Until I Met You- Chapter Forty Nine

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"Aw, mommy is sick." Layne said as he laid Alice in the bed with them. Jerry pulled the cover up to his chin and whined. He hated being sick.

"Or maybe there's another baby in your tummy." Layne said, softly rubbing his hand over Jerry's stomach.

"I'm not pregnant." Jerry stated. He knew for a fact he wasn't pregnant again, and there was no way he could handle another baby at the moment.

"You want something? Like some water, or food?" Layne asked. The sound of that only made Jerry want to puke again. Food was the last thing on his mind.

"Never." Jerry cringed. Layne placed a kiss on his forehead.

"You'll feel better soon." Layne promised him. He softly ran his fingers through Jerry's long, tangled hair.

"I want some sleep." Jerry said quietly. He felt so exhausted, and so sick at the same time. He wanted to just fall asleep, wake up, and let the sickness be over with.

"Maybe we should buy a pregnancy test." Layne suggested. Jerry shook his head.

"No. No more babies for a long time." Jerry muttered. Layne smiled at the thought of them having another baby together, and for Alice to have a little brother or sister. He placed a kiss on Jerry's head.

"Alright, baby. You get some sleep, and I'm going to try to get Alice back to sleep." Layne said as he pulled himself off the bed. He picked Alice up in his arms, and went downstairs to fix her a fresh bottle and rock her to sleep.

* * *

"Are you sure you really want to move out? Already?" Eddie asked as he helped Kurt load up the rest of his things into Krist's car. Kurt ran his fingers through his hair, and softly nodded his head.

"Yeah. I mean, it was fun staying with you guys, but I think I've bothered you long enough." He said, chuckling a bit. Eddie rolled his eyes, and pulled Kurt into his chest, giving him a comforting hug.

"If you ever need anything, you can always come by, or call us." Eddie told him. Kurt smiled.

"Yeah, I know. Well, Krist is waiting, so I guess I should be going. Thank you, Eddie, for everything." Kurt thanked him again for what felt like the hundredth time to Eddie.

Krist sat in the driver's seat, watching out the car window as Jeremy gnawing on a toy, and his slobber dropping down on Chris's hand, and Chris would make a gross face, and wipe his hand on Jeremy's shirt. As Krist shook his head, he burst out laughing. He knew he could never take care of a baby.

"Bye, Kurt." Eddie and Chris said their goodbyes as Kurt crawled into the passenger side next to Krist. And just like that, the two were off.

"I can't believe he's leaving so soon." Eddie sighed. He knew he was going to miss Kurt's company. Chris chuckled, and wrapped his arm around Eddie.

"Come on, let's go back inside." Chris said. Eddie pecked Chris on the lips, and the three of them went back inside.

* * *

"You're so cute." Layne squeaked as Jeremy sat on Eddie's lap, nibbling around on a popsicle he was feeding him. Eddie smiled, and placed a kiss on Jeremy's head. Then, he nuzzled his nose into Jeremy soft, dark hair.

"I love this little guy so much." Eddie said. He gently, yet tightly hugged Jeremy into his chest. Chris, who was sitting next to Eddie, placed a kiss on his cheek. Eddie and Jeremy were his world.

"Has he gained anymore weight lately?" Jerry asked. Eddie bit his lip.

Of course, from the baby doctor visit just before the last two visits, Jeremy had gained weight. But since then, he only gained a few ounces. Eddie shook his head.

"No, not really. Um... they're maybe going to have some test done on him." Eddie said quietly. Chris pulled Eddie closer to him, and held him.

"He's going to be fine." Chris assured his love. Jeremy had to be fine.

"Yeah, I'm sure it's nothing. I mean, he looks pretty healthy, and everything else is okay, right?"

Eddie smiled. "Yeah, everything else is great. Just... he needs to gain weight."

He looked down at his baby boy, whose focus was completely on the melting popsicle in front of him. Jeremy was starting to nibble off a piece of the popsicle with his four from teeth. Two on top, and two on bottom.

Jerry smiled and ran his fingers through Jeremy's hair. "Well, I guess I had better be going. I need to pick up Alice from mom's house. She's probably getting tired now."

As Jerry stood up, he reached into his pocket, searching around for the car keys. Truth was, he was exhausted as well, and beginning to feel sick all over again. Maybe Layne was right. Maybe he was pregnant again, and maybe he should consider to stop and pick up a pregnancy test.

He couldn't wait to get home and lay down.

"Yeah, I miss my little baby girl." Layne sighed. Eddie aw'd at him.

As Layne and Jerry got into the car, the nausea increased. Jerry held his breath and closed his eyes, silently praying that the sickness would fade.

"Are you okay?" Layne asked, laying his hand on top of Jerry's. Jerry nodded his head.

"Yeah, I just feel a little sick, but I'm fine." Jerry promised.

"Do you need to see a doctor?" Layne asked. Jerry shook his head.

"No, I'm fine, Layne, really. Maybe... maybe we should stop and get a pregnancy test..."

Layne smiled. He knew it. Jerry was pregnant again.

"Alright." Layne said, and they were off. 

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