Until I Met You-Chapter Four

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Waking up the next morning wasn't so great. Chris' hangover was a killer, but once they had got home, Eddie gave him some medicine and made him stay in bed.

Neither of them had said anything about the events that happened last night. Even though Chris was drunk, he remembered every second of last night. He missed having Eddie's lips on his.

He craved Eddie's taste. He wanted those soft, pink lips on his again. He wanted to kiss him every way; gentle, deep, passionately.

And it was the same for Eddie. Every little kiss made his knees feel weak. Even when Chris looked at him, it send shivers down his spine. He thought Chris had forgot, so he didn't bother to bring it up.

Chris tried to get some sleep, and he did for about an hour or so. After a while of being awake, Eddie came back into the room. He sat on the bed beside Chris.

"How're you feeling?" Eddie asked.

"A little better."

Eddie smiled. "Good."

"Lay beside me." Chris said. Eddie laid down beside Chris. And Chris just looked at him, admiring how beautiful Eddie is.

"I really want to kiss you." Chris said quietly. Eddie didn't say anything. Instead, he leaned in and placed a kiss on Chris' lips.

It felt just like last night. The sparks between them flew. And Chris knew it wasn't just the alcohol. What he was feeling toward Eddie, was real.

And that feeling came back, where Chris felt like he had no control. The thoughts came back to Chris. Eddie moving his sexy hips.

Chris pulled Eddie on top of him. They kissed a little more, their tongues dancing together. Chris went to pull Eddie's shirt off, but when he did, Eddie pulled away.

"Sorry." Chris quickly apologized. Eddie smiled.

"It's fine. I just, you know."

"Yeah, I get it. It's just hard for me to control myself around you." Chris admitted.

"Do you remember last night?" Eddie finally asked.

"Of course I do."

Eddie smiled. He was a bit relieved Chris remembered.

Chris took Eddie's hand. "I want you to be my boyfriend."

"I want that to." Eddie said with blushing cheeks.

"Do you... feel I'm too old for you?" Chris asked. Eddie shook his head.

"No, not at all. Besides, I'll be eighteen in a few months."

"I know. But I really don't want to wait that long, Eddie. I want you right now. I want you to be mine. So, will you?"

Eddie smiled. "Yes. Yes, of course, Chris."

Chris sighed in relief. "Good."

And then he pecked Eddie's lips.

"I really need a shower." Chris said.

"Then go take one."

Chris smirked. "Would you like to join me?"

Eddie playfully pushed him. Chris laughed and went to take his shower.

* * *

"So you're dating him now?" Dave asked. Chris smiled.

"Yeah, I am."

"Awww. That's so sweet." Kurt said as before taking a drag of his cigarette.

"I really like him. I can't believe it. I've know him for such a short time and he's already driving me crazy."

"Someone's in love," Dave said in a singing tone. Chris blushed.

"Where is he anyway?" Kurt asked, looking around.

"He's upstairs sleeping."

And just when he said that, Eddie appeared at the bottom of the stairs. He was rubbing his eyes with his sleeve. He still looked half asleep and it was the cutest thing Chris had ever seen.

"Chris," Eddie said quietly. "I had a bad dream."

"Well, we should be going." Kurt said. Dave nodded.

"Alright. I'll see you guys later." Chris said. Everyone said their goodbyes and the two left, leaving Eddie and Chris alone.

"You had a bad dream?" Chris asked. Eddie nodded.

"Will you come and lay with me?"

Chris smiled. "Of course, baby. I'll be straight up, okay?"

Eddie nodded and headed back up to the bedroom. He laid in bed and covered himself up with the comforter. After only a minute or so, Chris crawled into bed and pulled Eddie into his chest.

"Are you okay?" Chris asked.

"Yeah," Eddie sighed. "Thank you, Chris."

Chris placed a kiss on top of Eddie's head. "No problem, beautiful. Go back to sleep."

And that's just what Eddie did. 

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