Until I Met You- Chapter Forty Eight

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Krist looked down, watching as Kurt slept peacefully. His eyes softly closed, his little snores filling up the silence, and the peaceful look on his face was all so adorable. His blonde hair was a mess, going in every which way, and his arms were tucked under his pillow.

Krist had came to wake him up from his sleep, but seeing that Kurt was sleeping so well caused him to change his mind. He decided to let him sleep a bit longer. He knew that Kurt had been so tired lately.

But as Krist turned to leave the room, Kurt had woken up.


His voice croaked. Kurt began to pull himself up into a sitting position as he rubbed the sleep away from his eyes. Krist turned, now facing Kurt.

"Sorry, did I wake you?"

With a yawn, Kurt shook his head and mumbled a no. He reached his arms up, silently telling Krist to give him a hug. And he could resist.

He wrapped his arms around Kurt's small body, and Kurt wrapped his arms around Krist's neck, quickly pulling him into a kiss.

Krist's eyes popped open wide. He didn't expect Kurt to kiss him, but it was a great surprise. But before he could kiss back, Kurt pulled away, and he held a smile on his face.

"I like you, Krist," He said softly. "And... I think... that I'm ready to start a relationship with you."

Krist's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't believe someone so beautiful and amazing was willing to give him a chance. But he already knew he would do anything to make Kurt happy again, and make him feel loved.

Krist smiled. "Okay. Okay, great! So, umm... you're my boyfriend now?"

Kurt chuckled, and nodded his head. "Yeah, I'm your boyfriend now."

With a big goofy grin on his face, Krist pecked Kurt's nose. "Good."

He wrapped his arms around Kurt, and pulled him close, just hugging him tightly. Krist silently promised to himself that he would do whatever it takes to be the best boyfriend he could be.

* * *

"Ugh, Alice, stop crying." Jerry whimpered as Alice's screams and sobs burst through his throbbing head. Layne held a toy in front of Alice's face, and the noise coming from it immediately distracted her from crying.

She reached for it, taking it out of Layne's hand, and it instantly went for her mouth.

"We've been here two hours." Jerry groaned. Him, Layne, and Alice all sat in the waiting room, waiting for Alice to have her checkup from the doctor.

"We've only been here like fifteen minutes, baby." Layne chuckled. He wrapped his arm around Jerry and pulled him close, kissing him on the cheek.

"I'm so tired. I haven't slept in like two nights because Alice kept me awake." Jerry said with a pout.

"Awe, my poor baby." Layne sighed, pecking Jerry on his pouty lips.

"Alice is getting sleepy. Look at her." Jerry whispered. Alice laid in Jerry's arms, her blue eyes slowly drooping. But when the toy fell out of her hands, she was wide awake and squealing again.

As Layne reached for the toy, a nurse called for them. The three followed her back into a room, and soon, the doctor came in. Everything went great, except when the doctor poked Alice's leg with a needle to give her a shot. Then, her screams echoed through the walls.

Jerry rubbed his temples, and silently prayed that Alice would calm down. After giving her a bandage and getting her back into her baby clothes, Jerry took her in his arms and cradled her, gave her kisses, and softly whispered to her that it would be okay.

* * *

Jerry sighed in relief once his head had finally hit the soft pillows. Everything was so silent and peaceful, and he took the time to enjoy it. Alice was sleeping soundly in her crib, while Layne was taking a shower.

As soon as his eyes shut, he nearly fell into a deep sleep. That was until Layne jumped into the bed. Jerry could smell his sweet shampoo.

"I know you're awake." Layne whispered in his ear. He pulled Jerry into his chest and squeezed him.

"Babe, I'm sleepy." Jerry mumbled, shutting his eyes. Layne chuckled and gave Jerry a soft kiss on his head.

"Okay, kitten. Goodnight." Layne whispered. And Jerry was fast asleep, only soon to wake up, puking all over the place. 

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