Chapter 43

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Ollie had been home for about four months when Taylor and the Coattails decided to tour. For once, their record really got big, good press and I knew it would. The minute I heard the final cut I knew it would be big. I tend to have an ear for these things. Taylor had been in Europe for about three weeks and I was home with a colicky Ollie getting no sleep. I was able to get him to sleep around 3:00 am but I decided to stay awake and look at my email which I hadn't touched in days. I brought up my gmail and saw a message from my friend, Joan, who lives in Germany...

Subject: WFT Taylor?!

Hey babe, I hate doing this but I saw this on TV yesterday and didn't think you should be out of the loop. Love you, sweetie. ❤️ I think he's just flirting...Joan

"What the FUCK, indeed..." I seethed and picked up my phone. I knew he'd be up...

"Hey baby!" He answered sweetly.

"Hey..." Is all I get out.

"What's wrong? Is everything OK? How's Ollie?" He worriedly questioned.

"He's colicky and I've had about 5 hours of sleep in the last three days... How's everything there? Everything good?" I asked sarcastically.

"Yeah...everything's fine, I guess... I'm so sorry, baby. Can't you get your mom to help you?" He asked. I had moved my mom out to LA from Florida finally.

"She's too old to deal with this, Taylor!" I snapped. "I wouldn't do that to her!" Taylor paused.

"What's wrong, sweetie? There's something wrong..." He questioned sweetly.

"What? No, darlin'? I'm sweetie so you must keep me separate from the "darlings", I guess..." I seethed.

"Please tell me what you're talking about? I am SO lost..." He cried.

"You near your laptop? I just sent you an email. Take a fucking look then tell me what I'm talking about!" I yelled. I could hear him typing then there was a pause and a sigh.

"Sweetheart...I..." He breathed.

"You what?" I snapped. I thought I was going to throw up.

"Nothing happened... I was just flirting. I miss you! That's all, I swear on Ollie's LIFE!" He cried. That stopped me cold and I felt myself start to cry.

"Is this how it's going to be, Taylor? Am I going to have to sit here halfway across the world worrying about what you are or aren't doing?" I sobbed. Having no sleep wasn't helping here...

"Noooo... Nooo... I just miss you! I want to touch you, I want to hold you, I want to fuck you..." He whispered. "Come here. Be with me..." His words were melting me. I missed him so much...

"I can't... I can't leave him, Taylor... He's sick and I can't bring him." I sobbed. I heard him sniffling on other end.

"Marjorie... She can take care of him..." He whimpered.

"No... He's my baby. He's my baby and he's sick... Can't you come home? Even if it's just for a day? I miss you. I love you. I need you..." I pleaded, tears streaming down my face. "I want you... I want you..." I breathed.

"Oh God..." Taylor breathed.

"Come here and fuck me..." I breathed. I could hear his breathing change.

"I'm going to, baby... What do you have on?" He questioned. I laughed.

"You're Queen shirt and those lacy panties you bought me with the bondage straps at the top. Remember those?" I breathed. He moaned.

"Mm hmm... Remember what I did to you when I saw you in them? Tell me what I did..." He growled. I knew he was touching himself.

"You fucked me on your drums... How could I forget... We have several angles of security footage to prove it..." I breathed, I was touching myself too. "Want to watch it with me now?" I breathed.



Three days later I was preparing for Taylor's short return. Ollie was getting better but not enough to leave him and jet across the world. Besides, I needed to trust in Taylor... Me following him around like a stray dog and beating off groupies wasn't going to accomplish that. Brittany said that she really wanted to help with Ollie in preparation for her own baby which she just found out she was pregnant with. I was overjoyed to find out that her and Dave were expecting.

"Are you SURE you want to do this? He is not very fun right now..." I asked as I watched him in his car seat. Brittany smiled and put her arms around me.

"Don't talk about my boyfriend like that!" She laughed. "I absolutely want to do this. I need you and Taylor to bang the shit out of each other for a couple of days because YOU aren't much fun right now either..." She joked shaking her head. I put my head on her shoulder.

"Uuuugh... I knoooow... I just miss him so muuuhuhuuuch..." I whined. She giggled.

"I know you do, sweetie... That's why it's important for you to get some alone time." She said gently then let me go. "OK, we're off! Me and my boyfriend have to pick-up my other boyfriend from the studio and take him to lunch!" She baby-talked at Ollie.

"What's Dave up to?" I questioned. She shrugged.

"Said he was writing again and wanted to record some stuff while it was fresh in his mind." She smiled. I nodded.

"Huh?! Weird he wouldn't just do that at home..." I mumbled.

"Who knows with that one. He's an odd bird sometimes." She said and picked up the car seat and diaper bag. It was all so heavy I thought she might fall over.

"Okaaay, you two. Don't have too much fun without me." I cooed, kissing his face.

"We won't, mommy..." Brittany said sweetly and I gave her a peck on the cheek.

"Thanks, again, honey. Hey! Want us to come over later and I can make everyone dinner? I have this new recipe I'm just DYING to try!" I exclaimed. She smiled.

"It is so good to hear you say that. Sure! If you can fit us in during your crazy sex schedule..." She laughed. I tilted my head.

"Hey? Everyone has to take a break eventually..." I laughed and walked them to the car.


I decided to pick Taylor up in a town car instead of driving. I didn't need us dying in a fiery car crash because we couldn't keep our hands off of one another. Ollie needed his mommy and daddy. We pulled up to the curb then I spied him coming out and saying his good-byes to Chris, Gannin and Drew. The driver got out and took Taylor's bag from him to put in the trunk. I put the window down and whistled at him.

"Woo wee! You hot piece of ass!" I catcalled him. He laughed and that smile... He leaned on the door.

"You know, my fiance is picking me up but...since you're so hot... How 'bout a quick one before she gets here?" He joked.

"Get in..." I growled and he ripped the door open and lunged at me. The driver got back in and we pulled away. Before I knew it, he was kissing his way down the front of dress. He put his head underneath it and pulled at my panties.

"Taylor! What are you doing? No no no..." I breathed then went to put up the privacy window. He popped up and grabbed my hand, shaking his head. "Are you insane?" I whispered.

"No, just a perv." He smiled then went back down between my legs and sucked on my clit. I moaned. I saw the driver's face in the rearview mirror. That look of shock but not enough not to look. It was crazy but felt even more amazing this way. Maybe I'm sick like him... His tongue and fingers were inside of me as I writhed on the seat. I was cumming and it wouldn't be quiet...

"Taylor! Taylor! FUCK! TAYLOR!" I screamed. He kissed me deeply, making sure I tasted myself.

"I'm so glad to be home..."

"Me too..."

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