Chapter 40

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**Sorry if I blew up my account yesterday. I fucked up and almost erased the whole thing on accident. I'm such an old fart sometimes...LOL! Enjoy!***

Taylor's POV
"Hey, Al... We're telling the kids about our engagement today, just so you know..." I said as I waited for the kids to come downstairs. She sat there silent. I couldn't deal with her sadness anymore. I knew she was dating but she still acted like I had just left her. She got half of everything so I didn't feel bad, financially speaking. I had been very fair to her in every way. Because our divorce was all my doing, I basically overrode the prenup so she got even more than she was legally entitled to. I was tired of feeling sorry though. When I met Allison, I won't lie, I knew she was one of those semi-groupie types. The type that always has a girlfriend who knows "that guy in that band..." I fell for her regardless. She was pretty and she was a "yes" girl at a time when I needed to hear it most. Everything I said I liked she said she liked too even though it was a load of shit. At least most of it. It was a little underhanded but, when I met Abby, I would actually sneakily talk to her friends behind her back to see what they would say when I asked them about certain things. Every time they would answer exactly the same as her. They'd known her since she was 8...

"Does she reeeally like horror movies, Karen?" I once asked. Karen laughed.

"She's the only person I know who watches them alone and pretty much laughs the entire time. She's the girl who's like "Oh yeah, House of 1000 Corpses is coming on in a minute and it's almost midnight AND I have a big closing tomorrow? Sure! Why not?!" and THAT is a true story!" Karen laughed. "She loves 'em. Has her whole life. The Shining and The Exorcist 3 are her favorites, in case you needed to know... " She answered. I continued.

"What about her love of Queen?" I asked. Karen laughed.

"Oh God, she loves them...We both do! I gave her A Night at the Opera for her 15th birthday on cassette tape. She almost cried when she opened it... I think that was her first actual Queen record. I know her Dad had some of their music because her and her dad really freaked out over Live Aid and some soundtrack they were on, but, don't laugh, when we were in 9th grade, the movie Wayne's World came out and we were HUGE Saturday Night Live geeks back then. They lip synced to Bohemian Rhapsody in the car and that's ALL we could talk about so I got her the tape for her birthday. Not the soundtrack to the movie, the REAL thing because THAT is Abby. She's been an audiophile since I met her..."  Karen would reminisce.

"What about her cousin Tommy and Anna and the whole Motley Crue thing?" I continued to question. Lee laughed.

"Did you meet Tommy? You two would be good friends... Tommy is the world's biggest Crue fan. Has been since he was a kid and he's about the same age as you. I think a year older, actually. My favorite story is when Abby was little, I dunno maybe 5 or 6 years old, Tommy showed her the cover of Shout At The Devil and she told him that she thought they were pretty girls. He yelled "They're not girls!" and yanked the record from her. She thought he was going to hit her!" We laughed. She was right... I mean look at Tommy Lee on that cover?! He's fuckin' hot, dude!

 I mean look at Tommy Lee on that cover?! He's fuckin' hot, dude!

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