Chapter 20

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***By the way, to anyone who reads this story but doesn't follow me, I did a one shot of Abby and Dave when they met in 1996 and took the picture together. Please find it under my profile. Thanks, everyone!***

January 14, 2017

Dave and I sat on our balcony at the Vinoy sipping coffee and he eating his eggs and bacon and me eating my cut fruit and reading the news on my iPad. He was obsessed with the photo I gave him. I refused to give him back story so he continued to search his own memory. It had been 20+ years and I didn't exactly look like my 19 year old self anymore so I gave him the benefit of the doubt. He stared at the photo of us young and happy. He noticed the background. It was a beach. Suddenly his face dropped and he stood up. I dropped my iPad on my lap and looked up at him.

"Holy shit!" He exclaimed and dropped to his knees in front of me. I looked at him worried he might hurt himself. He grabbed my hands "I remember..." He whispered. "Why didn't you say something when we re-met!?" He cried. I looked down at my hands.

"I guess I was embarrassed that you didn't remember me or recognize me. I know we both have aged though. Neither of us look exactly the same..." I say quietly still staring at my hands. He pulls my chin up to look at him.

"I see you. I remember now." He whispers. "I was your first..." He says trailing off. I stare back at him.

"Best birthday ever..." I smile and wrap my arms around him. We sit like this for awhile and he giggles.

"We were meant to be. Best birthday ever." He says voice choked up.
The show was a big success. We bowed to the audience. I knew half of the people there though few closely anymore. Word got around fast on Facebook. I noticed many old faces in the crowd. "Look at me now." The Drake lyrics echoed in my skull. I was proud... We ran backstage and I was drenched in sweat. The music media already calling me "Dave's female twin" because I was as equally enthusiastic on stage. Head banging along with his. I sang with him too. Our voices a good match sonically.

"Happy Birthday!" A voice rang out. It was Jordyn holding Phee and Harper's hands, Violet running ahead of them and launching herself at Dave. I stifled a smile at Jordyn even though I was over the moon to see the girls. Dave and her's divorce was not over mostly due to the fact that Jordyn refused to play fair. I ran a towel over my head and held my arms out to Harper and Phee, they ran to me and screamed. My babies... Jordyn's face turned dark. "Girls! Go hug daddy, it's his birthday!" She commanded and they unraveled themselves from me and complied. "Fucking bitch..." I thought. She stared me down.

"Hello, Jordyn. It nice to see you." I said casually and take a seat on the sofa in the family room. I needed a shower. Dave was busy with the girls.

"I don't know how Dave deals with you being sweaty and gross like that. He wouldn't even touch me after yoga!" She laughs. I glare at her.

"Weird? He loves me like this..." I say smirking. "Fuck her..." I thought. She glares back.

"His expectations must have lowered..." She says back staring me down. I smile.

"Must have..." I smirk. Dave approaches with the girls in tow. I smile, my arms outstretched to them. Phee falls into my arms and I hug her tight.

"The girls want ice cream and I promised them they could." He says dramatically and my face drops.

"Well! Then they should have ice cream!" I say back dramatically. Their faces light up. I would do anything for them. I was their slave... Dave chuckles.

"OK, ladies. Off we go!" He says lifting Harper up by the hand and carrying off Phee with Violet running ahead. I stand up to leave, done with Jordyn's passive aggression.

"Oh Abby?"She calls out. I turn back. "He's still mine, ya know?" She smirks. "He could've ended this months ago but he didn't." She says flatly. I take I a deep breath and let it out then exit. She was right. He was holding on. I didn't notice before but he was. He was being petty over money instead of worrying and caring about us...

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