Until I Met You- Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Oh, Eddie! Chris! It's so nice to see you!" Chris' mother said, pulling them both into a hug. "Where's little Jeremy?"

"He's asleep in his crib by the couch." Chris said as she placed a kiss on his cheek. He wiped it away and Eddie giggled at him.

"Oh, look how precious! He's beautiful!" She whispered as she stared down at the crib. "I want to hold him, but I don't want to wake him up."

"He's been asleep for a while, so he should be up soon." Eddie said. Chris wrapped his arms around Eddie's hips and laid his chin on Eddie's shoulder.

And speaking of which, Jeremy started to shift around in his sleep, and he began to cry. Ms. Cornell picked him up and gently rocked him back and forth.

"Well, now, don't cry." She spoke in a baby voice. She walked over to Chris and Eddie.

"I think maybe he wants daddy." She said, laughing a little. Eddie carefully took Jeremy out of her arms.

"He gets so mad when he first wakes up." Eddie said, chuckling. Chris kissed the top of Jeremy's head.

"Is it a mad baby, huh?" Chris asked Jeremy, laughing a little.

Chris pressed the pacifier against Jeremy's mouth. Jeremy sucked it into his mouth as he looked around the room. Chris pecked Eddie's lips and put his arm around Eddie's waist.

Chris' mother smiled. "Aww, so cute. Eddie, would you like to look at Chris' baby pictures?"

Chris shook his head. "No, no he does not."

Eddie smiled. "Yes, I'd love to."

"Oh, man." Chris groaned.

* * *

"You were such a cute little baby." Eddie said with a giggle as Chris laid down in bed beside him. Jeremy was in his crib across the room.

"Don't talk about it." Chris whined, throwing his arm around Eddie.

"You're so beautiful." Eddie said, smiling as his eyes went from Chris' eyes to his soft lips.

"You really are." Chris said before he leaned in, kissing Eddie deeply on the lips. He pulled away and pecked Eddie's nose.

Eddie bit his lip before he straddled Chris' lap. Chris grinned as his hands rubbed up and down Eddie's sides. Eddie teasingly moved his hips from side to side.

"I'm so fucking horny, Chris." Eddie whined quietly, pouting his lips. Chris licked his bottom lip.

"Yeah? What makes you so horny, baby?"

"Hmm... I don't know. Maybe because you haven't fucked me in so long." Eddie sighed, sliding his hand into his own boxers.

"Mmm, that feels so good." Eddie moaned, biting his lip as he rubbed his cock.

"Fuck, stop doing that." Chris hissed. He grabbed Eddie's hand and pulled it out of his boxers. Eddie whined.

"I'll be the one to make you come." Chris said, pushing Eddie off his lap to where he was now laying on his back.

"Please, please, make me come." Eddie pleaded with him. He was so desperate. It had been so long since he had been kissed and touched like this, and he was so turned on, he didn't know what he would do if he couldn't release.

Chris slid Eddie's boxers off. His cock was almost standing straight up, the tip all wet from precum. Chris began to lick it up.

"Mm, y-yes, Chris, lick my cock, baby, suck on it." Eddie moaned. Chris grinned from how eager he was tonight.

His warm tongue swirled around the head of Eddie's cock. Eddie was already thrusting his hips up, wanting to get deep into Chris' mouth.

Chris held Eddie's hips down as he began to slowly suck Eddie into his mouth. So teasingly slow. But Eddie was relieved to feel Chris' warm lips wrapped around his dick.

Eddie moaned and grabbed Chris' head, pushing it down further. His eyes closed as he just held Chris' head still, feeling his cock nearly going down his husband's throat.

Then, Eddie pulled Chris' head slowly up; his lips sliding up Eddie's shaft. And he began to thrust into Chris' mouth.

He went hard and fast, and he knew Chris' throat would be sore, but he couldn't control himself. Chris' mouth was so warm, so wonderful, and he wanted to come in Chris' mouth.

But, eventually, Chris untangled Eddie's fingers from his hair and slowly pulled away; Eddie's dick sliding out of his mouth.

"N-no, please, don't stop." Eddie begged. Chris snickered. He was so evil, Eddie thought.

"I'm going to fuck you," Chris stated. Eddie loved the sound of that. "Get on your hands and knees, baby."

Chris got off the bed to get some lube and a condom. While he did so, Eddie got on his hands and knees. He couldn't hardly wait another second for Chris to get inside him.

"Shit, you look so hot." Chris whispered as he climbed back on the bed. He slapped Eddie's ass, and Eddie bit his lip.

"Don't even prep me, just-just get in me." Eddie said. Chris rolled on the condom and poured some lube on his dick.

"You sure?"


Eddie gasped as Chris filled him up. With one hand, Chris held onto Eddie's hip, and with the other hand, Chris covered Eddie's mouth for what was about to come.

"You're definitely going to get fucked." Chris whispered in his ear. Then, he began to pound into Eddie.

"O-oh, Chris!" Eddie squealed in his hand.

"Sh!" Chris scolded. He couldn't have Eddie waking up Jeremy or his mother who was in the next room.

"F-feels so good. Please, faster." Eddie moaned. Chris slammed his hips back and forth.

Chris already felt as if he weren't going to last much longer. Everything was so hot. The way he was fucking Eddie, the noises Eddie was making, the way he was begging for more. Eddie was just so hot, and Chris couldn't get enough of him.

"You just can't keep quiet, can you?" Chris whispered in Eddie's ear. Eddie shook his head.

"Maybe I should've put tape over your mouth."

That would've been so hot, Chris thought. It would've been so, so hot to have tape over Eddie's mouth while he fucked him like this to try to keep him quiet.

"I'm about to come." Chris said through gritting teeth. He moved his hips even faster as he felt his orgasm creep closer and closer on him.

And with a loud moan, Chris came, throwing his hips a little slower as his high rode out. And after releasing, he pulled out, and Eddie collapsed on the bed, laying on his back.

Chris squeezed Eddie's thighs, slowly inching his hands closer and closer to Eddie's throbbing dick. The tip was soaked with precum and it was beginning to run down his shaft.

"Faster." Eddie requested as Chris' hand raced up and down the shaft.

"I-I'm so close." Eddie warned. His nails sank into the pillow that lay under his head.

"Chris! Chris, I'm coming for you!" Eddie squealed. His hips buckled, and he released. The hot white strands shot up in the air, and on Chris' fist.

Chris' body collapsed on top of Eddie's. He wrapped his arms around Chris' neck, and with a smile on his face, he gave him a gentle kiss.

"I love you, Chris."

Chris smiled. "I love you too. I love you so fucking much."

The two shared another kiss before snuggling into each other's arms. And soon, they were both in a peaceful sleep. 

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