Chapter 51

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I woke up face down on Taylor's chest, head pounding and shoulder sore. "Good God...I can't handle whiskey..." I thought and peeled myself off of him. I looked around the room and our "playthings" were all over the ground. "Jesus Christ... I think we made a video...Shit..." I said to myself. I looked for my phone and it was nothing but a barrage of texts and voicemail messages from Brittany and Dave.

TEXT: Brittany, Taylor & Abby

Dave: IT'S A BOOOOY!!!!

Brittany: AHHHHH!!!

Taylor: RAD! Oh my god, I'm so happy for you.

Dave: Thanks man!

Brittany: Where's Abby?

Taylor: Work...

Brittany: :(

Voicemail- Brittany Baby (9:30 pm)

Voicemail: Brittany Baby (9:45 pm)

Voicemail: Brittany Baby (10:00 pm)

TEXT: Dave, Taylor & Abby

Brittany: WHERE R U?!

Taylor: She's still gone, dude.


Taylor: Holy shit! Congrats you two! Abby's gonna be sad she missed this.

Dave: BRITT? Why are you texting this?!

Brittany: Because I'm excited and I already tried to call...


Taylor: LOL

I smiled and laughed to myself, put on a robe and quietly left the room so Taylor could sleep. I dialed Brittany immediately and walked downstairs so I could be loud. I dialed.

"HELLOOOOO!!!" Britt answered and I squealed, jumping up in down immediately regretting it...

"Oh my GOD, baaaabe! I am... Oh my God, I am so overjoyed to hear this AND THE BABY! This is just the best news, sweetie..." I started to cry and I heard her start to cry too.

"Don't! You're making me cry!" She replied and I heard Dave in the background asking her what was wrong in a panic. "Nothing, babe! I'm just talking to Abby." She reassured him and he grabbed the phone.

"Hello?!" He said excitedly and I laughed.

"You, sir, are a very LUCKY man, you know this right?!" I exclaimed. He let out his best Dave laugh.

"Oh, I know I am! I am well aware of the embarrassment of riches that is my life." He said seriously.

"Well, congratulations, Mr. Grohl. I am so happy for you." I replied. 

"Thank you..." He said and handed the phone back to Brittany.

"We have to shop our hot little asses off, Boo!" She shouted into the phone. I laughed. 

"We going traditional???" I inquired. I knew she would.

"Yes! But I was thinking more of a ballroom kind of deal. Something glitzy and glamorous! A night wedding!" She spoke excitedly, her brain working a mile a minute.

"Glamorous like the two of youuuu..." I made fun. She laughed.

"Yep! That's us!" She exclaimed, doubling over in laughter.

"Yes, tell me that next time I find you two in sweats that I'm pretty sure you both stole from a vagrant..." I teased. She laughed.

"Hey! We like to be comfortable!" I could hear Dave mocking her in the background. I heard the baby start to cry upstairs.

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