Until I Met You- Chapter Three

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Eddie was nervous. But that's how he was when it came to meeting new people. He was soft spoken, shy, and sometimes a little awkward. He wish he could be like Chris. All out there, talkative, smart, and well, hot.

Eddie blinked. He had no idea where that last thought came from. But it made him blush. He hope Chris didn't notice.

"Have you ever been camping before?" Chris asked. Eddie nodded.

"A few times. With my parents. Have you?"

Chris shrugged. "Only once."

"You just passed a stop sign." Eddie informed. Chris looked back.

"Shit, really? Oops."

Eddie laughed. "You're such a bad driver, Chris. I'm just going to pray I don't get in a car crash today."

Chris playfully scoffed. "You're totally safe."

"Uh huh."

"Sing for me." Chris said.


"Sing a song for me. My radio doesn't work."

"Trust me, you don't want to hear me sing." Eddie said with a soft chuckle.

"Come on, one song." Chris said, pouting his lips.

"Maybe later."

"Why not now?" Chris whined.

"I need to practice." Eddie said.

"Excuses, excuses."

"No excuses that I know."

After driving a little further, they reached their destination. Of course, they would have to walk for a bit, but it wasn't too far.

"Here, I'll pack this." Eddie said, helping Chris get their things out of the trunk.

"I'll carry it. It's heavy."

"I can carry heavy things."

"Wouldn't want you to hurt yourself." Chris teased. Eddie stuck his tongue out at Chris and shut the hood.

"How far is it?" Eddie asked.

"Just up this hill." Chris answered.

Eddie looked up at the sky. He could hear birds chirping. It brought back memories of him and his parents. Back when everything was fine and everyone was happy. When there was no worries. Way before his parents found out he was attracted to men.


"How could you?! Attracted to men?! That's disgusting! It's not right!" Eddie's mother yelled in his face. He was sitting in the corner, holding his knees up to his chest.

"You're not my son," His father said from the other side of the room. "No son of mine will be gay."


"Out! I want you out! And I never want to see you again! I never want to see you in this house again!"

"You're nothing, Eddie! You'll never be anything!"





"You okay?" Chris asked. Eddie snapped out of his flashback and nodded his head.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking."

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