Chapter 10

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As the wheels touched the runway at LAX my heart jumped into my throat and by instinct I grabbed Taylor's hand and squeezed it. He looked over at me and smiled.
"You're home now, baby." He said sweetly. I smiled and nodded at him vigorously. I kind of wanted to throw up. What was I doing?
"Hey guys!" Dave yelled. He still had his noise cancelling headphones on and didn't realize he was practically screaming. Taylor and I burst into laughter watching the mortified faces of the elite stare at Dave.
"Dave!" I mouthed and put my finger to my lips and mouthed "shhhhhh!" Then gestured for him to take his headphones off. He complied.
"Dude? Was I really loud just then?" He asked. Taylor and I just looked at each other and laughed.
"I guess that's a YES, THEN!" Dave shouted and we were all laughing. Dave looked over at an older woman wearing a Chanel suit and clutching her little Maltese dog to her chest. Her face seemed disgusted. He made his jokey "wuz up" nod to her.
"Did I disturb Muffin? I'm so sorry..." He winked at her "Doing anything later? Want to go get a drink?" He said calling after her as she got up and deplaned. We were all cackling like kids.
"So first stop hoooome..." Dave said as we walked down the airplane isle. Taylor leaned in from behind me and put his mouth to my ear. I shivered.
"Second stop, your beeeed..." He whispered. I looked back at him and rolled my eyes. We were exiting the terminal.
"Second stop" Dave chimed back in "like, I think T and I need to take you out and really show you around. Right, T? Show her where things are?" Dave questioned.
"Sure! Yeah. Of course. Show her around." He says and playfully grabs at my butt. I smack his hand away and he does it again and laughs. Dave stops and turns around suddenly.
"What the hell are you two doing?!?" He asks.
"Nothin'! We're just joking around..." Taylor trailed off.
"Well, whatever it is, I think it needs to stop before someone gets hurt." He turned quickly shooting me a look. "Oh, and NEWS FLASH, ding dong! You're in LAX, the land of paparazzi. Remember that." He hissed at him. Taylor's face turned serious. He looked angry.
"Yes, sir." He growled back. I get between them to break the tension.
"Dave? Taylor? Come on! I need to get to the baggage claim..." I say curtly and they break gaze and begin to walk. While at the baggage carousel we meet our driver, Anthony. I was trying to get the boys back into a good mood since they hadn't said a word to each other since they squabbled. I speak up.
"Dave? I can grab your butt if that will make you feel better? Can I, Dave? Can I touch your Royal hiney?" He begins to laugh that laugh that I love. It was genuine. I looked back at Taylor and he was smiling and shaking his head. I smile as we all get into the car while Anthony is putting our bags in the trunk. It's a large black SUV with very dark, tinted windows. I went all the way to the back bench seat allowing the taller boys to have the captains chairs. We begin to leave the airport and I suddenly felt like I was possessed... I sat up and tapped Taylor on the right shoulder making him turn his head toward me.
"Last bed." I whispered and looked at him with my big, brown eyes. He looked a little like he didn't believe what he was hearing. I nodded and fell back into my seat. I don't know what came over me. It was like Dave's protest made me want to rebel. Be bad. We're all adults. I don't need a father.

Once we arrived home, I went directly to the pool house to begin unpacking my suitcases. I was putting shoes at the top of my closet when I felt two hands slide around my waist. I jumped and yelped. Before I knew it his arms were around me completely and his head on my shoulder.
"Did I scare you?" He said softly. My heart was pounding. He pulled my long, dark hair away from my neck and started kissing it. My eyes shut and I fell back into him.
"Where's Dave?" I say breathing heavily.
"He's on a conference call with HBO." He stopped only to answer then went right back to it. His hands crept up under my shirt and cupped my breasts with both hands. I let out a gentle sigh. I'm breathing heavily.
"I told you" I panted "last stop..." I pleaded with him but before I knew it he had my shirt over my head. He turned me around to face him and grabbed my face and kissed me deeply. Without stopping, we stumbled over to the couch in my room. He sat down pulling me down onto him. I sat facing him straddling his lap. We came up for air for a moment smiling.
"You said last stop bed... This isn't a bed..." He trailed off and began to kiss my breasts. I pulled away. Without taking off my short, floral skirt, I removed what little underwear I had and stripped him of his clothes like I was in charge. He stared me in the eyes intensely and I stared back. I climb back into his lap slowly lowering onto him. We both made guttural sounds of pure ecstasy. His hands went up my skirt and clamped on to my bottom. Taking charge of my pace. I could barely handle him. It felt so good I was actually quick to climax. My head started to ache and my heart was pounding then I threw my head back and I cried out. Taylor stared at me awe stricken. I stared back.
"Let's take a swim before Davey gets off the phone." I say barely able to get the words out. Taylor smiled and laughed.
"Ok, sweetie." He was trying to figure me out but all I wanted was to stop feeling this feeling. The voices would flood my brain. None ever very nice to me.

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