Until I Met You- Chapter Seven

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"I can't believe I'm doing this." Chris groaned as he looked through the tuxedos. Eddie stood by his side, holding his hand.

"You're gonna look so adorable." Eddie said before he kissed Chris on the cheek.

"I hate tuxedos," Chris whined. "Why does my mom have to be getting married again?"

Eddie shrugged. "I don't know. But why don't you get this one?"

"I think it would look better on you."

Eddie looked at him like he was crazy. "Me? In a tuxedo? No, thank you."

"You have to, darling."

Eddie pouted, and Chris kissed his pouty lips.

"Come on, go try it on." Chris said, holding up the tuxedo. Eddie went into the dressing room while Chris waiting outside the door.

"Eddie? Are you okay in there?" Chris asked after a while of waiting.

"I look like an idiot."

"No, you don't. Come on open the door and let me see."

Eddie slowly swung the door open. There he stood in the black tuxedo. Chris grinned.

"Woah. Fucking hot."

Eddie blushed and closed the door. After he finished getting dressed, he helped Chris pick out his tuxedo.

When Chris opened the door, Eddie blushed. He looked so good standing there with that tuxedo on. Eddie could've just ripped it off him and let Chris have his way with him.

"Well, how does it look?" Chris asked.

"G-good. Really good." Eddie stuttered. Chris laughed.

After getting back into his clothes, they got the tuxedos and left. When they got home, they began to pack their bags.

"When are we leaving?" Eddie asked.

"Tonight, actually. It's a fifteen hour flight. We need to be gone by at least six."

Eddie whined. Chris kissed his nose and continued packing. Then, the phone rang.

"I'll get it." Eddie said, hopping off the bed. He picked up the phone.


"Hey, what are you up to?" It was Layne.

"I'm helping Chris pack," Eddie said as he held the phone between his ear and shoulder. "His mother is getting married in California tomorrow."

"Oh, that's nice. Well, I'll let you go then. But when you guys get back, me and Jerry have some important news to tell you guys."

"You're getting married?" Eddie guessed.

"No, it's not that yet. You'll find out later. Bye. Have a safe trip."

"Okay. Bye, Layne. Tell Jerry I said hi."

And then they hung up.

"What did they want?" Chris asked.

"Layne said him and Jerry have something important to tell us when we get back."

Chris wrapped his arms around Eddie's waist. "Wonder what it'll be."

Eddie shrugged and laid his head on Chris' shoulder. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Eddie. When you say that to me, you make my heart melt. I know you're the one for me, Eddie. The only one."

Eddie smiled. "That's so sweet, Chris. I'm glad you feel that way about me, because I feel the exact same way."

Chris kissed Eddie on the head. "Well, baby, I guess we should be going, shouldn't we?"


The two loaded the car and headed off to the airport.

* * *

On the plane, Eddie and Chris sat side by side, holding hands. Beside them in the empty seat sat their bags.

Chris laid his head on Eddie's shoulder. Everything was quiet other than the sound of the plane moving along.

"How long have we been on here?" Chris asked.

"About seven hours." Eddie answered. "Sleepy?"

Chris yawned. "Yeah, a little."

"Go to sleep." Eddie whispered, rubbing his thumb over Chris'.

"Okay. Maybe just for an hour or two." Chris said, closing his eyes. He fell asleep quickly, and a few hours turned into eight hours.

"Chris, wake up, baby. We're here." Eddie whispered. Chris opened his eyes and stretched.


"We're here."

Chris stood up from his seat and grabbed their bags. "Why didn't you wake me up earlier?"

"You looked too cute. I just couldn't."

Chris pecked Eddie's lips and followed him off the plane.

"I have some rules, okay?" Chris said. "If my mom asks, you're just my friend. When we're around them, we can't hold hands, or hug, or kiss, alright?"

Eddie sighed, feeling a little disappointed in Chris. "Alright."

"I'm sorry. I just can't have them finding out."

"I understand, don't worry." Eddie said, his voice sounding a little sad.

"Please don't be like that."

"Like what, Chris?"


Eddie looked down. "I'm not upset."

"Yes, you are."

"No, I'm not."



Chris sighed. "Come on, give me a kiss."

"We wouldn't want anyone to see, would we?"

"See, you're upset with me."

"I just... I don't want to hide this, Chris. Are you ashamed?"

"No, no, Eddie, I'm not."

Chris took Eddie's hand in his. "I just don't want me mom upset. I mean, what if she doesn't except me? Then I've ruined her whole wedding day. But I promise, I'll tell her soon."

Eddie sighed, but smiled. "Okay. I'm sorry."

Chris placed a kiss on Eddie's lips. "Don't be, beautiful. I'm the one who should be sorry."

Chris suddenly let go of Eddie's hand. "Here she comes."

His mother pulled up in front of them. She got out of the car and captured Chris in a bone crushing hug.

"Oh, Chris! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever! I've missed you!"

Eddie giggled.

"Okay, mom, you're crushing me." Chris groaned. His mother let him go and laughed.

"And who's this little cutie?" She asked, pinching Eddie's cheek.

"I'm Eddie." Eddie said softly, blushing.

"Well, you're just adorable." She said, taking him in a bone crushing hug. Eddie hugged her back.

"Alright, guys, let's get going. We have a long day ahead of us tomorrow." She said. They all got into the car and they were on their way. 

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