Until I Met You- Chapter Forty Three

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The awful guilty feeling ate away at Layne. It had been two days since everything had happened, and by the minute, Layne felt even worse.

It was even beginning to show. Jerry knew something was wrong, and Layne not telling him, it made him feel even worse. Layne knew how self conscious Jerry was, and he hated himself for everything. For making the stupid mistake, and for the way he was acting.

"I love you, Jer. I love you so much, you know that, don't you?" Layne asked.

Jerry sat next to him on the couch. His legs were crossed, and he was wearing one of Layne's oversized sweaters. He looked so adorable.

He smiled. A soft, sad smile. "I love you, too, Layne. Can you stay here with Alice for just a bit? I need to go out and get some things."

"You want me to come with you?"

"No, it's okay. It's kinda cold outside, and I don't want Alice getting sick. I won't be gone long, I promise."

Layne sighed. "Okay. Be careful, baby. Can I have a kiss?"

Jerry smiled. "Of course, my sweet little Layne."

Jerry pressed his lips against Layne's, and one gentle kiss led to passionate ones. Soon, Jerry was straddling Layne's lap, and he had his fingers tangled in Layne's hair.

As his hand went to unbutton Layne's jeans, Layne took his hand.

"Not right now, kitten. Later, okay?"

Jerry softly nodded his head. Biting his lip, he pulled himself off his husband's lap. Without a word, Jerry grabbed his jacket and left.

* * *

"I just... I don't understand. Does he not love me anymore? Every time I try to touch him, he pushes me away. He doesn't even want to have sex anymore." Jerry complained to Eddie. He wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

"Layne loves you, Jerry. He's loves you so much. Maybe he's just a bit stressed from the baby and everything."

Jerry sniffled. "I hope so. I just... I feel like he's hiding something from me. I can feel it. Just the way he's acting. Something is going on."

Eddie gave Jerry a comforting smile. "I'm sure it's nothing, Jerry. He loves you. He wouldn't do anything to hurt you."

Jerry took in a deep breath. "I hope you're right."

Eddie smiled. "Yeah, so... I need more lube."

Jerry shook his head, and chuckled. "I can't believe I decided to come in here with you."

The two were in a store, and Eddie decided to drag Jerry to the dirty aisle. And next thing Jerry knew, Eddie was holding a dildo in his hand, pretending it was a sword.

"Eddie, stop being so weird." Jerry whisper yelled. He couldn't help but burst out into laughter.

"So, what's bigger that dildo, or Chris?" Jerry teased. Eddie cheeks turned red, and he began to giggle.

"That's for me to know, and you to never find out, my friend."

Jerry playfully rolled his eyes. "Are you getting that? Because if you're not, I am."

Eddie stuck the toy back into the box. "You actually want to get one?"

Jerry shrugged. "Might as well. I mean, if Layne doesn't want to have sex, I'll need something, won't I?"

Eddie chuckled. "Well, I guess so."

Jerry took the dildo, and with a grin on his face, he turned around. Him and Eddie began to walk to one of the check out aisles.

"But Eddie?"


"Why do they make flavored lube?"

Eddie laughed, and with a shrug, he playfully rolled his eyes.

* * *

Kurt had just finished washing his mouth out when Axl stood at the bathroom doorway. Kurt would've done anything to slap that fucking smirk off his face.

"You sure you have to leave now? You could stick around, you know. We can have some fun. My friends are coming over soon."

Kurt rolled his eyes and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "Fuck off, Axl."

Kurt went to leave, but before he could push Axl out of his way, Axl grabbed him and pinned him against the doorway.

"You sure you don't wanna stay here? Where else are you going to run to, huh? You have no one, Kurt. No one cares about you."

Kurt gritted his teeth. "I have plenty people who care about me, unlike you. You're pathetic, Axl. You think you're all this, and all that, but you're not. You're no one."

Axl laughed. "You think I fucking care, Kurt? I don't give a damn whether you like me or you don't."

Axl took a drag of the joint lit up between his fingers. He blew the smoke in Kurt's face. Kurt's blood boiled.

He couldn't control himself. He was so angry, he was seeing black. He swung his fist back, and with all the strength he had in him, he punched Axl across the face.

"Shit! You stupid little fuck!" Axl hissed. He dropped the joint and held to his cheek.

Kurt went to run, but Axl grabbed him and shoved him down on the floor. He straddled Kurt's lap, and his hands wrapped around his throat.

"You think you're just going to hit me and get away with it?" Axl asked. Kurt grabbed Axl's hands and tried to pull them off.

"You're fucking stupid!" Axl screamed in his face. Kurt kicked his feet.

Axl's grip got tighter. Kurt was becoming weaker by the second. He had stopped trying to fight back. His eyes began to droop, and he was seeing black. He couldn't breathe. He was going to die, and he was scared. Axl was going to kill him.

"Pl-please... let... me go." Kurt choked out. The best he could, he pleaded with Axl. But Axl wasn't going to let go.

"You want to die, Kurt? You want to see your stupid little lover? He's just on the other side." Axl said. He was so evil.

Kurt knew he was getting closer to his end. He was going to die. He couldn't breathe. He was suffocating, and just when he thought he was going to take his last breath, Axl's grip was released.

Kurt gasped for air. He could see Axl's body fall beside his. He could hear the loud thump when Axl's head bumped the floor. Kurt could also hear a voice calling to him, saying his name, but everything was blurry, and his hearing was fuzzy. Then, everything went black. 

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