Chapter 24

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Foo Fighters tour was barreling along but we were fortunate to have quite a number of breaks since Dave and I were trying hard to conceive. It was getting a bit much for the rest of the band though... Once we all got back to Los Angeles, Taylor and his family had all of us and our families over for his son's birthday. My phone pings. Dave and I immediately excuse ourselves without explanation. Dave has me by the hand dragging me into Taylor's house.

"Where's Shane!" Taylor calls out to anyone who will listen. "I swear if it wasn't his birthday... I asked him to clean up his toys because they're right in the way of the door!"

"I haven't seen him in a little while... I think he went inside for something." Nate called back chasing after his youngest, Cormac.

"Great!" Taylor calls back annoyed. "Where's Al?" He calls out into the sea of screaming kids.

"I am RIGHT HERE..." Allison barks out dragging Shane by the arm out of the house. Taylor goes to stand up from the table where Nate, Shifty, Pat and their wives are seated watching over the madness. "Would you like to know where I just found your son?" She yells. Taylor's brow crinkles.

"Where?" He questions looking down at Shane. Allison lets go of Shane's arm and he runs and jumps in the pool.

"Sitting outside the upstairs bathroom with his ear pressed to the door listening to Dave and Abby go at it like wild animals!" She yells in a hushed tone.

"Well, Taylor, he's definitely your son!" Nate exclaims with a smile.

"What in the holy hell is going on here?! This is a children's party not a freaking KEG PARTY!" Allison whines arms flying everywhere. The guys all look at each other and nod.

"Ever since Abby put that damn ovulation app on her phone, it's been nothing but trouble..." Nate said taking a sip from his beer. "Fucking technology..." He says under his breath, shaking his head.

"Yeah. I've caught them like 100 times just in this past month. They don't much discriminate where they are going to conceive a baby..." Taylor laughs. "Yes, son, you were conceived up against a Coke machine under Madison Square Garden..." He joked in his Old Man Hawkins voice. Everyone howled except for Allison.

"Well, I need you to go in there and tell them to KNOCK IT OFF!" She yells and storms off toward the pool to yell at Shane. Taylor laughs to himself and drags himself inside then up to the second floor bathroom. He hears moaning and banging. He smiles and cocked his jaw then knocks.

"OCCUPIED!!!" Dave shouts, making Taylor laugh. He knocks again.

"I fucking know! Allison's gonna fucking kill you two if you don't knock it off. She found the birthday boy listening like a skeevy, little perv outside the door!" Taylor yelled with a laugh.

"He's definitely your son..." We yell back in unison tidying up our clothes. We smile, give each other a kiss then exit the bathroom. Taylor is smirking outside the door. Dave leans in close to him.

"We're done." He says then smiles big at him, proud of himself. Taylor smiles and laughs, putting his arms around our necks as we walk away.

"Alright you two... No more fucking 'til you get home!" He says with a laugh and we both cackle.

"Sorry, T. I'm sure Allison just hates me more now!" I laugh rolling my eyes. "Not possible." I think. Taylor smirks and turns to me.

"Not possible." He says and we both laugh. "At least she's civil though!"

"She is that. I'd hate it too if Dave suddenly had a pretty girl as his new best friend!" Dave laughs.

"Yeah! That will NOT be happening..." He laughs. I can be jealous. I admit it. So can he...

We rejoin the party when Violet and Harper run up to us wanting us to play in the pool. We left Phee with Jordyn because we were afraid of her being around so many kids that were older than her. Dave picked up Violet and ran jumping into the pool with a big splash. Harper and I ran to the pool hand in hand and jumped in together. We laughed and splashed around, Harper put her arms around my neck and laughed. I hugged her and twirled her around. We are a family and I can't wait for more...

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