Until I Met You- Chapter Thirty Seven

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Kurt slowly opened his eyes, blinking away the sleep. He looked over at the clock, seeing that it was only five in the morning. He closed his eyes again, and moved closer to Dave, snuggling into his side.

"You're really cold, baby." Kurt said, pulling the comforter over Dave. But he froze when he saw that Dave's lips were blue.

"D-Dave..." Kurt trailed off. He laid his head on Dave's chest, but he couldn't hear a heartbeat. He felt for a pulse, but he couldn't feel anything.

"No! D-Dave, wake up! Please, wake up!" Kurt screamed as he roughly shook Dave. His tears began to drip down on Dave's face.

"No, Dave! You can't fucking leave me! I need you!" Kurt screamed, laying his head on Dave's chest and sobbing. He wanted Dave to open his eyes. He wanted it to just be one of Dave's sick jokes.

As fast as Kurt's legs would take him, he began to run down the stairs. He picked up the phone, and with shaky hands, he quickly called Krist.

"Hello?" Krist said, his voice sounding as if he had just been woken from his sleep. But he was fully awake when Kurt spoke into the phone.

"Krist! Dave, he isn't br-breathing, he-he won't wake up." Kurt sobbed.

"Kurt, I'm going to call an ambulance and I'll be straight over, okay?"

"Pl-please, hurry." Kurt begged. Krist promised he would hurry, and hung up the phone.

* * *

"Ugh, please just take your bottle." Chris groaned as Jeremy squealed in Eddie's arms. Chris tried to force the bottle into Jeremy's mouth. Eddie sighed, rocking Jeremy back and forth.

"Stop being so rough with him!" Eddie snapped at him.

"He's been crying for the past fucking hour!"

"Stop screaming, it's just making him cry even more." Eddie said, rolling his eyes. He began to softly hum in Jeremy's ear, trying to soothe him.

"Fucking hell," Chris sighed in relief once Jeremy began to calm down. Jeremy loved to hear his father's voices when they would hum and sing. It seemed to be the one thing that always calmed him down.

His blue eyes began to droop, and soon, Jeremy was fast asleep. Eddie rocked him for a little while longer, making sure he was for sure asleep. Then, he laid Jeremy back in his crib.

"Let's go back to bed now." Eddie said with a yawn. Chris nodded in agreement, and the two crawled back into bed.

"I'm sorry for getting angry," Chris sighed. "I'm just tired."

Eddie nodded before pecking Chris on the lips. "I'm tired, too."

Chris ran his fingers through Eddie's hair. "I love you, Eddie, so much it hurts."

"I love you, too, baby. Let's just get some sleep now, okay?"

Chris pecked Eddie on the lips one more time before wrapping his arm around his husband. As soon as the two closed their eyes, the phone rang. With a groan, Chris reached over and picked up the phone that was on the nightstand.


"Hey, man... Uh, Dave... he, well, he passed away."

It was Krist on the other end of the phone. Chris shot up in bed. He couldn't believe what he was hearing right now. His heart began to pound in his chest.

"What? A-are you serious?"

"Yeah. I would've called sooner, but, Kurt isn't taking it so well."

"What happened to him? Is Kurt alright?"

"He had a heart attack. Kurt, he's okay, he's just in shock. He collapsed, and he's resting right now." Krist sighed.

"Fuck. Oh, man. Shit. Uh, okay. I'm going to get ready and me and Eddie will be there soon."

"Alright. I'll see you soon." Krist said before hanging up the phone.

"What is it, Chris? Is everything okay?" Eddie asked.

"Dave passed away." Chris said. Eddie froze, a little shocked from what Chris told him.

"Oh." Eddie whispered.

"Get ready. I'm going to get Jeremy ready and we'll go see Kurt, okay?"

Eddie nodded. "Alright."

* * *

"It was just a dream, wasn't it? Dave is still alive. He's still here with me. Isn't he?" Kurt asked. His voice was quiet, and it seemed to tremble. He stared blankly at the wall.

Krist bit his lip, putting his hand on Kurt's shoulder. "It wasn't a dream, Kurt."

Kurt's eyes began to water, and

he started to pull himself out of bed. "Where is he? I want to see him."

"Kurt, just lay back and rest." Krist pleaded with him.

"Tell me where he is!" Kurt snapped, making Krist flinch.

"Kurt, you need to-"

"Where the fuck is he?!" Kurt demanded for answers.

"He's at the funeral home." Krist said softly. Kurt shook his head.

"Don't lie to me, Krist. Where is Dave?" Kurt asked once more. But he knew himself it wasn't a lie. He broke down again, holding tightly to Krist as he cried.

"It's going to be okay, man. I know it hurts. I know, but it's going to get better. I'm going to be here for you." Krist whispered to him. There was a soft knock at the door.

"That's probably Eddie and Chris. Do you want to see them, or-"

"No, it's okay," Kurt said, wiping his eyes with his arm and sniffling. "Let them in. I want to see Jeremy."

Krist nodded his head before opening the door, letting Chris and Eddie come into the hospital room. Eddie carried Jeremy's car seat, where Jeremy laid asleep.

"Hi, Kurt." Eddie greeted, smiling at him. He sat down on the hospital bed by Kurt's feet.

"Hey." Kurt said quietly. He looked down at Jeremy.

"You okay?" Eddie asked. Kurt shook his head for a no.

"I just want to see Dave." Kurt whispered. Eddie wrapped his arms around Kurt, pulling him into a hug.

"Please, someone take me to see him." Kurt begged.

"If you want to see him, you need to calm down a little." Krist sighed. Kurt bit his lip. It was just so hard not to break down.

"You promise?"

Krist nodded. "I promise."

Kurt sighed and slowly pulled away from the comforting hug he received from Eddie. He looked back down at Jeremy.

"I'm sorry. I just need a cigarette. I need to go home."

"You're staying the night with me." Krist stated. Kurt didn't argue with him. He just nodded his head in a agreement. 

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