Until I Met You- Chapter Ten

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"Ch-Chris," Eddie whined as Chris fucked him from behind. His hands held a tight grip on Eddie's hips. Eddie's teeth was grinding together, his finger nails digging into the mattress. With his other hand, he jerked himself off.

"I-I'm gonna come!" Eddie squealed, jerking faster. Chris moaned and thrust harder, getting deeper into Eddie.

"Come on, Eddie. Come for me. Come for daddy." Chris whispered. Eddie whined. Chris grabbed a fistful of Eddie's hair and yanked his head back.

"I'm gonna come for you." Eddie moaned. "I'm fucking coming!"

And he came; shooting his mess on the mattress underneath him. Eddie's body shook and trembled. Now, Eddie held himself up with both hands.

Chris tossed his head back. Eddie felt so good, always so tight and warm. Chris fucking loved it.

"F-fuck!" Eddie gasped as Chris pounded into him.

"I'm gonna come, baby. I'm gonna come while my dick is in your tight little ass." Chris said as his teeth sank into his bottom lip.

He fucked Eddie a little harder before releasing. His orgasm washed over him, making him moan in pleasure.

"You always make me come so hard." Chris said as he rode out his high. Once he pulled out, the two collapsed on the bed, laying on their backs.

Chris ran his fingers through his damp hair and panted. Eddie got into his boxers before he wrapped his arm around Chris.

"I love you."

Chris twisted pieces of Eddie's hair around his fingers. "I love you, too."

"I need a shower now." Eddie said. Chris chuckled.

"I have something for you." Chris said as he reached into his jeans pocket that laid on the floor next to the bed. He gave Eddie a small box.

"You don't have to get me anything, baby."

"Open it."

Eddie opened the box to reveal a ring. He took it out of the box and took a look at it.

"Awwww, Chris." Eddie said with blushing cheeks.

"It's a promise ring." Chris said before taking it away from Eddie's hands.

"I just want to promise you that I'll never hurt you, I'll always be here for you, I'll always love you. And, I promise to be with you forever and always no matter what, my angel."

Then, Chris slipped the ring on Eddie's finger. Eddie smiled and placed a kiss on Chris's lips.

"Thank you, baby. I can't even begin to tell you how much I love you."

Chris smiled. "I'm so thankful I met you, Eddie. You're the only person in the whole entire world I want to be with."

"Same to you."

"Well," Chris pecked Eddie's lips. "Go take your shower."

* * *

"So, you remember how Layne said we need to tell you something?" Jerry asked. Everyone sat in the living room. Layne took ahold of Jerry's hand.

"Well... I'm pregnant." Jerry said, smiling the biggest smile Eddie had seen.

"Awwwwww." Eddie wrapped his arms around Jerry, giving him a hug. "That's so amazing!"

"Awww." Chris said, putting his cigarette out. "Layne is going to be a dad."

"Yes, and, you know it takes a while to have the baby. So we're hoping to get married before the baby comes." Jerry said before holding up his hand. A beautiful ring was wrapped around his finger.

"Oh my god!" Eddie squealed. "Jerry! That's just... Perfect!"

"Yeah," Jerry said, still smiling. He took a look over at Layne. "He's my everything. I don't know where I would be without him."

Layne blushed.

Eddie smiled. "That's so adorable."

"And I see there's something on your finger as well." Jerry said, winking.

"Oh," Eddie looked down at his hand, smiling as well. "Yeah, it's a promise ring."

"Aw, so cute. You guys are such a good couple."

Eddie blushed. "Thanks. So are you and Layne. So uh, how long are you?"

"I'm a month pregnant today. I found out I was pregnant about two weeks after we, you know."

"Yeah. That's really sweet, Jerry. Congratulations."

Jerry smiled. "Thank you, Eddie. Would you guys like to have any kids?"

Chris and Eddie looked at each other.

"Yeah, I would. I mean, not now. But maybe in a few years. But only if he wants to." Eddie said.

"Well, you never know, you could be pregnant right now and not even know it yet."

"I guess you're right." Eddie said. Jerry chuckled.

"I should be going. I have a doctors appointment to get an ultrasound in twenty minutes." Jerry said as he looked at the clock on the wall.

"I'm really happy for you guys." Eddie said.

"Thanks, man. Well, I guess I'll see you later?" Layne said.

"Yeah, I'll see you."

"Good luck." Chris said. Then Layne and Jerry left.

"Well, that was interesting, huh?" Chris said as he pulled Eddie on his lap.

"Chris, what if I'm pregnant?" Eddie asked. Chris looked at him a moment before laughing.

"No, baby. We used protection." Chris said, kissing Eddie's nose and cheeks.

Eddie pecked Chris's lips. "But sometimes protection isn't very protective."

"Don't worry about it, baby. You're not pregnant."

Eddie was panicking a little. Of course, he would love to have a baby with Chris. But not now. He's only seventeen, he isn't even married, he couldn't have a baby right now.

"Okay." Eddie said. Chris kissed Eddie's lips deeply.

"Come on, let's to shopping, we need to get a few things."


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