Chapter 49

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"Holy SHIT! Was that really ME?!" I laughed and jumped around. I caught a glimpse in a mirror and noticed I looked like a drowned, sewer rat. I was drenched. Josh laughed.

"Um, yeah?! That's to tape too so..." He smiled at me with a cocked brow and nodded. "Very, very impressive..." He nodded. I felt amazing... I almost couldn't believe what I was capable of until now. I looked around and there was no clock. It was like a casino. It could be noon or it could be midnight, there was no telling. He was strict. No phones, no computers, no nothin'. It was a liberating but also a little terrifying. We had worked really hard on that drum track. Over and over... It made me think of Taylor and my heart melted a little.

"Is that the one then? Yes? No? Maybe?" I asked hoping like hell he'd say yes.

"That's definitely the one." He smirked at the Alain Johannes, who was the engineer and would be contributing, of course, because he's one of the best vocalists and musicians ever. Josh is producing again which is nice. He had done all of the demos himself, as well, so it was just a matter of learning and tinkering with what he already had. It sounded really good. Like Songs For The Deaf good. It was beyond exciting...

"I'm GLAD you think this is funny! I feel like I'm about to fuckin' croak, you asshole!" I yelled, laughing. "Jesus H... I'm not cut out for this sheeeeit..." I said grabbing all of us a beer and crashing on the sofa. "What time is it???" I inquire. Josh walks into the hall.

"Almost 7:00pm. Want to take a real break?" Josh asked and nodded to Alain who got up and stretched. Alain patted my leg on his way out the door.

"Nice work, Ab." He said and yawned all the way to the kitchen. Josh sat next to me.


"I'm starving..."


Taylor's POV; Studio 606

"Why the FUCK is she not answering her phone?! Like, what the fuck?! What if there was like an emergency with the baby or somethin'!" I yelled to anyone who would listen. Dave shook his head as he took a bite of an apple.

"No, dude. Homme never let's anyone have phones. You should've told me you were trying to call her, I could've ended your misery a long time ago..." Dave said shaking his head and playing with the levels on the board. I looked at him wide-eyed.

"WHO THE FUCK ELSE WOULD I CALL?!?" I shouted at him, making him wince.

"Jesus, Taylor! Calm dooown... You better wise up, little buddy, because this is how he works and I wouldn't be surprised if there were whole nights where she'll be gone because he likes to work whenever. Also maybe Rancho..." I looked at him like he was crazy.

"No fuckin' way am I lettin' her go out there. It gets to be night, you can't leave. You have to stay. No no no, no overnight stays!" Dave smirked and shook his head.

"I swear to GOD that I am going to kill you before their album is finished..." Dave grumbled and put his hands over his face.

"Is it so bad that I LIKE to see my wife?!" I whined. Dave rolled his eyes at me.

"Well, no shit, Taylor but thaaaat's not what this is about so just stop. You don't want them around each other. I get it. She always flirted with him mercilessly and I just thought it was funny... Believe me. They will flirt but I can assure you that nothing will happen. Just, fuckin', cut 'er some slack, man, or you're gonna end up in a fight and you don't want that. You just got married. Be HAPPY for each other. Fuck whenever you get a chance and just be happy..." I nodded at him and slumped over onto the couch.

"I miss her when she's not around... I love 'er. She's my best friend..." I pouted. Dave walked over and sat down next to me and put his arm around me.

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