Until I Met You- Chapter Sixty

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It was finally Friday, which brought tons of joy to Jeremy, knowing he wouldn't have school for two days. Sure, he loved school, but he very much missed his dad's.

Jeremy ran to his dad's bedroom. Chris still laid there asleep. Eddie had woken up and helped Jeremy get dressed for school. After that, he told Jeremy to go wake Chris up.

"Dad! Dad! Wake up!" Jeremy said. He pulled the covers off of Chris.

"What're you doing up so early sweet pea?" Chris asked.

"There's school today. But it's Friday. So guess what! No school for two whole days!"

Chris chuckled. He wrapped his arms around Jeremy and pulled him into a hug, placing a kiss on his head. Jeremy nuzzled his little nose into Chris' long hair.

"Why's your hair so big?" Jeremy asked. By big, he meant bushy and curly.

"I don't know, Jeremy. Don't worry, yours will be that way someday." Chris joked with a laugh.

"We have to go to school." Jeremy said, ignoring his comment. Chris playfully rolled his eyes.

"Alright, alright."

* * *

After school, the three of them were sitting on the couch when they heard a car pull in. Jeremy jumped up and looked out the window. He loved when people came over.

"It's Kurt!" Jeremy squealed. He had grown very fond of Kurt, and a little fond of Axl, but nothing compared to Kurt.

As soon as there was a knock on the door, Jeremy opened the door. As soon as he seen Kurt, he wrapped his arms around his waist, since it was all he could reach.


"Hey there, Jeremy." Kurt said, returning the hug.

"No hugs for me?" Axl asked, pouting his bottom lip. Jeremy shook his head, stuck his tongue out, and ran to the couch to jump in Chris' lap.

"I have news for everyone." Kurt said with a big smile. Eddie had never seen him smile so big.

"What's that?" Eddie asked.

"I'm going to have a baby!" Kurt announced. Before anyone could say anything, Jeremy spoke up, with his eyebrows knotted together.

"How're you having a baby?" Jeremy asked.

"Well, see, Jeremy, there's a baby in his tummy." Eddie explained.

Jeremy gasped. "A baby in his tummy? How?"

"Magic." Kurt said, sitting by Jeremy who still sat in Chris' lap. Axl sat beside him.

Jeremy laid his hand on Kurt's stomach. He didn't feel anything. Then, he held his mouth next to Kurt's stomach.

"Hello, baby." Jeremy said. He then put his ear to Kurt's stomach.

"The baby isn't talking." Jeremy said. Everyone began to laugh, especially Axl, who was absolutely dying with laughter.

"It doesn't work like that." Chris said.

"How did the baby get in your tummy?" Jeremy asked. He was trying to wrap his mind around everything.

"Magic." Kurt said again. Jeremy stayed quiet, trying to understand everything.

"I thought you couldn't have kids?" Eddie asked.

"Well, I didn't think I could. It's like a miracle or something. I don't know." Kurt said.

"We got lucky." Axl said, taking Kurt's hand in his.

"When's the wedding?" Chris asked.

"Sometime in November. We haven't set the exact day yet."

"I'm so happy for you two. Congratulations." Eddie said. Kurt and Axl both smiled.

"Thanks." Axl said.

"Are you gonna play the blue thingy today?" Jeremy asked. He was referring to Kurt's guitar. He thought it was awesome to watch him play.

"I didn't bring it with me today. I'll have to next time, or you could come to my house." Kurt suggested. Jeremy had stayed nights with Kurt and Axl before.

"I'll come next time it's Friday." Jeremy said. Kurt chuckled.

"Alright. Next time it's Friday."

* * *

"Well, look at you." Jerry said, laughing. Layne blushed, wiping the soup that had splashed up off his nose.

"Stop being mean." Layne whined. He was sick, and his voice was so hoarse, it sound awful.

"You need to gargle some salt water. Soup isn't going to help very much." Jerry said.

"But that's gross." Layne sighed.

Alice ran into the room, holding something in her hand. She had a big, proud smile on her face.

"Whatcha got?" Jerry asked. He was smiling, having no clue what she really had.

"Look, Dad, I cut my hair!" Alice said, holding out a fistful of hair. Jerry's heart dropped.

"You what?" Layne screeched.

"Where did you cut it?" Jerry asked. Alice turned around, showing Jerry the back of her head. There was one big piece missing.

"Oh my god..." Jerry muttered.

"What's wrong?" Alice asked.

"How did you get scissors?" Layne asked.

"It was on your bed, dad." She informed.

"Why would you do that? You've ruined yourself!" Jerry said, his voice getting loud, which scared Alice.

"I... I didn't mean to." Alice said, her eyes beginning to swell with tears.

Jerry sighed in frustration, massaging his temples.

"Just go to your room. Right now!" Jerry demanded. Alice didn't hesitate.

"Hey, baby, calm down." Layne said, laying his hand on top of Jerry's.

"I can't calm down. I'm literally so fucking aggravated." Jerry whined.

Layne stood up, wrapping his arms around Jerry's shoulders. He hugged him tight and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I'll take care of this."

"No, you're sick, you need to rest."

"I'm not too sick. I'm alright." Layne assured Jerry.

"Thanks. I love you, Layne."

Layne gave him another kiss on the cheek. "I love you, too."

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