Chapter 27

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October 31, 2017

I was a lying back on the examination table waiting for my OB-GYN, Dr. Hastings, to finally visit me. Unfortunately, Dave couldn't come with me because he had the girls and it was Halloween so it was an insane asylum at our house currently. We were hosting a party for the girls and all of their friends then we were all going to take them trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. I smiled at the idea of us all dressed in our costumes. Dave and I were going as Danny and Sandy from Grease mostly because we thought it was hysterical because I'm 4 months pregnant. I can't wait... Luckily, the tour ended before I was really showing. The media already wrongly vilified me as the reason for Dave and Jordyn's split; I didn't need them hounding me over our baby. Dr. Hastings finally walks in.

"Well, hello, Ms. Abby how are you today?" She said with a big smile and patted my hands softly that were resting on my belly.

"Still pregnant!" I joke. I was trying to be upbeat but I was actually ready to throw up. Today was the day that we learned the sex of the baby. I was so scared. I should have asked Taylor to come with me but I thought it would maybe be a bit too emotional for him. Hurting him would destroy me and I can't have that...

"I see that!" She laughs. "Been feeling OK? Have you been eating enough?" She questions, eyebrow cocked.

"I've been trying to..." I say looking down at my raised belly and rubbing it. "I just get so nauseous..." It was true. All of the things Dave LOVES and I used to love were making me absolutely sick just to even smell. Coffee? Puke. Bacon? Puke puke. The SIGHT of cheese! Puke puke puuuuuke. Oh my God, my poor man. Dave promised me he would stop eating all of those things or drinking coffee in the house but I refused to let him do that. He did so much for me already.

"Hm. Well, that should probably stop soon. Find some nice, nutritious foods that you love and always have them handy." She smiles and turns to the technician, Lydia, who was helping her with the ultrasound. "Now! Who's ready to find out the sex of this baby?!" She said excitedly. I smiled. I was afraid if I spoke that I'd be sick everywhere.

"I'm just going to pull your shirt up and, sorry if this is cold, sweetie..." Lydia said before spreading the clear gel on my tummy. She checked a few things then held the paddle thingy to my belly. I closed my eyes and prayed. "Well, he is quite the ham already! You can see it's a boy plain as day!" She laughed. My head started to spin and became light.

"I have to throw up..." I said as I rolled to my side. Then sobbed hysterically. She tried to console me but it was no use... She got on her intercom.

"Susan, please pull up Ms. White's emergency contacts! I need you please call her boyfriend and have him come down right away." She demanded then went back to consoling me. About 15 minutes later I hear the nurse in the hall.

"Right this way! She's right in here!" I heard her breathless voice direct. My eyes were so swollen I could barely see him.

"Thank you..." He said voice frantic with worry. "Oh Jesus, baby! What's wrong!" He cried wrapping his arms around me holding my head to his chest. Taylor... I sobbed. I could feel his tears running down my scalp as he rocked me. I finally opened my mouth to speak.

"It's a boy..." I sobbed. I felt him nod into my hair. He then took my face in his hands and stared into my eyes. The worry, the fear all gone. Just his beautiful, soft face.

"I'm glad." He said, his voice shaking. I nodded then returned to his embrace.

"Why didn't Dave come?" I croak, my voice horse. He continued to rock me.

"She couldn't reach him. She was so scared that she just called me immediately." He said letting me go and pulling over a chair to sit in front of me. He takes my hands in his.

"What am I going to do Taylor? Shane is practically your twin. You think that won't be the case again?" I exclaim. "It'd be kinda' weird if I never saw my best friend's wife ever again!" I cried.

"We all knew this was a possibility, sweetie..." He said shaking his head.

"I know..." I whisper. Next thing I know I hear Dave barreling down the hall and fly through the door, eyes and hair wild. He grabs me, pulling me to his chest.

"Holy shit, baby! I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry!" He cried. "With all the shit happening at the house I never heard my phone and then I couldn't even fucking find it until 10 minutes ago, heard the message and flew down here. I left the girls with the neighbors fucking crying 'cause I was scaring the shit out of them." He rambled. He finally let me out of his vicegrip and looked at me. "What happened, baby?" He whispered then looked at Taylor who was staring away from them.

"It's a boy." I said tears forming in my eyes again. Dave's face grew sad and he nodded. Stroking my hair. He breathed in and mustered a smile."I have a son!" He whispered then kissed me.

"I want a paternity test." I say calmly, my tone stern. Dave and Taylor look at eachother confused then back to me.

"Why?" Taylor asks confused.

"Because the doctor never said never! Who the FUCK knows anything anymore! Dave had THREE CHILDREN! ANYthing is possible!" I yelled, tears welled up again and I pushed them away. They had stunned faces. I've never really yelled at them before and I don't think they knew what to do. "BRING. IN. THE DOCTOR." I growl and Dave walks out. He comes back in with Dr. Hastings. "I need a paternity test done. Can you do it?" I asked sternly. She nodded.

"Yes, of course. I'll let Ashley know that we need blood drawn. Have you had anything to eat today?" She asks Dave. He sighs and lowers his head.

"Yes... I had cereal with Phee..." He groans. Taylor looks up.

"I haven't." He says. Dr. Hastings eyes shoot open for a moment. Embarrassed, she adjusts herself and pats Taylor on the back, "We'll need some medical information from you then Ashley will bring you back..." She says ushering him out of the room. Dave sat next to me and chewed the inside of his lip, staring off into space.

"You're embarrassed and I'm sorry." I whisper. He shrugs. I put my arm around him and he leans his head against mine.

"I'll get over it." He whispers and he takes my hand and squeezes it. "Did you get a picture?" He asked. I searched the room and noticed it sitting on the machine. I got up and brought it over. He smiled and traced the fuzzy little boy in the picture. "My son... At least we know for a fact he'll be a complete spaz who likes to beat on everything." He chuckles.

"Wow. Lucky me..." I deadpan back then smile. He laughs.

"Lucky us." He says, his voice choked up.

Ashley showed Taylor back into the room and he went back to his seat. Dr. Hastings rejoins us.

"How long until we get the results?" I ask.

"I will have them expedite it so it shouldn't be more than a couple of days. Now, enjoy your Halloween." She says smiling and patting my arm. We all say goodbye and walk out. I take both of their hands as I walk between them.

"Are you and Allison bringing the kids over tonight?" I ask trying to break the silence. Taylor nods.

"Yep. Shane is Hulk, AGAIN, Annie is some unicorn girl thing and Alex is whatever the hell her sister grew out of." He laughed and I shook his arm.

"You'd better dress up too, Mr. T, or you're going to be the odd man out!" I exclaim. Dave lets go of my hand and wraps it around my waist.

"I just thought I'd wet my hair down, throw on a bunch of random clothing, shove some sticks in my back pocket and tell everyone I'm the drummer from Nirvana." We all laughed.

"Hey, if you don't have long underwear on then it won't be authentic! I might still have a pair somewhere..." He pondered.

"I burned them." I deadpanned.

"NO!" Dave faked shock.

"It was an accident."

"You had an accidental fire with my long underwear?" He questioned. We all laughed and said goodbye. "This isn't over, you know!" He yelled at me across the lot. "I want answers!"

This would be the longest few days of my life...

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