Chapter 30

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When I got home all I could think about was Taylor. God, his face... His sweet, sad face... I decided to put my swimsuit on and sit in the sun. Dave made it home around 8:00 pm so I made him a late dinner. We sat and ate as Dave rattled on about the new record. He was so excited and so was I but I couldn't get out of my head.

"Babe? Are you there?" He said. I shook my head, realizing I hadn't been listening to half of what he was saying.

"Yeah. Of course. What were you saying?" I said trying to come into the present.

"I asked you if you wanted to come to the studio with me tomorrow?" He said slowly, searching my eyes for signs of life.

"Yes. That would be great. Who knows? Maybe I make it in there somewhere... Not that I'm near good enough to even be in your alls presence..." I say pushing my food around.

"Please eat. Please..." Dave whispers taking my free hand. I stare at him and smile.

"I'll try..." I lie and lift a piece of lettuce to my mouth and chew. I immediately want to spit it out but I work hard to keep it down. Dave watches me through narrowed eyes. I fain a smile. I finally gave up after a couple more bites and said I was full. Dave unhappily gave up realizing that he couldn't force me. I sat at the sink and rinsed off the dishes. Dave wrapped himself around me. I was still in my bikini.

"You're so warm. Did you get too much sun..." He asked kissing my shoulder and rubbing my hips. I could feel him getting hard against my bottom. I smirked.

"I'm getting tan so I can look like all the other LA girls..." I purr arching my back so that my butt ground into him. He let out a quiet moan which made me smile. I felt him slide his hands up to untie my top, kissing my back as he did. He took it off and dropped it to the floor then proceeded to untie my bottoms and let them drop. I moaned as he slid his hands around my butt then worked back up to my breasts. I dropped the plate into the sink hearing it smash into pieces against the other plate. I gripped the edge as he undid his pants and slid them down with his boxers. He slid inside of me making me gasp.

"All the other LA girls, huh?" He breathed thrusting into me. I moaned. He reached around me and slid his his fingers around my clit. I moaned even louder, throwing my head back against his shoulder. He panted into my neck thrusting harder.

"Yeah..." I breathed, grinding into him. I felt my body getting so light my knees started to go out, Dave grabbed me under my belly to keep me up. He began to thrust even harder.

"Oh fuck..." He cried. I cried out.

"Taylor..." Dave came and rested his head on my shoulder panting. Silence...

"What did you just call me?" He asked in a low, mean voice.

"What?" I panted.

"You heard me..." He growled.

"I don't know..." I panted, my head hung low as I came to. I grabbed my cover-up that was lying on the counter and put it on. He jerked his pants up and zipped them. I stared at him trembling. Part fear, part post orgasm.

"Yes, you do." He snapped. Still dizzy, tears started to form in my eyes.

"I'm so sorry... It was an accident. He was on my mind. You don't know what I had to deal with today! I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry..." I breathed, as tears started to streak down my face. I was slowly going down on my knees. He glared down at me.

"You're sorry?! You fucking called me Taylor while you CAME! You're sorry?!" He shouted. I cried even harder, grabbing his ankle.

"Please, Dave? Please understand what I went through. Please?" I sobbed.

"Did you want it to be his baby? Is that what this is?!" He growled. Shaking my hand away.

"No... No... You are the man that I love... You are my everything!" I sobbed into my hands. Dave kneeled down.

"Am I? Or was I just available?" He hissed. I looked up slowly, staring him down with enraged eyes.

"How dare you..." I seethed. He stared me back down, guilt creeping into his face.

"Am I wrong?" He growled, letting the word resonate and hang heavy in the air. I clinched my jaw and my fists.

"You dragged him into our problems without even asking me! You begged your best friend to FUCK ME! To get me pregnant! And you have the audacity to ask me whether I chose you just because you were available?!" I shouted.

"I didn't see you complain..." He seethed. My face was hot.

"Why would I bother then, huh?! If I wanted to I could have had him... He loved me. I could have made that happen..." I hissed in his face.

"Then why didn't you?" He snapped. My face fell, tears welling up.

"Because I was an idiot who fell in love with a cruel man." Dave's face fell. "I'll be in the pool house. I'm going home tomorrow..." I said, voice void of emotion.

"No." He said and stood between me and the door. I was too weak to move him.

"You got more in the chamber there, Dave? You want to go in for the kill? What more could you possibly have to say?" I said flatly. He looked at me and began to sob. I closed my eyes and and took in a deep breath. "I will give you as much sympathy as you gave me..." I said then pushed past him and stormed over to the pool house locking the door. I threw myself onto my old bed and sobbed uncontrollably. How could he say those things? How could he think them? It was an accident!


I jerked awake... I had no idea where I was or what time it was. It was pitch black but my eyes slowly started to gain night vision. Suddenly, I startled when I noticed the figure sitting at the end of the bed, staring off.

"Dave?" I whispered, heart pounding. He sighed.

"Mm hm..." He barely got out. I could smell the booze in the air.

"Why are you here? I locked the door." I said. He limply held out a set of keys, jingling them gently.

"My house too." He sighed. I sat up and took a deep breath letting it out slowly.

"OK... What do you want?" I ask, staring at my hands.

"I love you and I know you love me..." His voice began to crack. I couldn't handle it this time and crawled over to him, wrapping my arms around him from behind. He broke down. "I'm so sorry, Abby... I'm so sorry..." He sobbed. I squeezed him tighter and rocked him.

"I know, baby... I know..." I cried. "I'm so sorry too... You have to know that it was an accident... There is no one I want more than you. You were jealous. I understand that. I would've been jealous too... I'm so sorry..." I crawled around him to sit on his lap and we clutched each other tightly. "Please forgive me..." I cried.

"Always..." He said and kissed my forehead, rocking me gently.

"Let's go away... I need to get away from here..." I whispered. He nodded.



***Yikes! That was a doozy... Sorry! Well, I am off to New Orleans tomorrow to see Guns n' Roses with with my sissy and brother-in-law for his birthday! Should be fun and I will get right back to it when I return. Love ya'll!***

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