Until I Met You- Chapter Twenty One

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Jeff laid on the couch, his mind wandering off to thoughts he shouldn't be thinking of. It had been such a long day, and Eddie and Chris were finally in bed.

It was dark and quiet, other than the sound of the clock ticking and rain hitting the roof. Jeff sighed and pulled the blanket over him.

He tried to get his mind off the thoughts of Eddie, but he just couldn't. It wasn't fair, not fair at all. Chris just didn't deserve Eddie. Eddie was so beautiful, caring, and sweet, just like an angel.

But yet, Eddie was so hot. The way he ran his fingers through his hair, the way he bit his lip, it was all so teasing.

Jeff wondered if Chris really pleased Eddie. If he gave Eddie anything he asked for, if he really fucked him like Eddie wanted him to. Oh, Jeff would kill to do that with Eddie. For Eddie to tell him exactly everything he wanted him to do to that perfect body.

He wanted Eddie, and one way or another, he was going to get him.

* * *

"Do do do do do do do." Eddie hummed as he sat on the edge of the bed, kicking his legs back and forth as Chris got dressed.

Out of nowhere, a wave of nausea hit Eddie. He sat still a moment, hoping it would just pass by, but it didn't. Eddie felt puke come up and he jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom.

"Baby, you okay?" Chris asked, following behind him. But he stopped at the bathroom doorway when he heard the sound of Eddie puking.

"Shit," Eddie groaned. Chris kneeled down beside Eddie and rubbed his back.

"You feeling okay? Maybe you should go lay down." Chris said, feeling of Eddie's forehead and cheeks. But he didn't feel warm.

"Yeah, it just hit me out of nowhere." Eddie sighed, pulling himself off the floor.

"Maybe something upset your tummy?" Chris suggested. Eddie shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe, I don't know. I'm going to lay down. I don't feel so good."

Chris helped Eddie back into bed and pulled the comforter over him. He planted a kiss on Eddie's forehead and rubbed his stomach.

"You going to be okay here while I go out?" Chris asked. Eddie nodded his head.

"Yeah, just take Jeff with you, please."

"You really don't like him being here, do you?"

Eddie shook his head. "It's not that it's just... I'm not used to him, that's all."

"I'll be back soon, okay, kitten? Just lay here and rest."

Chris placed a kiss on Eddie's stomach. Eddie hugged the pillow that was on the bed and closed his eyes, hoping to sleep off the nausea.

* * *

After Eddie woke up, he found himself alone in his bedroom. Sunlight shone through the window, and it was almost twelve o'clock. He was really hoping Chris was home by now.

The nausea was gone, but Eddie still found it strange how it just hit him so randomly. But he tried not to think too much of it.

"Feeling better?" Chris asked as Eddie walked down the stairs that led to the living room. Chris was sitting on the couch, watching television, and Jeff was gone.

"Yeah, a lot better." Eddie replied. He sat beside Chris on the couch and snuggled into his side.

"I missed this." Eddie sighed.

"Missed what?"

"Being alone here with you. Without being watched."

Chris laughed. "Being watched? Are you still meaning about what happened the other night? Baby, he wasn't standing there."

Eddie nodded. "He was, I know it."

"Well, he better not be watching my baby." Chris said before he placed a kiss on Eddie's lips. Eddie smiled and twirled Chris' hair around his fingers.

"So, since he's gone, how about we you know... Have some fun." Eddie suggested.

"Hmm... Yes, I'd like that."

Eddie chuckled and crawled on top of Chris' lap. 

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