Chapter 32

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Taylor and I sat in stunned silence on the couch for a beat. Taylor seemed to be searching his brain for the right words to say.

"What's goin' on, Abby?" He asked quietly, threading his fingers into mine and kissing my hand. "I mean, that was... wow... Whatever. You know what that was but obviously you're upset. Tell me..." He gently pressed. I closed my eyes, lips trembling then tears immediately streamed down my face. He let go of my hand and hugged me tight to his chest.

"I..I called your name... I was sorry! I told him I was sorry over and over but he won't forgive me..." I sobbed. Taylor closed his eyes and sighed continuing to comfort me. He knew what I was saying. He knew Dave probably hated him right now. "He fucks me like I'm some ragdoll. He hurts me. I don't think he means to..." I cried. Taylor's face turned dark.

"He does what?" He growled. I could hear his rage. I immediately looked to him and stroked his cheek.

"He doesn't mean it, Taylor. He's hurt and he's jealous and... he should be..." I confided. Taylor's eyes softened and he kissed me gently then pressed his forehead to mine. "Don't you ever wonder, Taylor? What we would be like?" I whisper, rubbing my nose against his.

"From the moment I met you..." He whispered back. I sigh big and kiss him. We smile at each other. I finally break his gaze to see what time it is. 10:53 am.

"You'd better go get dressed, angel. Don't need Chris and Gannin seeing you in just a towel with me..." I smiled. He chuckled.

"Al-riiiight..." He joked dragging himself off the couch and re-wrapping his towel around his waist. "Wanna come with me?" He asks with a sly smile. I stare back up at him with a huge grin.

"Only if you JUST get dressed. No funny stuff..." I laughed. He made a pained look.

"Ahhh! Forget it then!" He joked throwing his head back then struts away laughing. I get up and take a peek in the mirror to see how I look.

"Youuu...look like you just gave someone a blowjob! Great..." I mutter, shaking my head in slight disgust and grab my purse to go through my makeup bag. I was reapplying my blush when I heard the doorbell ring. I ran to open it.

"Hi guys!" I exclaim with a big smile. The two of them looked at eachother with  a shocked look on their face.

"Hi..." They said in unison. They seemed confused by my presence.

"Taylor will be down in a second... I'm Abby, by the way!" I say excitedly putting my hand out. They both shake it and laugh as we walk back to Taylor's studio.

"We know who you are!" Chris laughed putting one of his cases down.

"Oh, right... Sometimes I forget I'm even in the Foo Fighters. Seems like a dream..." I muttered. I shook my head when I heard Taylor bounding downstairs. He jumped down before the last step making a big noise.

"Hey guys!" He exclaimed putting out his hand then bringing each of them in for a quick hug. He put his hand on the small of my back. "You met Abby... She's going to help us produce!" He smiled then leaned in to give me a peck on the cheek. Their eyebrows shot up in unison. I smiled shyly at them while Taylor started pulling out notebooks and various other items he would be using today. "Alright! Let's get to work!" He smiled and we all laughed.


A couple of hours went by as we worked on a few live demos, just to figure some things out. I even sat in on the drums a couple of times so that Taylor could get really clear vocals. It was really, really fun and so laid back. I got along with Chris and Gannin really well too which was nice. After the last several days, it was refreshing to see such happy, friendly faces. It was inspiring. Taylor and I were sitting at the desk when my phone buzzed in my purse. I ignored it. I heard it signal that a message had been left so I took it out. It was Dr. Hastings' office...


"Hi Abby, this is Dr. Hastings. I need to speak with you at your earliest possible convenience regarding your paternity test results. I'd like for you to call my cell phone 323-415-2222..."

"What the hell?" I said aloud and Taylor looked over at me.

"What?" He asked. I froze.

"I dunno. Some weird sales call. I'm pissed that they have my number..." I said and turned away from him. I wasn't the greatest at lying to Taylor. His eyes always seemed to see straight through me.

"I hate that..." He agreed and went back to taking notes. I got up to excuse myself.

"I'll be back. Don't do anything fun without me!" I said running my hand down the back of Taylor's head. He turned and smiled at me and I quickly left the room. I found a room that I was able to enclose myself in and dialed Dr. Hastings' cell number.

"Anita Hastings?" She answered. I froze for a moment.

"H-Hi, Dr. Hastings, this is Abby White returning your call. You said there was an issue with the test???" I questioned and had a seat on what I assumed was Shane's video game bean bag chair. I almost rolled out.

"Yes. We have been informed by the lab who performs and analyzes these tests that your test, amongst many, were mishandled and tainted therefore giving no conclusion whatsoever as to DNA. They were extremely apologetic, however, I will not be using them again to re-test you. We have another vial of Mr. Hawkins' blood sample so he will not be inconvenienced in any way, we will just send it over to the new lab if that is alright with you?" She rambled. She was clearly humiliated. I was in shock.

"Y-yes. Yes, of course, p-please re-test." I stuttered. "Do you need anything from me?" I ask frantically.

"No, we have everything we need just needed your authorization." She said then proceeded to apologize over and over. She told me I should have my results in another two days. Friday. I finally said goodbye to her and walked out of the room and back in with the boys. As I approached Taylor I began to get the spins. I was going down...

"WHOA!" Gannin yelled grabbing me from behind and slowly lowering me to the floor. Taylor tore out of his seat and dropped to his knees beside me.

"Jesus Christ, sweetie! Are you alright?!" Taylor exclaimed, his face filled with worry.

"I think I just need to eat... I haven't eaten anything today..." I muttered. Chris ran in with a bottle of water and handed it to Taylor who ripped the top off and gently put it to my lips.

"Gotta' eat, sweetie. Think of the baby..." Taylor cooed stroking my hair. I couldn't tell him they were re-testing the paternity of the baby. I couldn't crush him again if it really was Dave this time.

"I know... I'm sorry..." I mumble. He nodded at the guys to leave us alone, they nod back and quickly leave the room, heading toward the kitchen. Taylor watches them then crawls behind me situating me between his legs and hugs me around my neck.

"Nothing can happen to you, do you hear me?" He whispered. "I love you..."

"I love you too..." I whispered back. I closed my eyes and tears streaked my face.

Two days...

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