Until I Met You- Chapter Fifty Five

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Krist laid in bed, unable to find sleep from worrying too much about Kurt. If only he would've approached the situation differently, Kurt wouldn't have ran off.

Krist knew Kurt hated arguments. He grew up with parents who began to argue all the time, until finally his mother ordered his father to leave. It was hard on Kurt, moving back and forth between his parents and family members, until none of them wanted to keep him anymore.

Even if the two weren't meant to be in a relationship, maybe they could stay friends. Krist knew Kurt's biggest fear; and that was being alone. He didn't want to be in a world without friends, or maybe even a lover, but if Krist wasn't the one Kurt truly wanted, he was going to accept the fact, and try his best to maintain a friendship with the man he so deeply fell for.

"Please... Kurt... just come home." Krist whispered, his eyes staring up at the ceiling, watching as a spider crept across the ceiling.

His brown eyes began to swell with tears. Too many thoughts were running through his head, causing him to feel guilt and fear. The phone rang, knocking Krist out of his thoughts.

He immediately jumped out of bed and ran over to the phone. He was quick to answer it, saying a soft hello. His heart skipped a beat when he heard the voice on the other line.

"Hey, Krist. It's Kurt."

"Kurt! Fuck, I've been so worried about you! Where are you? Are you okay?"

"Yeah, Krist, I'm fine. I'm staying with a friend for a while. I just wanted to let you know." Kurt spoke so softly, it was almost hard to hear him.

"Kurt, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I approached you like that. Please forgive me."

"Yeah, I forgive you. It's okay, Krist. But, uh, I'm gonna go, so maybe we'll talk later."

Krist sighed, disappointed by the small conversation. "Okay, Kurt, we'll talk later."

Krist then cut off the phone before laying back in bed. His mind was still spinning with thoughts, but at least he knew Kurt was with a friend and not out on the streets. He shut his eyes, and soon, he found himself in a restless sleep.

* * *

"Whatcha doing?" Anthony asked, peeking over Kurt's shoulder.

"Writing a letter to my friend." Kurt told him. He kept the notebook close to his chest as he wrote, so it was almost impossible for Anthony to see what he was writing.

"You like to write? I've seen you scribble around in that notebook a lot lately." Anthony said, heading back to the kitchen to get himself coffee that Kurt had made.

"Sometimes. Mostly drawing though." Kurt answered.

"Oh, nice. Very nice. Can I see?" Anthony asked.

Kurt hesitated a bit, but he passed his notebook over to Anthony, who was now sitting by him sipping on coffee. Anthony began to flip through the pages of the drawings, some not too bad, but some very disturbing; even hard to look at.

"Those are pretty cool." Anthony said, giving the notebook back to Kurt. He kept his opinions to himself. If the drawings made Kurt happy, then he was fine with that.

"You've been stuck in this house for the past couple days. Would you like to go somewhere with me?" Anthony asked.


"Well, me and the guys have to go to the studio for rehearsal and to record a bit."

Kurt's eyes brightened. He was always so interested in music.

"Yeah, I would love to. If you don't mind, that is."

Anthony smiled. "I don't mind. I'm just gonna hop in the shower and we can head out."

Kurt smiled. "Alright."

* * *

"Eddie, wake up." Chris whispered in Eddie's ear, nuzzling his nose into Eddie's hair, which was a mess on his head.

Eddie's eyes opened. He blinked a few times; blinking away the sleep from his eyes. He turned over on his side, and snuggled himself into Chris' chest.

"What time is it?" Eddie mumbled. Chris wrapped his arms around Eddie and kissed his head.

"It's still early. Only nine. But I got tired of waiting for you to wake up."

Eddie shook his head. "So mean."

Chris chuckled. "I can't help that I miss you even when you're asleep. Plus Jeremy's been saying dada for the last ten minutes, so I think he wanted you to wake up too."

"Where is Jeremy?" Eddie asked.

"In his crib, playing with some toys. I already fed him and gave him a bath. When I got him up this morning, he was laying his head on his bottle, and his hair was soaked with milk." Chris explained.

Eddie laughed. "That's so cute. You're such a good dad, Chris."

Chris ran his fingers through Eddie's hair. "And so are you, my love."

Chris pecked Eddie on the lips. He looked into Eddie's eyes and smiled before he pecked them over and over again, until Eddie was giggling and rolling back on his back. Chris laid halfway on top of him, giving him kisses all over his face.

"Chris, stop." Eddie whined, in a fit of giggles.

"I just love giving you kisses all over your beautiful face." Chris said, smiling down at Eddie. Eddie smiled back at him, leaned up, and gave Chris a gentle kiss on the lips.

"I love you." Eddie told him. Chris nuzzled his nose into Eddie's neck.

"I love you too, Eddie. Eddie Cornell." Chris said with a snicker.

Eddie began to hear crying from Jeremy's room.

"I'll get him." Chris said.

"Nah, it's okay. I'll get him." Eddie said.

The two of them got out of bed and followed the sounds of Jeremy's cries. When Jeremy seen Eddie, he immediately stopped crying, and reached his arms up, wanting Eddie to get him.

"Awe." Eddie said as he reached down and picked Jeremy up. He held him on the hip, gave him a kiss on his head, and began to talk to him in his baby voice.

* * *

"Really? You sat there and ate all that cool whip and wouldn't even share?" Layne asked, pouting his lips.

Jerry chuckled. "Hey, Alice ate more of it than me. She'll probably be sick."

Alice was sitting on the floor, bouncing up and down. She was hyper from the cool whip, and was still sucking on her fingers, savoring the flavor of the cool whip.

Layne reached down and picked Alice up from the floor. She began to try to stick her fingers in Layne's mouth, but Layne moved his head in disgust.

"Aw, see, she wants to share with daddy." Jerry chuckled. Layne stuck his tongue out at Jerry, and put Alice back on the floor.

"I checked the calendar," Jerry said, pulling himself off the couch. "Your dentist appointment is today."

Layne eyes widened. "Yeah, I think I'll skip that."

Jerry shook his head, and gave Layne a kiss on the lips. "You can't. You have to get your tooth pulled, or else it's only going to get worse."

Layne whined. "I don't want to."

Jerry smiled. "Too bad."

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