Until I Met You- Chapter Thirty One

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"Jerry, who is some guy that Chris knows by the name of Kim?" Eddie asked. He held the phone between his ear and shoulder as he rocked in the rocking chair, feeding Jeremy his bottle.

"Some guy he used to be in a band with. But after they didn't get a record deal, they kinda broke their band up."

"Him and Chris didn't used to, you know, date or anything, right?"

Jerry laughed. "No, Eddie. Trust me, you don't have to worry about that. Chris would never do anything to hurt you. Besides, Kim is straight."

"What about the other guys?"

"They're straight, Eddie."

Eddie smiled. "Alright. Just making sure."

"Is someone jealous?"

Eddie bit his lip. "Maybe a little."

"Aw, Eddie, don't be. You're the only person in the world Chris wants to be with."

"He's been gone for hours. I just... I miss him a lot."

"He'll be home soon. Layne, what are you doing?"

Eddie could hear Layne mumbling something in the background, but he couldn't really understand him. Then, Jerry giggled and he could hear them share a quick kiss.

"Well, since you're having cute time with Layne, I guess I'll let you go." Eddie said with a little snicker.

"He's dancing around in his underwear." Jerry told him, giggling.

"Jerry!" Layne whined.

"Well, I'll see you later." Eddie said, chuckling. They told their goodbyes, and hung up.

Eddie sighed. He wanted Chris to be here. He had been gone for so long now, too long. Maybe Eddie was just too used to Chris almost always being with him.

But now, Jeremy was sound asleep in Eddie's arms, and he himself was becoming drowsy. It was getting late now, and the moon had come out.

"Sweet dreams, baby. I love you." Eddie whispered softly to Jeremy as he laid him down in his crib. And then, Eddie crawled into bed and pulled the cover over him. He missed Chris laying next to him.

* * *

"Chris?" Eddie croaked as he felt Chris crawling into bed. He yawned as he looked over at the clock.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you." Chris whispered.

"Where were you?" Eddie asked, a tint of sadness in his eyes. Chris gave Eddie a sweet, gentle kiss.

"I was with the guys. Fuck, it felt like so long since we played together. I just couldn't stop."

"Okay." Eddie said quietly, snuggling into the cover. He was a bit upset that Chris was out for so long, but he was too tired to argue.

"I missed you." Chris said as his lips planted kisses on Eddie's neck and shoulders.

"I missed you, too."

Chris pulled Eddie closer to him, now sucking on the tender skin. Eddie tried not to give in to him, but Chris was so hard to push away.

"I'm a bit tired." Eddie whispered, trying not to let a moan slip out.

"I thought about you the whole time I was gone." Chris whispered in his ear.

"Please, Chris, not tonight. I don't feel good."

"What's wrong?"

"I'm tired. You left me here all alone to take care of Jeremy by myself."

"I'm sorry, baby. I know, I shouldn't have stayed out so late. Please don't be mad at me though."

"I'm not mad."

"You promise?"

"Yeah. Goodnight." Eddie said, turning around on his side. He pulled the cover over him a little more and closed his eyes.

Chris sighed and wrapped an arm around Eddie. He pulled himself closer until Eddie's back was pressed against his chest.

"I love you." Eddie said. Chris smiled and nuzzled his nose against Eddie's hair.

"I love you, too. Goodnight, baby."

* * *

"Good morning, beautiful." Chris said, hugging Eddie from behind and kissing his cheek.

"Good morning, sunshine." Eddie said with a smile. He turned around and pecked Chris on the lips.

"I have to go meet up with the guys." Chris said.

Eddie frowned. "Again, today? This is the forth day in a roll."

"I know, but we really need to practice. I won't be out long."

Eddie sighed. "You always say that, and you don't come home until-"

Chris pressed his lips against Eddie's. "I love you."

"I love you, too. Have fun." Eddie said quietly. And then, Chris was gone. 

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