Until I Met You- Chapter Forty One

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"Kurt? Are you okay? You've been in here all day." Eddie said quietly as he hesitantly stepped into the room. Kurt sat on the edge of the bed, his back facing Eddie. The window was cracked, and the cigarette smoke flowed out of it.

"I'm fine, Eddie. I just needed time to myself." Kurt said. His voice was low. So low that Eddie had to strain to hear him.

"Would you like to come downstairs?"

Kurt shrugged. "Maybe in a bit."

Eddie was now standing in front of Kurt. He looked stressed, tired, and upset. Eddie noticed on the floor there was a needle, a spoon, a lighter, and a bag of power stuff.

"Kurt... what is this?" Eddie asked, his voice in a whisper. He couldn't believe his eyes. Was Kurt giving back into drugs?

"Eddie, it's nothing. Don't worry about it."

"Talk to me, Kurt. Are you using heroin again?"

Kurt sighed. "No. I wanted to, but I fucking can't."

Eddie sighed and took a seat next to Kurt. "Why did you want to?"

"Because last night at that party, I felt so stupid. Anthony kissed me and I couldn't even fucking kiss him back. I just feel so... fuck I don't know!"

"I'm sorry, Kurt. I shouldn't have made you go on a date with him." Eddie said. He already felt terrible.

"It's not your fault. I'm thankful for you, Eddie. I'm thankful that you're trying to make me feel better."

"You have so many friends, Kurt. So many people that care about you, and love you. I know, you lost Dave, and I know it hurts, Kurt. But you will find happiness again. If you're not ready to date, that's fine, and I shouldn't try to force it on you. Just please, don't use the heroin. You don't need it. You have us, Kurt. Me, Chris, Jeremy, Layne, Jerry, Alice, Mike, Sean, Krist, Chad, and so many more."

Kurt smiled. "That's really sweet of you to say. Thank you, Eddie."

He wrapped his arms around Eddie, and Eddie did the same to Kurt, hugging him tight. Kurt was so glad he had met Eddie. He was so thankful Eddie was such a good person.

"Promise me you won't take it?" Eddie asked. Kurt nodded his head.

"Yeah, I promise. I'll see if Axl will take it back." Kurt said. And he hopped Axl would take it back, because there's no way Kurt could come up with two hundred dollars.

* * *

"Needing more already?" Axl asked with a grin on his face. Kurt shook his head and stepped inside.

"Actually, I was hoping maybe I could give you the heroin back, and maybe you can give my money back. I haven't used any at all."

Axl shrugged his shoulders. "Sorry, man. Can't do that. I've already spent the money you gave me."

"Well, just take the heroin back." Kurt said, holding it out to him. Axl chuckled.

"I don't want it back, Kurt. What I want, is my two hundred dollars. Pay up."

"I don't fucking have it, Axl. Why does it even matter? I haven't used any of it!"

Kurt wanted to grit his teeth. Even though Axl was his dealer, Kurt really didn't like him. He hated him. All he really wanted to do, was punch Axl across his grinning face.

"Doesn't matter. You bought it, it's yours, and I don't want it back. If you know what's best, and you don't want into trouble, you better pay up. Since I'm such a nice guy, I'll give you three days to pay me. And don't even try to hide from me, because, Kurt, I will find you, and it won't be pretty."

"You're a dick." Kurt spat. Axl laughed, taking another drag of his cigarette.

"I'll see you on Saturday, babe." Axl said with a wink before disappearing out of the house. With a frustrated sigh, Kurt left, leaving the heroin on Axl's coffee table.

* * *

"Where were you yesterday? I waited for you to show up all day." Krist sighed. Kurt twisted at the sleeves of his sweater.

"I uh, I was out with Eddie and Chris. I'm sorry. But, I need to borrow some money."

"How much?"

Kurt bit his lip. "Two hundred."

"For what?"

"Well... You see, I owe someone some money."

Krist leaned against the wall. "What for? It's not Axl, is it?"

Kurt shook his head. "No! Course not. It's... uh-"

"You're lying." Krist stated with a frown on his face. "You can't think of anyone else to say. It's Axl. Kurt, why?! Why the fuck are you doing this again?!"

"I'm not doing anything!" Kurt defended.

"You're buying drugs, Kurt. Heroin, I'm guessing. Have you used any?"

Kurt sighed. "Alright, fine. I owe it to Axl. But I didn't use any of it. I swear, I'm still clean. But, he won't take it back. He wants his fucking money."

Krist sighed. "How do I know you didn't take any? How do I know that you're just not going to buy more?"

"So, what, you don't trust me?" Kurt asked in disbelief.

"It's not that, Kurt. It's just you've lied to me before." Krist sighed. He really didn't want to have an argument with his friend.

Kurt shook his head. "It's different this time, Krist."

Krist took Kurt's arms and rolled up his sleeves. Closely and slowly, he ran his eyes over Kurt's arms. He searched for any signs that Kurt had recently been poking himself with a needle. But he couldn't see any.

"Hold up your shirt." Krist ordered. Kurt sighed, but obeyed, holding up his shirt. After searching him over, Krist allowed him to pull his shirt back down.

"What about your legs? How do I know you haven't been shooting up there?" Krist protested.

Kurt sighed. "Krist, just stop it, alright? I haven't used any, and I'm telling the truth this time. Just please, help me out."

"Listen, I don't have that much money, Kurt. I can give you fifty, but that's it. The rest, well, you'll have to come up with it yourself somehow."

"Alright. Okay, I'll take it. It's a start I guess. Thank you, Krist."

Kurt threw his arms around Krist, hugging him tight. Krist hugged him back, stroking the ends of his blonde hair. He was concerned about Kurt. He loved him, more than he could ever explain, and he would be damned if he would sit and watch Kurt's life go back to heroin. All he hoped, was that Kurt was telling the truth this time. 

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