Until I Met You- Chapter Six

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As soon as Eddie woke up he was greeted by nausea. He groaned and shifted a bit, but it seemed to make him feel even sicker.

Chris laid beside him, Eddie's back facing him. He tangled his fingers around the ends of Eddie's long hair.

"Are you awake, beautiful?" Chris asked. His voice was soft and in a whisper.

But Eddie didn't get the chance to answer him. He jumped up and ran into the bathroom.

"Eddie? You okay?" Chris asked as he shot up in bed. He could hear Eddie throwing up from the bathroom.

After a few minutes of being in the bathroom, Eddie crawled back into bed and pulled the comforter over him.

"I don't feel so good." Eddie whined. Chris felt of his forehead.

"Baby, you have a fever." Chris stated. Eddie groaned.

"Hey, I'm gonna go out and get you some medicine, okay? I'll be back soon."

"Don't leave me," Eddie whined. "Please. Lay here with me."

Chris placed a kiss on Eddie's head. "I would, but you need something for your fever. I'll be straight back, alright? Just lay here in bed and take it easy."

Eddie pouted. "Okay."

Chris smiled. "I would kiss you, but you probably taste like puke."

"Will you kiss my cheek?" Eddie asked. Chris placed a kiss on Eddie's cheek, nose, chin, and forehead. Eddie smiled.

"I love you." Eddie said as Chris got off the bed.

"I love you too, baby. I'll be back soon."

* * *

"Here you go." Chris said, holding the medicine cup in front of Eddie's face. Eddie took it and sniffed of it.

"Do I have to take this?" Eddie asked.

"Yes, because you need to get better."

Eddie sighed and took the medicine in one drink. His face scrunched up and he stuck his tongue out in disgust.

"That was gross. I think I'm gonna puke again."

Chris chuckled and gave Eddie some water. He took a long drink of it, getting the nasty medicine taste out of his mouth.

"I'm gonna make you some soup."

Eddie shook his head. "I don't want food."

Chris sighed. "I know you don't, baby, but you need to eat."

"No, please, not right now. I just want to sleep."

"Okay. You can sleep. But when you wake up, you're eating."

Eddie patted the bed, signaling for Chris to lay down. When he did, Chris pulled Eddie closer; his back pressed against his chest. Chris gently rubbed Eddie's stomach.

"Sweet dreams." Chris whispered. Eddie closed his tired eyes and slept.

* * *

After Eddie woke up, he ate a few bites of soup. He hadn't puked for a while, but he still didn't want to get out of bed. Chris was still laying in bed beside Eddie, making sure he was okay and his fever didn't come back.

"I think I know something that might make you feel a bit better." Chris whispered into Eddie's ear.

"What is it?"

Chris' hand slid down Eddie's chest, down his stomach, and down to the front of his jeans. Eddie moaned softly at the sudden touch.

"Does that feel good?" Chris asked as his hand rubbed over the growing bulge in Eddie's shorts.

"Yeah," Eddie said softly. "That feels really good."

"You want me to stop?"

Eddie shook his head. "N-no, keep going."

Chris grinned as his hands undid Eddie's button and zipper. He crawled down between Eddie's legs and yanked his jeans down along with his boxers.

"Take your shirt off." Chris demanded. Eddie did as told.

"Such a nice, big cock." Chris said as he jerked at Eddie's dick.

Eddie couldn't believe how good it felt. He couldn't remember the last time he touched himself, but Chris doing it for him, was so much better. He felt himself getting close to releasing already.

Eddie's breathing hitched as Chris' warm tongue began to swirl around the tip of Eddie's dick. A little precum oozed out, and Chris licked it up.

"Mmm," Chris hummed. Eddie watched as Chris began to suck on the tip.

Eddie moaned. Just the sight of seeing Chris' lips around his cock was enough to make him want to come.

Chris sucked more and more into his mouth, filling it all up with Eddie's dick. He began to bob his head up and down slowly. But Eddie didn't want it slow. He thrust his hips up.

"Faster, Chris," Eddie pleaded with him. But Chris was such a tease. He only seemed to slow down and Eddie whined.

Eddie's fingers tangled in his lover's hair. He held Chris' head still as he thrust into his mouth. Chris moaned, and so did Eddie. The vibration sent a shiver down his spine.

"Fuck," Eddie cursed as he fucked Chris' mouth. Faster and harder he went. He couldn't stop. Chris' mouth felt so good and he was climbing closer and closer to his orgasm.

"I'm gonna come, Chris! I'm gonna come!" Eddie squealed.

He felt his cock slide down Chris' throat. And that was all it took for Eddie.

He moaned loudly as he came; shooting his cum in Chris' mouth. Eddie thrusted into Chris' mouth a little more until he rode out his high.

Chris swallowed every little bit of it down. Eddie laid there a moment, catching his breath.

"That was amazing," Eddie finally said, his cheeks red. Chris laughed. "I'll have to make that up to you later."

Chris smirked. "Maybe."

He planted a kiss on Eddie's head and went to the bathroom to rinse his mouth out. 

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