Chapter 28

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We saw the last of our guests out from the Halloween party, closed the door then Dave and I both turn quickly to V and Harper behind us in a joking, dramatic way.

"Get in bed!" Dave says and lunges toward them making them squeal and we both chase them up the stairs laughing. He and I both get them out of their costumes and wash their faces, brush their teeth then put them to bed. Luckily Phee was already asleep. Bless her, she loves her sleep. We walk into our room.

"Well, I think that party was a hit! They are currently the most popular girls in their classes!" I laugh taking off my stiletto shoes.

"Please don't take those off..." Dave groaned grabbing me from behind. I smiled.

"You want to fuck me wearing heels?" I giggle. "I bet you want me to keep the wig on too!" I laugh as Dave feels me up.

"Yep!" He exclaims with a smile, then bites at my shoulder. I giggle as he surgically removed me from my black, spandex pants.

"We own these now, you know!" I laugh as Dave takes scissors to the pants as I lie on the bed.

"Worth every dime!" He laughs peeling them off me and throwing them against the wall. I lower him to me.

"That means you have to keep yours on too, Danny..." I whisper seductively. He smiles.

"Absolutely, Sandy..." He whispers, kissing me pressing his very hard crotch into me. I smiled and kissed him hard as he stood to undo his pants and I sat up to grab the top of his boxers and pulled them down to his knees.

"I want to be on top..." I breathe kissing him uncontrollably then standing up to take off my panties.

"Why?" He asks breathlessly between kisses.

"I don't want you to squish the baby!" I exclaim. He throws his head back and laughs.

"I won't squish him!" He laughs.

"Yes, you will! You get very excited when you screw!  It's borderline abuse and I like it." I laugh back tugging at his leather jacket. We both kept our shirts and shoes on. I pushed him on to the bed and climbed on top of him, easing
him into me. We both let out a little moan. I stare down at him, "Well, Danny" I say with my awful Australian accent "since you already knocked me up I guess mum and dad won't mind if I root you senseless, mate." Dave laughs hard then grabs my hips and begins to move me up and down.

"Oh fuck, Sandy..." He jokes with his worst Travolta impersonation. We both laugh then get into our groove. I lean forward, putting my hands on his chest and look into his eyes. No more laughing... We were both so close when the door opens.

"Mommy? Daddy?" I hear Harper groggily say. We both scream and I jump off of him and we both grab pillows to put over us at the speed of light. Harper comes over to us rubbing her eyes.

"What is it, sweetness?" I ask breathlessly, taking her hand. "You OK?"

"I had a bad dream..." She said and crawled onto the pillow on my lap and hooked her arms around my neck and put her head on my shoulder. I looked over at Dave who was still trying to catch his breath and lightly banging his head against the headboard, looking like he might cry. Like I said, we were REALLY close...

"You wanna tell me about it?" I asked rocking her and stroking her silky, blonde hair.

"I dreamed that the baby was born and you didn't love me anymore." She started to cry. I consoled her.

"Shhhhh... No, baby... That was just a dream. I will always love you. You're my sweetest angel." I close my eyes and kiss her cheek. Dave rubs her back. "I'll take you back to bed but will you just stand outside the door for a moment, baby? I'll be right out." Harper nods and kisses Dave then leaves, closing the door. I let out a huge sigh then kiss Dave. "I'll be right back. Don't fucking fall asleep! We have unfinished business here..." I laugh putting on a pair of pajama pants. He grins at me.

"I'll be waiting..."


Dave spooned me, both of us now completely sans costumes by this time, and breathed in my hair. My eyes grew heavy. It had been a strange day.

"She called you mommy"..." Dave whispered, his breath hot on my scalp.

"I know...She was just groggy." I whispered back, rubbing his strong arm.

"I don't think so." He replies then runs his hand over my protruding belly.

"That's my baby... I know it." He whispers as we both fall asleep.


The next couple of days seemed to creep by but I had the girls to occupy my time and thoughts. Dave had been at Joshua Homme's studio starting a new Vultures record which was very, very exciting to me.  I would call Dave all day.

"Hello!" Dave jokingly shouted into the phone.

"What are you doing nooow?!" I questioned excitedly. Not only was their only record my favorite record of all time, Dave playing drums was very, VERY erotic to me...

"I'm laying down a drum traaack..." He joked. I squealed with delight.

"Put the phone down so I can hear it..." I said in a breathy voice.

"NO! NO! You are NOT getting off over the phone to this! Where are the girls?!" He laughs and I can hear Homme cackle in the background. I laugh and blush. I've always had a huge crush on Josh. Meeting him only solidified that.

"How could you say that infront of them?! Now I'm embarrassed!" I laugh.

"You SHOULD be, dirty girl..." He laughed tapping his snare then I hear a rustling noise.

"Dave! Give her a little somethin', she's fucking pregnant! Hi, Abby..." Joshua cooed into the phone. I blushed.

"Hi Joshua... " I flirt back.

"You should be down here keeping us on our best behaviour." He says.

"Yeah! Keep us away from all the hookers and blow!" I hear Dave yell out.

"I dunno, man... That sounds pretty fucking good to me. I'm not sure I'd be much help!" We both laugh.

"I'll hand you back to your man. Bye Ab." He says turning me over to Dave.

"Hi." He says with a smile.

"Could you at least bring home the recording?" I whisper.

"Done!" He says and hangs up. I laugh and return to the girls in their playroom. The girls had their records out.

"Let's play this one!" Harper exclaimed, holding up my childhood copy of the Lady and the Tramp soundtrack. It was a picture disc and Harper loved to hold it and stare at it.

"No! That's baby music!" Violet scolded making Harper frown. I got down on my knees in front of Harper.

"We'll listen to it tonight when she goes to the movies with Kylie." I wink at her and squeeze her ankle.

"Let's listen to Blink-182!" Violet says taking the record out of the sleeve and placing it on the turntable.

"Are you trying to kill your father?" I say seriously to Violet and huge grin creeps across her face. "Could you keep him alive long enough to see your baby brother born, you MONSTER!" I laugh and tickle her. I danced around with the girls until my brain kicked in. Tomorrow was the big day. Tomorrow we know the truth.

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