Until I Met You- Chapter Thirty Four

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"Well, this is goodbye. But, I promise, I'll call you. I'll be back no longer than six months. Take care of yourself, baby. I love you so much." Chris said before he placed a long, deep, passionate kiss on Eddie's lips.

Warm tears slid down Eddie's cheeks. It was so hard to part with him. Eddie wrapped his arms around Chris, giving him a long hug. After that, Chris took Jeremy out of his crib and held him.

"And I'll miss you, too, baby boy. You be a good boy for daddy." Chris said, giving Jeremy a kiss on his head. Jeremy smiled at him, and Chris chuckled.

"You be careful, Chris. I'll miss you." Eddie said quietly. Chris gave Eddie one last kiss.

"I'll miss you, too. Don't cry, baby. I promise these six months will go by so fast."

Eddie sniffled. "They better."

* * *

Chris was on his way to the airport. He couldn't get his mind off Eddie and Jeremy. The things his mother said flashed in his mind. Jeremy forgetting him. It hurt him.

And Chris began to think, maybe this wasn't what he should be doing. Of course, he would love to go on and sing, but he knew it wasn't the right thing. He was married, he had a son, and the two of them needed Chris.

"Shit, I'm so stupid." Chris sighed as he pulled into the airport. He couldn't do it. Six months without Eddie and Jeremy, it would be miserable.

"Come on, Chris, we don't want to be late!" Kim said as he opened Chris' car door. Chris stepped out of the car and cleared his throat.

"Kim, man, I can't do this."

"What are you talking about? Of course you can. You've always wanted to do it, why back out now?"

Chris sighed. "I have a child, Kim. This isn't how it was when we were teenagers. I can't just leave Eddie alone. Fuck, it hasn't even been an hour yet and I miss them more than anything. I'm sorry, I really am. But, Eddie needs me, and I need him. Six months is just too long."

Kim patted his back. "It's cool, man. You do whatever you need to do."

Chris smiled. "Thanks. But, uh, you know, we can still play together anytime."

Kim grinned. "Yeah, I'll let the guys know, okay? Now get your ass in that car and go to your husband."

Chris nodded his head and jumped back into the car. He thanked Kim again, and headed on his way back home to Eddie and Jeremy. The place where he really belonged.

* * *

Everything was so quiet, everything was so still, and Eddie was already feeling lonely. Chris had been gone for just a few hours now.

Eddie's hopes went high when there was a knock at the door. He wanted to open it and see Chris standing on the other side. He wanted Chris to wrap him in his arms and never leave again.

But, he was surprised to see Mike standing on the other side. Eddie tried to shut the door, but Mike grabbed it and walked right inside.

"Chris isn't here." Eddie said as he backed up a little. Mike closed the door.

"I know, and the way mom talked, he won't be back for a while, will he? But I didn't come to see him, I came to see you."

"Get out." Eddie said. His voice was stern and demanding.

"Ah, now, Eddie, don't be like that. Where's your baby?" Mike asked, strolling over to Jeremy's crib.

"Get away from him."

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