Until I Met You- Chapter Thirty Five

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"Sh, baby, it's okay. Daddy is here." Chris whispered as he rocked Jeremy back and forth in his arms. The police had just left, taking Mike along with them.

"I'm so glad you came back." Eddie said quietly. And if Chris didn't have Jeremy in his arms, Eddie would've gave him the biggest hug.

"I wish I wouldn't have left. Shit, I'm so sorry. None of this would've happened if I wouldn't have left. I'm so sorry he hurt you."

"Hey, there's nothing to be sorry about. You didn't know he was going to come here. I'm just so relieved to see you. I couldn't live six months without you."

Chris kissed Eddie on the head. "I couldn't live six months without you either. That's just too long."

Jeremy was now sound asleep in Chris' arms. Chris placed a gentle kiss on the top of his head. Then, he laid Jeremy back down into his crib.

Eddie wrapped his arms tightly around Chris. It felt so good to just feel him. His head rested against Chris' chest, and he could hear his soft heartbeat.

"I love you so much, Chris."

Chris wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist. "I love you, too, Eddie. More than words could ever describe. I'm so glad I met you. It was just like it was meant to be, huh?"

Eddie smiled and bit his lip. "Yeah, it was."

The two eventually pulled away from the hug. Their lips met, kissing each other gently. But soon, Chris wrapped his arm around Eddie, pulled him closer, and deepened the kiss.

"Your lips are always so sweet." Chris said once they pulled away. Eddie pecked Chris on the lips one last time.

"Come on, let's go upstairs." Chris said, tugging at Eddie's arm. Eddie giggled and followed him quietly up the stairs.

* * *

"Did you really love Mike?" Chris asked. Eddie laid beside him, resting his head on Chris' chest.

"I thought I did, really. But what I used to feel for him doesn't even compare to how I feel about you."

Chris tangled his finger around the ends of Eddie's curly hair. Everything went to silence, both of them just enjoying each other's company. Jeremy began to make little noises from downstairs.

"I'll get him, I know he'll start crying soon." Eddie said, picking his boxers up from the floor. Chris sat up in bed and wrapped his arms around Eddie from behind. He just hugged him, laying his head on Eddie's back.

"I love you, Eddie. I love you. I love you so much." Chris told him. Eddie smiled, his heart melting with every word.

"I love you, too, Chris. Always." Eddie said softly. Then, Jeremy began to scream.

"I'll be right back." Eddie said to Chris before getting out of bed and going to take care of Jeremy. 

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