Until I Met You- Chapter Twenty Four

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Eddie stood in the bathroom, looking down at the pregnancy test, waiting for his result. He nervously chewed on his bottom lip. His heart was pounding in his chest.

The pregnancy test held a positive sign on it. Eddie held his breath as he looked down at it, stunned. What would Chris think? Eddie knew how bad Chris wanted to wait until marriage before having a baby.

"Fuck," Eddie sighed. He ran his fingers through his hair. He was lost, he didn't know what to do, he didn't even know if he was really ready for a baby.

"Eddie? Are you in there?" Chris asked from behind the door. Eddie shoved the test in his pocket. He figured for now, he would keep it a secret.

"Uh, yeah, I was just getting ready to shower." Eddie lied.

"Well, I thought maybe we could lay in bed together and watch a movie."

"Alright, I'll be quick, okay?"

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you."

Eddie sighed, undressed, and got into the shower.

* * *

"Chris?" Eddie whispered. The horror movie they were watching was almost over. Chris laid behind Eddie with his arm around him, holding him close.

"Mhm?" Chris hummed. Eddie could tell by the sound of his voice that he was almost asleep.

"How would you feel if... we had a baby? Like right now?" Eddie asked as he turned his body over, facing Chris. His blue eyes were shut.

"Hm, I don't know. I wouldn't mind, but, we should really wait until we get married, baby. Jerry isn't getting to your head is he?"

Eddie bit his lip. "No, I just... I don't know."

Chris opened his eyes. "Are you pregnant, Eddie? It's okay if you are, you can tell me."

Eddie twisted at his sleeves. "No, I'm not, just uh, what if something happened? You know I mean... Like Jerry and Layne."

Chris chuckled. "Jerry is just getting to your head. Don't worry, I promise we'll get married soon and we can have all the babies you want."

Chris placed a kiss on the soft lips of Eddie's. The two shared a gentle, innocent kiss. Eddie didn't know how long he could hide this, but it was working for now.

* * *

Kurt sat at the kitchen table, rolling up his cigarettes. Dave sat by his side, putting them into the cigarette box. And Eddie sat in front of them, playing around with the tobacco.

"You're coming to our show tomorrow night, right?" Kurt asked. Eddie let the tobacco slide between his fingers.

Eddie smiled. "Of course I will. I wouldn't miss it for the world."

"Fuck, what song are we going to play? I'm so nervous." Dave sighed. Kurt planted a kiss on Dave's lips.

"Don't be. We can play... Um... Maybe Drain You? Or Aneurysm? What do you think, Eddie?"

Eddie shrugged his shoulders. "I haven't heard either of them. Why not both?"

"Bands are only allowed one song each," Kurt said, rolling his eyes. "You should do a song!"

Eddie chuckled. "I don't know about that. I'm kinda shy, you know. I'd probably get stage fright and faint or something."

"Ah, you'll get over it. And after the show, we're having a party. You'll come to it too, won't you?"

"I guess. Maybe. If Chris wants to."

Kurt grinned. "Well, maybe you should just come by yourself."

Eddie bit his lip. Kurt was acting so weird towards him, he couldn't believe it. Usually Kurt wouldn't care whether Eddie was at his shows, parties, or Eddie's opinion on things. But Eddie decided to ignore it.

"Well, I guess I should be going. Thanks for letting me borrow those albums, Kurt. They were great." Eddie said, standing up from his seat.

"You're welcome." Kurt said, giving him the sweetest smile ever was. Eddie nodded at him and said his goodbyes. 

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