably."

Mike patted Jerry on the back. "Don't sweat it, you got this, man. You and Layne are finally getting married!"

Jerry smiled and sighed. "Yes, I know. Now, Mike Starr, brush my hair for me."

* * *

"Chris, Dave, Sean... If I die, tell Jerry I love him." Layne said as he fixed his tux in the mirror.

"You're not going to die." Dave said, stuffing his mouth full of chips. Chris ran the comb through his hair as he looked at himself in the mirror.

"All you do is say I do, kiss him, and it's over," Sean said, "and just think after the wedding... Your bed will be shaking all night, and Jerry will be screaming 'Layne, I'm coming!"

Everyone looked over at Sean as he burst into laughter. Layne was shaking his head in shame while the other two were laughing along with Sean.

"Whoa, we're inside a church and Sean is saying comments like this." Layne said, chuckling.

"Hey, everyone already knows I'm going to Hell." Sean said with a shrug. Everyone just shrugged their shoulders as well.

Layne sighed. "Alright, I'm ready. Everyone else ready?"

The boys nodded their heads. Layne looked over them, making sure they were just perfect. And they were, except Dave who had chip crumbs on his tuxedo and cheese around his mouth.

"Oh boy," Layne mumbled.

* * *

"You look nice." Eddie whispered to Chris as they stood side by side, their arms tangled together. Chris had a clean shave, and Eddie absolutely loved it. He didn't just look nice, he looked hot.

"Thank you, baby. And you look gorgeous." Chris said with a smile before he pecked Eddie on the lips.

Eddie blushed. "You're so sweet, Chris. I love you so much."

"I love you too, darling."

"You look nervous," Sean said, chuckling a little. Mike chewed on his bottom lip.

"Well, there's a lot of people here." Mike whispered. Sean wrapped his arm around Mike's.

"Don't worry, angel. It's all going to be okay. I'm here with you."

Mike smiled and leaned up, pecking Sean on the lips. "And I'm very glad you are."

Kurt ran his fingers through Dave's hair, smoothing it out a bit. Kurt wore a dress, and was the only one who wore one. But he didn't care what people had to say about him. Their opinions didn't matter.

"There." Kurt said. He planted a kiss on Dave's cheek.

"Thank you, princess," Dave teased. "My beautiful princess."

"Okay, everyone ready?" Jerry asked, standing in front of all his bridesmaids.

They were all lined up. First would be Kurt and Dave, then Mike and Sean, then Eddie and Chris. Everyone nodded their heads, silently letting Jerry know they were ready. Jerry took a deep breath in and slowly let it out.

"Alright. It's starting." Jerry said, running behind Eddie and Chris.

Kurt and Dave walked down the aisle together, arm in arm. Jerry got more and more nervous as his turn got closer. He felt like he was going to have a panic attack.

After they parted, Mike and Sean walked out.

"Shit, shit, shit. Guys, I'm going to fucking die." Jerry panicked. Chris patted his back.

"It's alright, man. Just look into Layne's eyes and think he's the only one there." Chris whispered quickly before him and Eddie walked down the aisle together.

Eddie looked around as they walked. There was so many people, and he couldn't believe it. He knew not even half this many people would be at his wedding, unless it was from Chris' family.

Eddie and Chris parted their ways, Eddie going over to the left side, and Chris going over to the right side. Chris winked over at Eddie, making him blush.

"Aw, look at Jerry, he looks so scared." Mike whispered. Eddie watched as Jerry walked down the aisle.

"Awww," Eddie whispered. "Isn't this just so cute?"

"Dude, that girl keeps looking at me. I think she's jealous I look better in a dress than her." Kurt whispered. Eddie bit his lip to stop his laughter.

During the rest of the service, the boys were quiet, just watching Jerry and Layne. They held each other's hands, said their vows, kissed, and Layne put the ring on Jerry's finger.

Everyone clapped and cheered as the two kissed. Eddie was so happy for them. They were such a good couple, they looked so cute together. It looked as if they were just made for each other.

"Woo!" Eddie cheered, laughing and clapping his hands. He wiped the tears from his eyes. He couldn't help but cry, he was just too happy for them.

Jerry looked around the room, smiling the biggest smile Eddie had seen him smiled. Layne took Jerry's hand and walked him back down the aisle. Then, the bridesmaids followed behind them.

"Why are you crying?" Chris asked.

"I don't know, I'm just... so happy for them. They're perfect for each other. It's just... too cute." Eddie sighed. Chris kissed his head.

Everyone had cake, everyone danced, talked, and laughed. Jerry even introduced Eddie to some of his family. Jerry threw his bouquet, and Kurt caught it.

"Ready to go home now?" Chris asked, wrapping his arms around Eddie's waist from behind. Almost everyone was gone now.

"Yeah, I'm kinda tired. Just let me say goodbye to Jerry and Layne." Eddie said. Chris nodded.

"I'll go say goodbye to Kurt and Dave." Chris said. And the two went on their separate ways.

"Well, we're ready to go now," Eddie said as he approached Jerry and Layne. "Congratulations on getting married. I'm so happy for you guys."

Jerry smiled and gave Eddie a hug. "Thank you, Eddie. I'm so happy, too."

"Layne, I'll see you around." Eddie said. Layne also gave him a hug.

"I'll see you, man." Layne said.

"I can't wait until your wedding." Jerry giggled. Eddie smiled.

"Neither can I." 

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