Chapter 1

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Sometimes when I tell this story even I can't believe it but it's true. All of it. Journalists always look at me like I have two heads or something equally as horrible. My name is Abby White and how I happened to become a member of the Foo Fighters is something like a weird, drunken, highly sexualized fairy tale and it all began with these two stupid sentences..."you know what Chevy Metal needs? A fuckin' Billy Squier song..."

I was drunk. Very drunk. Too drunk to flirt so I think that's why Taylor smiled and said "which one, ya' think?" Basically, from that moment forward we've been inseparable. That night we talked until 4 in the morning. I think we were both happy to find someone who simply liked the same things. It was comforting. Taylor later told me that he had been sending texts to Dave throughout the night we spent walking around Chicago and having coffee til dawn. He texted "I just met our new best friend. I can't wait til you meet her" and "seriously, I'm looking into polygamy laws in the state of California. I'm pretty sure it's illegal but I'm still gonna check." I laughed at that last one the hardest. I'm pretty sure Allison Hawkins would have me murdered before that ever happened. She's not my biggest fan. Which is smart on her part. Taylor's and my friendship is...complicated. We'll get to that part later. Let's start from the beginning...
"What time does her flight get in, again?" Taylor says jumping up and down.
"It gets in when I told you it does you fuckin' spaz! 5:20! She'll be here soon!" Dave yelled back.
"Yeah yeah..." Taylor snapped back.
"I can't wait for you to meet her, dude. She's...she's so much like us it's frightening. You WILL love her." Taylor says seriously.
"So you keep saying... You don't think she'll mind staying in my pool house, do you? I mean, it's nothing against her, I just think she'll be more comfortable there." Dave says nervously.
"Oh sure, she'll be fine." Taylor replies.
Dave had only separated from his wife, Jordyn, a few months at this point. He wasn't ready to give up yet. Jordyn, however, was over it. She was sick of an absentee husband.
"There's my girl!" Taylor shouted looking over Dave's shoulder.
He ran toward me with a huge grin and his arms open wide ready to take me in.
"Teeeee!" I squealed as I dropped my carry on and into his warm embrace. We hugged each other tight for a moment and he bent down to pick up my bag laughing.
"D, this is Abby. Abby this is D!" He beamed.
I was in a bit of a shock in his presence. I'd only loved him since I was fucking 14 years old. Now we were both old and the feeling was still as fresh as the first time I saw him on MTV all those years ago.
"Ha-hi." I stammered. I could feel myself turning red. My face was hot.
"Hi..." He said quietly. Clearly in thought.
Taylor's eyes narrowed at Dave who had a steady gaze on me.
"Hm... Let's get the fuck outta here before TMZ gets a whiff of us." Taylor says coolly putting his arm around my shoulder and leading me away.
"Absofuckinglutely." Dave says walking away quickly.
Taylor and I had made plans for me to visit weeks ago but I had to make sure the timing was right at my very busy law firm where I was a paralegal.  I had worked there 16 years so time off was never a problem just timing. The time was right but I just had a gut feeling like a change was coming and boy was it.

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